All killer whale Reviews

Killer Whale (AAA)

3 (2 votes)

The oceans are full of wonderous, graceful but also dangerous animals, though many of these reactions depend on what species you are. This review will look at one that, to us, is graceful, beautiful and intelligence, but to many fish and whales is a dangerous predator, the killer whale (Orcinus orca), or the orca.

Killer Whale (Sealife by Mojö Fun)

4 (3 votes)

Review and images by callmejoe3; edited by bmathison1972

This blog managed to cover a wide variety of cetaceans before getting to today’s species, the killer whale (Orcinus orca). The public perception of killer whales has a rather dramatic history compared to most cetaceans. While revered by Indigenous cultures in North America, Europeans viewed killer whales as a malevolent nuisance and threat.

Killer Whale, 2019 (Wild Safari Sealife by Safari Ltd.)

3.4 (9 votes)

Review and images by caipirasuchus; edited by bmathison1972

Orcas (I prefer this term over killer whales), Orcinus orca, don’t need an introduction. One of the most popular marine creatures, it is also a very common species in the toy market. It’s not difficult to see why: big, beautiful, and presenting one of the most unique and striking color patterns in the animal world, orcas are everyone’s favorite.

Killer Whale, adult and calf (ANIA by Takara Tomy A.R.T.S.)

3.6 (5 votes)

Review and images by JimoAi; edited by bmathison1972

Contrary to their common name, killer whales (Orcinus orca), also known as orcas, are a species of oceanic dolphin, although they can be considered whales as all dolphins are considered whales but not all whales are dolphins. They are the largest of all dolphins, reaching lengths of 500 cm to 960 cm with males getting to greater lengths than females and also sporting larger pectoral and dorsal fins, with some getting higher than 180 cm (that’s taller than I am!).

Killer Whale, adult and calf (Monterey Bay Aquarium by Safari Ltd.)

3.7 (6 votes)

For the author’s overview of this species, please see this review

Despite many killer whale figures having been produced, it has been about 2 years since I’ve last covered this species. Most of them tend to fall short of my standards, but maybe things will be different for the Monterey Bay Aquarium series that rarely leaves me disappointed.

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