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Saarlooswolfhounds New Additions! 9/29

Started by Saarlooswolfhound, May 07, 2023, 02:24:59 AM

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The sculpt of the Desmatosuchus is out-of-date, with the spines oriented anteriorly, but it's the best only standard-sized option out there still. Safari's TOOB version has the correct spine orientation, however.


I do have that one, the Safari. But I agree, its a small fella.


Ok! I indulged myself a bit with prehistorics and new discoveries... Lets get down to it!

My new additions!

Got the painted Bully mammoth and its calf (love them!), the reproductions (?) of the gomphotherium and andrewsarchus, FINALLY got the TNG smilodon and it was sooooo worth the wait!, the baby maiasaura to the Mom I got a few months back, I almost have a complete Schleich  junior dino line (only missing the quetzalcoatlus model and I would like the blue variant spino too), found a small nayab copy(?) raccoon that may turn into a custom, and then the Kinto Favorite T rex keychain and Safari Ltd. Sue the T rex skull keychain!

As a quick aside, a lot of these are models I have dreamed about for some time since I began collecting as a kid in 2009 but Sue the T rex holds a special place in my heart. I got to see her ad a traveling exhibit as a child and she amazed me then. I still have the small stuffed T rex from that first visit.  The exhibit returned when I was a young adult and I enjoyed just as much then. I would love to find the other Sue Safari items from back in the day but this keychain, as silly as it may be, thrills me to have in hand anyhow. :D

THEN I made a new friend from a store online and he was incredibly kind. Without boring you all, I was suler excited to see these catalogues for sale online for about 1$ a piece! This has filled so many holes in my catalogue collection and I am so excited to thumb through the pages and enjoy the material. I even was able to buy a small booklet produced by the Korbach museum for the Procynosuchus exhibit! Its all in German so I can't read it but I don't care. :) I also got a brochure thing advertising Bullys prehistoric mammals line which I now know I nearly have completed also. :)

And now humor me in my excitement... some group photos outside!

My TNG prehistoric mammals collection together at last!

My flock of smilodons.

Working on my mammoth herd.

Then I am really proud of my prehistoric elephant family tree. I have another on the way as I type!

Alright, this is all for now!


I got a fantastic package from my good friend Taylor on STS the other day! And as usual he spoiled me.

This flamingo is missing its feet sadly but I haven't seen this color variation before. The elephant is my new show piece for my collection as my childhood model was overly loved. I got the rest of the 2023 Schleich and some Papo, collectA, and other fun things like crustaceans!

He was so kind as to include some Kinders; most notably the white wolf. The others in this group will custom projects so keep an eye out for them!

I am thrilled to have another spanish bull from Papo AND Toros Bravos! The papo young smilodon, Invicta Plesiosaur... Taylor was so kind as to grab a BRAND NEW in bag and with tag Ambelodon! Now I nearly have all the elephant ancestors I would like.

And of course... DOGS! I adore the AAA, lots of fun MEG, a couple really nice small unkown brand dogs, and even a pack of made in china type cats! They have slightly goofy faces but otherwise are lovely figures.

And as if that wasn't enough, he sent me a lovely card and another book!


I have more to share but am waiting on one more package. I had simultaneously great luck and terrible luck this week. First of the week I had wonderful luck finding lots of canids on my wishlist for rather reasonable prkces!!! Then later on in the week things got terrible because my poor car is having issues again and I am almost at my wits end with it.... So sadly my collection may need a bit of a break which always saddens me.

Anywho, I am too excited to show off my new canine friends I wanted to just go ahead and do it. :)

First, a couple of white GSDs from a Schleich advent calendar sold by WhiteLightningWolf. Then after YEARS of searching I found a Breyer stablemates Haunted Hayride set for a price that wouldn't kill my wallet! And I *think* that also came from a forum member too... Lastly, all the rest conveniently came from the same seller in Japan that I have gotten other treasures from before; and they only took like 3 days to reach me! Various brands here including Eikoh, Kaiyodo, Colorata; Raccoon dogs, a Japanese fox, gray wolf, Japanese Kai Ken dog, dhole, and bat eared fox.

Most of them came to me on the same day my car broke down! My consolation prize for my misfortune I guess.  :/


Ah the Furuta bat-eared fox!  I haven't gotten a bat-eared fox yet. I keep waffling back-and-forth between Play Visions and Furuta, but honestly neither captures the look of the animal with regards to color.


Having now seen that species in person, I think the PV is closest. But yes, both models miss the mark a bit to be a good representation.


Quote from: Saarlooswolfhound on November 11, 2023, 03:01:20 PMHaving now seen that species in person, I think the PV is closest. But yes, both models miss the mark a bit to be a good representation.

That's good to know, thanks. The PV one frequently pops up on eBay so maybe I'll pursue it at some point.


Quote from: bmathison1972 on November 11, 2023, 04:27:02 PM
Quote from: Saarlooswolfhound on November 11, 2023, 03:01:20 PMHaving now seen that species in person, I think the PV is closest. But yes, both models miss the mark a bit to be a good representation.

That's good to know, thanks. The PV one frequently pops up on eBay so maybe I'll pursue it at some point.

I'm pretty sure I have both. Do that!

