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Saarlooswolfhounds New Additions! 7/25

Started by Saarlooswolfhound, May 07, 2023, 02:24:59 AM

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Yeah I feel the mini sea life and the first sharks set are the weaker side of the Toymany's newer sculpt and they started upping their game in the turtle and newer shark set


New models!
Haven't updated in a hot minute! These are either ebay or local finds (for once!). My german Keeshond FINALLY arrived! I love it. I finally made peace with my not so symmetrical SE reindeer. Then while helping a friend I got to keep some bycatch in the form of old Safaris.

I finally got the old Safari salmon in a great lot. Smaller than I was expecting given their more recent one but a great model! Some other fun old models from that lot. Then I found the green brachi, chinamal sheep, and spino baby at a local antique/thrift shop. I was most excited for the sheep! I wanted one the second an STS friend showed his recently and then *poof* there it was!


Also I evidently forgot to share my first new additions if the year here so... here is a throw back post from STS (sorry!).

Alright, first new items for 2024! Technically there is something special that was my very first order of 2024, but its taking the long way from Germany apparently. :roll: Hopefully it comes soon.

In the meantime... Ya'll saw the Bully wolf already but he did have some traveling companions. I have had TERRIBLE luck lately with packages coming damaged or poorly packed. My red kite doesn't stand well and both birds have paint loss. But otherwise they are great, the baby elephant is adorable and of course a new lupine friend is always welcome! I found some more Chapmei monkeys which are fun, and some Eyscota cats that also came damaged sadly...

Then, with a reminder from Blaine, I snagged a few more Archie Mcphee novelties! The great birds set, a set of "city critters" and a set of crows. I got to split the city critters and crows with a friend as they are 4 figures duplicated into a "set". They are smaller than I thought but pretty cute IMO.

And then something a little more unusual from A.M.; a set of mushrooms! They are not super realistic but I actually quite like them.

The packaging if anyone is interested.


I am debating on starting to add fungi to my collection, too, since they are heterotrophic eukaryotes...


Some more news, probably the last for me before I move. 

A while back, lots of Toymany arrived! 

A set of Seinon (a new brand as far as I can tell). 

They remind me of the end 1990s and early 2000s mattel barbie type plastic. They are solid and good material, the paint application could be better but its not bad. 

And then my last few online purchases. Notably, the Rebor Dire Wolf, the penultimate PNSO mini dino I have been looking for, some rare K&M, a couple of Schleichs (the Kapro will be getting some dental work done someday), and then the green AAA toucan! 

It completes my set. :D


WOW, the K&M Springhare is a Holy Grail! I want the mini PNSO Nemicolopterus, too, but I am not paying $40 for it on HHT.


Quote from: Saarlooswolfhound on March 15, 2024, 01:16:12 AMAnd then my last few online purchases. Notably, the Rebor Dire Wolf, the penultimate PNSO mini dino I have been looking for, some rare K&M, a couple of Schleichs (the Kapro will be getting some dental work done someday), and then the green AAA toucan!

What is the stripy dog thing?



Congratulations on your acquisitions!  That bird set in the last photo is wonderful!

Where did you get the Schleich Monolophosaurus in the photo below?  I bought one a while back and it was a different shade of green and the eyes were painted differently.  I let go of mine, but yours looks a lot better and I would like to find one like yours.

Quote from: Saarlooswolfhound on March 15, 2024, 01:16:12 AMAnd then my last few online purchases. Notably, the Rebor Dire Wolf, the penultimate PNSO mini dino I have been looking for, some rare K&M, a couple of Schleichs (the Kapro will be getting some dental work done someday), and then the green AAA toucan!


Thanks Sim! I got mine at Fred Meyer's (a large grocery store in the US). Maybe they have done a paint scheme update?


Thanks!  It looks like they have done a paintjob update, the one I had was a bright light green, and the eyes were painted differently/worse.


I will mention also, I did sort through all the Monolophosaurs and Kaprosuchus models to pick one that was painted nicely. Not all had nicely done eyes... but hopefully you can find one for yourself!


Its been a crazy busy week and a half with my move! But everything went very smoothly and I am now putting everything away, albeit slowly. ;)

A small batch of figures I couldn't resist buying just before my actual moving trip.

