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Started by stemturtle, December 08, 2012, 03:00:03 PM

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It's really beautiful! Congratulations and thank You for sharing! :)


My Larami collection of turtles. These group were in a box. I remenber that Larami done 5 box of turtles, and I remmebr of this model the Aligator Turtle and Leatherback Turtle  ^-^.

Larami Turtles

Green Turtle

Hawksbill Turtle

Snapping Turtle

Three-Toed Turtle

Western Painted Turtle
My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Big-headed turtle, Platysternon megacephalum (Kaiyodo, Animatales, Series 11, Secret S08b)
Carapace length 1 1/2 inches (3.8 cm). Total length 3 1/8 inches (8.0 cm.).

Comparison with snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina (Kaiyodo, Animatales, Series 7)

Although the big-headed turtle might be confused with a snapping turtle, it actually diverged from the pond turtles.  I could not bring myself to splurge on this precious gem.  It was a Valentine's gift from my wife.

Allow me to applaud my wife for her expertise with Photoshop.


Amazing reply of this anmal. I like it very much, Thanks for sharing friend  ^-^.
My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


What an awesome figure the Animatales Big-headed Turtle is! :) And lovely photos, too, stemturtle! Unfortunately it's not easy to find (or really expensive)... :'( It was a great idea to include the Animatales Snapping Turtle in one photo for a comparison since the species are sometimes confused with each other - although they are really not that similar. Platysternon megacephalum is much smaller, has carapace scutes devoid of keels, and a relatively "normal" plastron compared with the highly reduced cross-shaped thing true snapping turtles have.


The Name Game: Play Visions And Yujin 1

This is a reference source about species of twin turtles. Molds from Play Visions Turtles were used to cast most of the Yujin Turtles Series 1 of 2002. Play Visions marked the plastron with the common name and an item number.  Yujin retained the item numbers but changed some of the common names, and issued a paper label with the scientific names.  The numbers on the paper label are not the same as the numbers marked on the plastrons.  Yujin also changed the colors of some figures, in addition to changing the identification of several species.

Yujin Turtles Series 1 ID Label

Photos of Play Visions turtles can be seen in Replies #27 and 28 of this topic. The PV set of 1996 is 8 land and pond turtles.  The PV set of 1998 is 8 sea turtles.  These 16 figures are about 2 to 2.5 inches total length (5.0 to 6.5 cm).  In addition to these recasts, Yujin created 8 tiny turtles, each about an inch long (2.5 cm).  Yujin also added a secret figure, which is a light blue color variation of the Indian flapshell Turtle.  The total for Series 1 is 25 figures.

The only miniature figures pictured below are Cagle's map turtle and Hermann's tortoise, neither issued by PV. Some of the other miniatures not shown are species that appeared later in Yujin Turtles Series 2, where the quality of art is much higher. The photos below show pairs that are identified as different species.  Species that are named the same for both PV and Yujin are not illustrated here. 

P =  Play Visions plastron number 
Y = Yujin label number

Land and Pond Turtles

Y06  Cagle's map turtle, Graptemys caglei * miniature.  Y11  Eastern Hermann's tortoise. Testudo hermanni boettgeri * miniature.
Diameter of coin is about 1 inch (2.5 cm).

The Play Visions figures are on the left, Yujin on the right.

P01 Alligator snapping turtle, Macrochelys (Macroclemys) temminckii.  Y14  North American snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina.

P04  Spotted turtle, Clemmys guttata.  Y02  Reeve's turtle, Mauremys (Chinemys) reevesii.

P05  Yellow-blotched sawback (map) turtle, Graptemys flavimaculata.  Y05  Black-knobbed map turtle, Graptemys nigrinoda.

P06  Eastern box turtle, Terrapene carolina carolina.  Y09  Aldabra giant tortoise, Aldabrachelys (Geochelone) gigantea.

P08  Peacock softshell turtle, Nilssonia sp.  Y08  (Northern) Indian flapshell turtle, Lissemys punctata andersoni
Possible species are Indian peacock softshell, Nilssonia hurum, and Burmese peacock softshell, Nilssonia formosa.

P08  Peacock softshell turtle, Nilssonia sp.  Y Secret (no label #)  (Northern) Indian flapshell turtle, Lissemys punctata andersoni

Sea Turtles

P04  Black sea turtle, Chelonia mydas (previously C. agassizii).  Y17  Green sea turtle, Chelonia mydas.

P05  Flatback sea turtle, Natator depressus.   Y22  No ID on label, Mongrel turtle is marked on plastron.

P07  Kemp's ridley sea turtle, Lepidochelys kempii.  Y16  Loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta.