Also @Saarlooswolfhound what Dhole is it? The only one I know is the Colorata, but I can't justify the price for the whole set (kind of like the hyena in the Ethiopian set)


This is the Colorata dhole; I got super lucky and got it on its own!!! I like the others from the set but didn't necessarily need them... so when the opportunity arose for the one must-have I couldn't resist.


Quote from: Saarlooswolfhound on November 12, 2023, 01:32:22 AMThis is the Colorata dhole; I got super lucky and got it on its own!!! I like the others from the set but didn't necessarily need them... so when the opportunity arose for the one must-have I couldn't resist.

I keep hoping it'll show on Mercari Japan or YAJ on its own... but I haven't watched closely enough


I snagged mine from a seller I really like on ebay. But yes, I have been keeping my eye out for this particular model for about 2 or 3 years now!


Ok, this is the last of my splurge for a while.

Misc. finds at local thrift/antique stores, toy sales, ebay, etc. Finally got the other set of Toymany cats! Maybe not as exciting breeds as the other but very nice models anyhow.

Next are a lot of Noah's pals! One big lot on ebay that went under the radar and I got it for cheap! The small species are so SMALL!!! Lots of the harder to find models. Only downside is the musk ox female has lost her bos... oh well. The bears came in a different lot but for a similarly cheaper price than usual.

And lastly, another lot that went under the radar.... it included some fantastic K&Ms as well as other models I wanted/needed and some oddities. Some unbranded items, things I have never seen before... these are the kinds of lots I enjoy because there is so many weird things in it!

And this wraps up the new addition for a bit I think.


My Christmas additions for myself. ;)

I was a bit jealous of a STS Forum friend's anniversary Secretariat Stablemate that when I was surpised by seeing one in person locally I had to get one. I love this athlete's story, and its a lovely tribute to him. Then, I tried to grab some Schleich when they had a sale but got bitten instead... You can see that unfortunate story unfold in the Schleich topic. I will be waiting to present said special edition reindeer until I decide what to do with my current model. The tiger is really nice actually, excepting that it has red eyes (why?!?) and unpainted foot pads. The postosuchus I decided to try out after seeing praise on the DTF... honestly, I much prefer the Safari figure anyway. The spring calf however is everything I needed! A little burst of color, sunshine, and serotonin to boost my winter.

Then I treated myself to some Papo figures after a very generous exchange with an STS forum friend. I wanted to do some Papo wishlist catching up, although HappyHenToys didn't have many of the older models I still miss (apparently the red macaw is retired? If anyone knows where to get one I would appreciate it). After perusing and trying to finalize my choices... I surprised myself. Not sure what came over me but I am sure glad it did; I decided to snag a few models I have told myself for years I didn't need... and they turned out to be gorgeous! The polar bears are some of the best, the elephant calf is actually SUPERB, and one sneaky CollectA Chow I always put off for unknown reasons even though its a breed I missed. To boot, the more recent sculpts by Papo are truly mesmerizing. Pandas are one of those animals that just don't generate much interest in me because of their oversaturated fan-fare... This absolutely is now one of my favorite models of this year. You have to see it to believe it! Plus, baby emu, mommy emu, a nautilus, and my favorite galliform? Don't threaten me with a good time. ;)

And then the bulk of my purchase... I got cow fever. I always liked the older sculpts of the salers and blonde d'aquitaine, but just never pulled the trigger. Along with the Montebeliarde and what I thought was an underwhelming Scottish Highland, I am SO glad I did! The whole salers family are simply gorgeous, and I got the other half of the spanish bull pair. Now instead of counting sheep at night I can count all my new bos!


Love the Papo cattle. I never got any of the Spanish fighting bulls, mainly because I am not crazy about what they were bred for. I don't have the Montebeliarde either, but I have the Highland, Salers (cow), and Blonde d'Aquitaine.


@Shane, yes!!! That was a grail figure for me and I just snagged it for about 50$! I talked about it here, thats why I did gush over it more here. ;)

@Blaine, they have superb cattle, right up there with Schleich in their golden era (they still have good cattle but their older stuff was even better). I am not a fan of the spanish fighting "breed" either, at least in its purpose. But, a bit like with dog breeds that do breeding this way as well,I AM a fan of breeding an animal for an purpose rather than a look. Thus these bulls are generally healthier than some other line bred animals because they want a specific attitude rather than a specific look (that often consequently translates into health issues later on).


Quote from: Saarlooswolfhound on December 21, 2023, 05:01:46 PM@Shane, yes!!! That was a grail figure for me and I just snagged it for about 50$! I talked about it here, thats why I did gush over it more here. ;)

That's one of those figures that's on my list to check on ebay every now and then, I almost never see it go up for sale. Congrats on scoring one!


It was very lucky! I will keep an eye out for you,its a great little model.


My last additions for the year. I went and spoilt myself on Toymany and a handful of ebay finds!

Tomany first. :)

And then here are my Ebay finds!  ERTL and one lonely Colorata.
Each lab came with 2 tiny ERTL ducks, the yellow one had a retrieving toy also. The pointer came with the pheasants. The turkey came with a miniscule turkey call mimic tool. And then the maned wolf knocks that off the list!