The T rex has been a long wish of mine, the other dinos were must have's too as they either were new species for me or IMO a nice example of a common one. The Schleich's are just hitting the Western US, and look a lot nicer in person than their promos. But the Jersey does indeed have a paint scuff issue; more on that a little later. Lastly 2 Safari impulse buys on my part!

While I was in the middle of packing up my stuff and getting to my new place, my Mom received a package from teardrop from me. It was FANTASTIC! Maria is another miracle worker amongst us, and she was able to not only grab the Naturalism birds of prey set I so foolishly "slept on", but she also tracked down the older red panda AND THE LORIS for me!!! ENORMOUS thank you to her! And to boot, she also got me some other goodies like the Colorata bear and wild dog set, as well as the K&M wild dog I have come so close to getting numerous times but always fell just short of!

At this time I also received this set from my dear friend Christophe, of the Admin fame. In exchange for helping him acquire some US gems, he sent me these lovely vintage beauties. I am VERY poorly versed in these amazing old figures, their history, value, and care etc., but boy aren't they gorgeous! I immediately fell in love. :) And now I have developed a new fever...

And last but not least, a few more items for myself. My Minizoo package arrived full of great items!

The new S&N models are lovely, the insects are much nicer than I was expecting, and the older S&N figures are wonderful too! I finally got the Mojo newest color komodo, and the absolutely splendid fennec. :) The K&M penguins are a lot less nice than their promo photo promised... but theres a few species in there I am happy I got another example of now.

And very lastly for now, These are figures I have found locally around my new home.

The old Carnegie gal and the small puppy are thrift store finds. Then at a local agriculture store they had more new Schleich! There is a toy store proper I plan to visit tomorrow, but this has been a good start to my new chapter in my life.


I thought my collecting would slow down a lot being so busy with my transition between houses but it has instead coincided with lots of new opportunities (that I couldn't resist!).

First up is a mixed lot. The horse my mother got for me as a home-coming present. The new Schleich and Papo all came from the local toy store. The lesser known brands and the CollectA Copy of the musk ox (maybe this will get my butt in gear to snag the real thing!) were finds at the local thrift store. And then, somehow by magic, there were a few lucky ebay purchases including the Schleich chihuahua that is only ever included in sets of toys, the Royal Ontario Museum obapinia, and the Bullyland cuttlefish!

The next mixed photo is another group of mixed items from a recent quick trip back to my home town to visit my brother and his family whom I haven't seen in 2 years. While there, I was able to grab the CollectA clydesdale and megalosaurus, then a ton of thrift store finds and two china-copy brand figures (the jersey cow copied from the Schleich holstein, and the styracosaurus from the Schleich model also). I was introduced to Phidal and got 2 of the more interesting species from their shark set but sadly not the goblin shark. Then a couple of Imperial figures; the sawfish and sea turtle. The AAA babies I have to check to see who can replace my old battered copies, and then I found a few adults to accompany them! 2 Larami models I liked were the iguanodon and ankylosaurus (this one is so odd looking I fell in love with it). And usually I would not post JP figures, but these two are ones I remember playing with from my brother's toys when we were kids so I couldn't leave them behind either.

And lastly, lastly, from a wonderful friend and colleague I was able to obtain several PV, K&M, Club Earth, Action Products, etc. models!!! I have been able to cross off the PV DARK Coyote! The K&M N. Am. red fox! And even a Yowies Falkland Island wolf! So many splendid figures and all at once to boot!


Only a small batch to present here.

There Mojos were HobbyLobby finds, and the rest thrift store shopping.


Quote from: Saarlooswolfhound on May 19, 2024, 12:02:29 AMOnly a small batch to present here.

There Mojos were HobbyLobby finds, and the rest thrift store shopping.

What the heck is that fish supposed to be?!


I think it might be a piece from a game, it has a recessed opening in the mouth... Other than that I have no idea! I need to do research but doubtful I can find any further info.


Quote from: Saarlooswolfhound on May 19, 2024, 12:16:51 AMI think it might be a piece from a game, it has a recessed opening in the mouth... Other than that I have no idea! I need to do research but doubtful I can find any further info.

It's so weird looking but oddly familiar!


Right? I feel like I have seen it before but can't place it... I will see if I can post a few more close ups sometime. Maybe someone here recognizes it.


Clearly a salmon/trout of some kind, despite the gaudy paintjob.