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Recent acquisitions

Started by Jetoar, December 06, 2012, 04:44:30 PM

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Time for show the new acquisitions I bought on, my first time buying in this online shop. This shop have the advantage that sells toob/set figures separatedly, so when one wants one or two figures of a set but not the remaining ones this is the place to go. Unfortunately, not every set is found here - for example I still want a lot the two tamarins of the Safari LTD primates toob and the Philippone eagle of the Asia toob - but I got three rare ones that I think they're long retired. Fearing the disappearing of the last stock of these figures, I bought them.

This is a general picture of what I got:


And as a special and unsolicited gift, the shop was so kind of add an extra free figure for me :-)

It's a mini, toob sized figure of a great white shark, 7,5 cm long, smaller than all my shark figurines except the cookiecutter and the homemade epaulette. Obviously not suitable for my collection where I already have Schleich big-sized great white shark figurines. This one must be part of a CollectA toob since it's very similar to the CollectA standar-sized one and I see that the toob one is not illustrated at Toy Animal Wiki (feel free to use my image for fill the gap). It will be added to the growing bunch of figures I hope some day to trade for others, including: Colorata red porgy, Colorata tiger puffer, Safari arctic fox, Eikoh green pheasant, Kaiyodo white-blotched stingray, Kaiyodo spiny lobster, Southlands grey kangaroo, CollectA rockhopper penguin, CollectA mountain goat, Joy City pygmy hog, Britains american bison, unknown hippo and unknown tamandua. 


The figure that made me buy here is the Safari LTD toob-sized Queen triggerfish (Balistes vetula). Safari have one, more detailed, for the Incredible Creatures line, and hence ginormous, but this small one from the "Flippers, Fins and Fun" set have the adequate size for my collection. It's a small but detailed figure with very nice paintjob.
ballesta 1.jpg

But it can be done even better. I cut the lobes of dorsal and caudal fins to make them sharper and thinner, and repainted the lines around eye (making them radiating from eye instead parallel under it) and the rings on caudal peduncle.
ballesta 3.jpg

Then released in the coral reef with some of my homemade creatures, it fits perfectly sizewise:
ballesta 4.jpg

And here all my Tetraodontiformes together:
ballesta 5.jpg


Second is the Safari LTD coyote adult. A pleasant figure I wanted, and not as big as I expected, it fits well with most of my canids.
coyote 1.jpg

Of course I also want to repaint this one.
coyote 3.jpg

With all my Canis, making this genus tie with Chaetodon as the more speciose genus in my collection (5 especies each).
coyote 5.jpg

And then released into the wild:
coyote 6.jpg
coyote 7.jpg

The coyote's second deadliest enemy (after humans) is the cougar. Fortunately, the wind blow in the correct way and the cougar don't notice the presence of a hidden, fearful coyote.
coyote 8.jpg

After that dangerous encounter, our coyote get nervous and needs something to eat.

But not a deer buck. Too big and too dangerous.
coyote 9 (1).jpg

A pronghorn? no, damn! Too big, and too swift!
coyote 9.jpg

Ah, that's a decent-sized prey for me... But wait... it flies!!! Gosh, Isidro, when will you add just a succulent prairie dog to your collection?
coyote 10.jpg


Third is the Safari LTD "Venomous Creatures" toob, Komodo dragon. Of the big bunch of different komodo dragon figurines to choose, this is the only one that satisfies me sizewise and in terms of sculpt/quality. Most branded komodos are just too big for my taste, but this one is perfect. And the sculpt is atonishing. The expression is that of a komodo, and the wrinkles of skin on each flank are so realistic and perfect. The only failure are the mitten-like paws, but I corrected that with a cutter.

dragón 1.jpg

After the repaint and manicure:
dragón 9.jpg
dragón 10.jpg

Together with all my lizards! Fits well sizewise with them :-)
dragón 11.jpg

Released into the wild:
dragón 12.jpg
dragón 13.jpg

The buffalo looks at the dragon with indiference. He's to dangerous and powerful and the dragon knows it.
dragón 14.jpg

But a boar is another matter. A perfect meal! And this one is so distracted rooting in the soil. Just a bite, and three days later I will smell the delicious rotting carcass of this piggie!
dragón 15.jpg

Encounter with another reptile native in Komodo island, the Russell's viper:
dragón 16.jpg   


Another figure I had in my wishlist. Safari's Good Luck Minis hedgehog! It's the only hedgehog figurine I know that is enough small for my taste, and while the spines sculpt looks a bit simple I doubt it can be done better at this size. It's not a bad figure and it's enough realistic. I decided it fits better, because of the colours, shape and popularity, with a North African four-toed hedhehog.

erizo 1.jpg

And here after the repaint. Tried to made a grizzled appareance to the spiny coat, it's not perfect but somewhat better than the plain original.
erizo 2.jpg

Then released into the wild:
erizo 3.jpg
erizo 4.jpg

Somewhere in the Senegal-Cameroon, a giant eland approaches to our hedhehog. A step of it's hooves could easily kill the hedgehog. The little critter only have time for try the only defense he knows: turn into a spiny ball and stay quiet as hidden as possible.
erizo 5.jpg

Fortunately the eland pass by, just centimeters away from our hedhegog...
erizo 6.jpg

Still rolled and half-buried in the soil, the hedgehog meets another danger, this time a predator...
erizo 7.jpg

...but the jackal is not especially hungry today and soon he looses the interest, he will wander for less tricky preys than a ball of spines! The hegdehog is safe again and continues its travel :-)
erizo 8.jpg


Time for a non-safari animal that is the Bullyland black cat.
gato 1.jpg

I just wanted a small domestic cat figurine for transform it into a black-footed cat. Not the most perfect paintjob, it fails overall in the body spots that looks too random, but at least recognizable.
gato 5 (1).jpg