This report is based on the sets that I own.  Most of these figures can be found online. Your comments and corrections are welcome.

EDIT: The common names have been changed from capital letters to lowercase.  First letter is capitalized at the start of sentence or caption.


Thanks for this excellent reference, stemturtle! :) It's interesting to see that Yujin renamed the PV "Alligator Snapping Turtle" (which had no real resemblance with a real one) Chelydra serpentina and then made a new Alligator Snapping Turtle which does the real species more justice. Hmm, I should look if I could get my hands at least on the softshell turtles... :)


Great turtle collection :)

They came flying from far away, now I'm under their spell....


I appreciate your nice comments, brontodocus and tyrantqueen.  :)  A report on Yujin Turtles Series 2 will follow eventually.


Edited by admin to replace missing photos with @Takama photos

They came flying from far away, now I'm under their spell....


It's a cute and very nice replica! :) Oops - I just thought "hey, I could leave a link to the walk-around of the adult from the same series and make a cross reference" just to find out that there isn't any... Ahem, I already made photos of it some two months ago and forgot to post them... :o ::) ;D

EDIT: Hehe, it's of course nothing that can't be fixed, so here is the walk-around of the IC adult Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle:)


Walk-around of the Safari Ltd. Incredible Creatures Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle, Lepidochelys kempii (Garman, 1880). Total length is approx. 165 mm, length of carapace is 119 mm, so the scale is between approx. 1:5 and 1:6.

A link to the figure at Safari Ltd. is here:
And the Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle baby from the IC line can be seen here in a walk-around by tyrantqueen.

Edit 2017-02-07: Fixed broken image urls.


Wonderful figure for this rare specie of turtle, thanks for sharing again  ^-^
My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Wonderful and cute figure, I could buy this figure one ears ago in my country but, I didnt buy it...........  :(. Thanks for sharing again friend  ^-^.
My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Looks a little bit like she(?) is bing sick  ;D Great walk-around as always.  8)


Hehe, thanks, Jetoar & Adam! :)
Quote from: animaltoyforum on March 31, 2013, 12:28:14 PMLooks a little bit like she(?) is bing sick  ;D
Now that you mention it - she's also a bit pale around the nose, isn't she? ;D
EDIT: D'oh, I forgot how to type. :-[ ;D


New Species in Yujin Turtles Series 2

Previously, Reply # 48 recorded name changes between Play Visions turtles and recasts for Yujin Series 1. Some photos of second series turtles were already posted in Reply # 32 by Ana, and in Reply # 34 by postsaurischian. Let us continue in the turtle topic rather than change to the category of Animal Toy Lines. We will report two miniatures from Series 1 that match species from Series 2.  Next, we will list new species in the second series that were not included in first series.

Use of the name Series 2, which appeared on the STS Forum, follows the example by Kaiyodo. The set was titled on eBay as Yujin World Turtle Collection Part 2.  The release year, 2004, is not marked on the figures. Size is less than 2.4 inches, 6 cm. The sculptures show superior realism and beautiful detailing.

Label for Yujin Turtles Series 2

Reverse side of label.

A paper label that assigns numbers for 15 scientific names is the only identification provided for Series 2.  The reverse side of the label shows common names. Neither item numbers nor common names are marked on the plastrons.  The numbers and the Yujin brand are hidden on the inside of puzzle pieces. A secret figure, marked # 16, is not illustrated on the label. Two color variants bring the total count to 18 figures.  See below for photos of the last 3 figures.

New species from Series 2 matching miniatures from Series 1

Chinese softshell turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis

Indian star tortoise, Geochelone elegans

New species from Series 2 not included in Series 1

Japanese pond turtle, Mauremys japonica

Yellow pond turtle, Mauremys mutica mutica

Hilaire's side-necked turtle, Phrynops hilarii

Galapagos giant tortoise, Chelonoidis (Geochelone) nigra

Yellow-margined box turtle, Cuora flavomarginata, secret
Correction was made: Yellow-margined box turtle, not Yellow-maginated box turtle.

Series 2 color variants

Reeve's turtle, Mauremys (Chinemys) reevesii, melanistic, see # 03

Black sea turtle, Chelonia mydas (formerly C. agassizii), see # 13

The remaining species from Series 2 (no photos) are also represented in Series 1:
numbers 01, 03, 06, 08, 10, and the four sea turtles 12, 13, 14, 15.


Lovely turtles, congratulations!!! :D


Great post & wonderful pictures, stemturtle!

I'm loving the Turtles thread :).


Excellent, stemturtle! :) And, yes, these are a considerable improvement compared with the others.