Released into the wild. First time I go to the river, instead my garden, for make photos. But I was accompanyed and had no much time for seek the perfect light, perspective and environment, so the photos are far from perfect.
gato 2.jpg

Felines of the Kalahari!!
gato 3.jpg

And with some other inhabitants of Kalahari desert:
gato 4.jpg
gato 5.jpg     


And for last, part of the same Flippers, Fins and Fun set that contains the triggerfish: a toob-sized Goliath grouper (Epinephelus itajara). A bit small, but I prefair that to the whale-sized Incredible Creatures one. Not all Goliath groupers are behemonts and my figure can easily represent a medium-sized individual such as this one:

mero 1.jpg

It have the "Goliath Grouper" and brand stamped in a side of the caudal fin. I would have prefaired in the belly, but is not too disruptive as the writing follows the shape of the fin.
mero 2.jpg

Once repainted, the writing issue of the caudal fin is even less noticeable:
mero 4.jpg
mero 5.jpg

And here with other warm sea companions:
mero 3.jpg     


Quote from: Isidro on March 11, 2023, 07:36:20 AMAnd for last, part of the same Flippers, Fins and Fun set that contains the triggerfish: a toob-sized Goliath grouper (Epinephelus itajara). A bit small, but I prefair that to the whale-sized Incredible Creatures one. Not all Goliath groupers are behemonts and my figure can easily represent a medium-sized individual such as this one:

mero 1.jpg

It have the "Goliath Grouper" and brand stamped in a side of the caudal fin. I would have prefaired in the belly, but is not too disruptive as the writing follows the shape of the fin.
mero 2.jpg

Once repainted, the writing issue of the caudal fin is even less noticeable:
mero 4.jpg
mero 5.jpg

And here with other warm sea companions:
mero 3.jpg     

Really awesome. I thought you only accept adult animals into your collection, else I would recommend the Aquameridian Juvenile/subadult Queensland grouper


anyone has gotten the CollectA goblin shark yet? if so, how long is it really as I'm tempted to get one but I'm afraid it's a tad too big

NSD Bashe

mine's in the mail, might have it in like a week or so


I'm not sure if I like the goblin shark. The size is one thing (inb4 the one person comes in to defend it because one specimen was discovered that was unusually large) lol.
And from the photos I've seen it seems too...straight. posture wise.


Quote from: EpicRaptorMan on March 14, 2023, 09:14:40 PMI'm not sure if I like the goblin shark. The size is one thing (inb4 the one person comes in to defend it because one specimen was discovered that was unusually large) lol.
And from the photos I've seen it seems too...straight. posture wise.
are you calling me out?


Idk are you the person who keeps justifying the larger scaled figure because a single 20ft specimen was discovered?


Quote from: EpicRaptorMan on March 15, 2023, 08:45:26 AMIdk are you the person who keeps justifying the larger scaled figure because a single 20ft specimen was discovered?


Speaking of which, mine just came in today!

ColletA Amazon river dolphin, Koolasuchus, Anomalocaris, goblin shark, and honeypot ant. For some reason I thought the Koolasuchus had a movable jaw, but it doesn't

Also got the recent Takara Senegal bushbaby


I want to place a Minizoo order so bad but the cheapskate in me wants to save on shipping and wait for the other releases. The cheapskate will win, he often does. Probably for the best.


Quote from: bmathison1972 on March 15, 2023, 10:19:21 PMSpeaking of which, mine just came in today!

ColletA Amazon river dolphin, Koolasuchus, Anomalocaris, goblin shark, and honeypot ant. For some reason I thought the Koolasuchus had a movable jaw, but it doesn't

Also got the recent Takara Senegal bushbaby

how long is the goblin shark exactly?


Quote from: JimoAi on March 16, 2023, 03:44:06 AM
Quote from: bmathison1972 on March 15, 2023, 10:19:21 PMSpeaking of which, mine just came in today!

ColletA Amazon river dolphin, Koolasuchus, Anomalocaris, goblin shark, and honeypot ant. For some reason I thought the Koolasuchus had a movable jaw, but it doesn't

Also got the recent Takara Senegal bushbaby

how long is the goblin shark exactly?

I'll try and remember to measure tonight


Quote from: bmathison1972 on March 16, 2023, 06:17:31 PM
Quote from: JimoAi on March 16, 2023, 03:44:06 AM
Quote from: bmathison1972 on March 15, 2023, 10:19:21 PMSpeaking of which, mine just came in today!

ColletA Amazon river dolphin, Koolasuchus, Anomalocaris, goblin shark, and honeypot ant. For some reason I thought the Koolasuchus had a movable jaw, but it doesn't

Also got the recent Takara Senegal bushbaby

how long is the goblin shark exactly?

I'll try and remember to measure tonight

The goblin shark is 19.8 cm


Quote from: bmathison1972 on March 16, 2023, 11:33:45 PM
Quote from: bmathison1972 on March 16, 2023, 06:17:31 PM
Quote from: JimoAi on March 16, 2023, 03:44:06 AM
Quote from: bmathison1972 on March 15, 2023, 10:19:21 PMSpeaking of which, mine just came in today!

ColletA Amazon river dolphin, Koolasuchus, Anomalocaris, goblin shark, and honeypot ant. For some reason I thought the Koolasuchus had a movable jaw, but it doesn't

Also got the recent Takara Senegal bushbaby

how long is the goblin shark exactly?

I'll try and remember to measure tonight

The goblin shark is 19.8 cm

it's acceptable for an exceptional individual IG. can't wait to see what gwangis review will be, fingers crossed for the goblin shark