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Recent acquisitions

Started by Jetoar, December 06, 2012, 04:44:30 PM

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Quote from: bmathison1972 on August 02, 2017, 09:18:22 PM
Am I the only one getting new figures lately?  :P

Yoou might be...I got my one thing recently. I have a couple things coming, but otherwise it's been a bit dried up lately!


Quote from: sbell on August 04, 2017, 01:20:18 AM
Quote from: bmathison1972 on August 02, 2017, 09:18:22 PM
Am I the only one getting new figures lately?  :P

Yoou might be...I got my one thing recently. I have a couple things coming, but otherwise it's been a bit dried up lately!

Well I won't have much more the rest of this year I think...I think I have drained the 2017 buggies (unless Japanese mfrs pull out some surprises).

Beetle guy

Quote from: bmathison1972 on August 02, 2017, 09:18:22 PM
Lastly Hexarthrius mandibularis, Prosopoloilus dissimilis, and Dynastes hercules from the 2017 F-Toys Insect Hunter set. These are not new for F-toys but they are all new for me.

It's a Hexarthrius parryi and the manufacturer swapped the hind and frontlegs. It hurts the eyes  ;)
To beetle or not to beetle.


Quote from: Beetle guy on August 04, 2017, 07:55:48 AM
Quote from: bmathison1972 on August 02, 2017, 09:18:22 PM
Lastly Hexarthrius mandibularis, Prosopoloilus dissimilis, and Dynastes hercules from the 2017 F-Toys Insect Hunter set. These are not new for F-toys but they are all new for me.

It's a Hexarthrius parryi and the manufacturer swapped the hind and frontlegs. It hurts the eyes  ;)

yes, H. parryi. Sorry that was a brain-fart typo on my part. Good catch on the legs. I haven't curated the 'specimen' yet so I didn't initially catch that. Unfortunately they don't remove, or not easily and I am not risking breaking it.

Beetle guy

Hexarthrius mixupoda   ;D

Yes be careful I had to glue mine (same mold from older series, this series came with a line drawing card with also had the legs mixed up).

From the older F-toys beetle series (the bigger scale 1:1 models), Dorcus palawanicus, and Dorcus titanus also had their legs mixed up. But these were a little bit easier to change.
To beetle or not to beetle.


Got these guys today: Safari Ghost Dragon and Battat Terra Emperor Penguins and Beluga.
I am the Dinosaur King!


I am the Dinosaur King!


I recently bought a Leanchoilia superlata from Paleocasts (Patrick May). I also inquired about some small figures by Pat that I saw on DTF, and he sold me a bunch of them at a nice price. In the end I ended up with 10 new taxa representing 9 new genera: the enigmatic L. superlata, 6 trilobites (Harpes sp., Asaphus kowalewskii, Phacops sp., Hollardops sp., Asaphus cornutus, and Eldredgeia venustus), two xiphosurans (Paleolimulus and Euproops), and the crustacean Dithyrocaris.

Beetle guy

To beetle or not to beetle.


Here are some acquisitions over the month of September. Some of these have shown up already in other threads on the various fora, but here they are all collectively:

Some porcelain French feves. A set of eight grasshoppers, plus a plaque depicting the Holly blue (Celastrina argiolus) by the World Wildlife Fund.

Next, the fourth and final Heller model kit, the red ant, Formica rufa (walkaround coming soon).

A plaster cast of the extinct crab, Portunites by Fossil Molds and Replicas. Not something I would normally buy, but it's a new genus for me.

Three pressed glass figurines. Again, not into glass figurines but as a parasitologist I could not resist these three protozoa: Giardia duodenalis, Toxoplama gondii, and Trichomonas vaginalis. I guess if I were to get T. vaginalis, this is the way I would want to get it... >:D C:-) 8)


Three vintage German Fri Homa Eigelb Figuren (margarine premiums): bee, beetle, butterfly. I had to buy sets of animals; the non-insects are on the trade thread (here and STS):



Panini lamprey

This figure is part of a set of 40 marine animal miniatures. ToyAnimalInfo does not identify the species, but does give the maker as Panini. Length is 1 1/8 inches or 28 mm. Compare the size to the Schleich guy while under attack.



Quote from: stemturtle on October 11, 2017, 07:53:23 PM

Panini lamprey

This figure is part of a set of 40 marine animal miniatures. ToyAnimalInfo does not identify the species, but does give the maker as Panini. Length is 1 1/8 inches or 28 mm. Compare the size to the Schleich guy while under attack.

I've been eyeing that set, just for the lamprey...but I just can't justify the costs for the whole set for one little figure!

Beetle guy

Some years ago I won a lot of 1.000 beetle figures. That was a great deal. With loads of interesting models new to me. So when I won this lot expectations were a little high.

It was a bit disappointing though. On pics I had seen some details of figurines I really like. But a hugh bunch was broken and/or incomplete. But many doubles for me so Blaine brace yourself ;-). There is some interesting stuff for you, I think.

Not all sad news. A few figures interesting for me were there, also the stands of all Colorata beetles were there (not all the beetles) and that makes my sets complete.

Here are some highlights for me:

The stag beetle Hexarthrius mandibularis from Sega big beetle series (not the DX series from SEGA).

This was luck! I thought I had the small SEGA beetles series complete (I will do a post on them). But amongst the very few small sega beetles in this bunch came the one on the right; Cyclomatus metallifer. The C. elaphus I allready had. At first I thought it was a colour variation, but it is a different mold. And lucky for me this one was in one piece!

Also a nice suprise; Prosopocoilus inclinatus from a series that is extremely hard to find. The whole set includes. 1) P. inclinatus, 2) Lucanus maculifemoratus, 3) Dorcus hopei binodulosus, 4) Allomyrina dichotoma, 5) a huge  larvae og D. binodulosus. The last one a holy grail for me. All have nagnets. And having seen this ones extreme realism, I am going to hunt them down some more ;-).

The Takara Asian hornet.

Some tiny flies.

These are from some weird sets (4 stes; 10 pieces in each set) Bandai made with fantasy insects. Their really cool though. I normally only collect realistic beetles, and some other arthropods, but an exception for these buggers.

And this big wooden Dorcus palawanicus, which moves it's jaws while rolling ;-)
To beetle or not to beetle.


If there are any extras both of you already have don't rule me out either! Especially anything in 1:1 scale.

Those fantasy beetles are really neat, I love the consistency of the fictional traits between them, makes them that little bit more real feeling.

Beetle guy

Quote from: stargatedalek on October 15, 2017, 01:16:50 AM
If there are any extras both of you already have don't rule me out either! Especially anything in 1:1 scale.

Those fantasy beetles are really neat, I love the consistency of the fictional traits between them, makes them that little bit more real feeling.

There is a good Ebay-seller that sells some of them cheap with no shipping costs. Type on Ebay Yujin insects and go to the last page ;-)

I will let you know about the doubles. There are some Deagostini ones, but without acrylic box. and more.
To beetle or not to beetle.


We just had Halloween here in the US, so that means lots of 'scary bugs' sold as Halloween decor. A large articulated centipede (to put things in perspective, this centipede is 52 cm long!); a large and cool, but probably not super accurate stag beetle; a couple large cockroaches; and a couple spiders, including a nice black widow (with a red hourglass painted on the underside; and no it's not a bootleg of the Safari figures).

Next I bought 6 of the vintage Schleich 'mini' insects. I already had the earwig (and I have the lady bug), but bought this set to get five I didn't have: bee, stag beetle, grasshopper, chafer, and dung beetle. Since these are old German figures, I assume the chafer is Melolontha melolontha and the 'dung beetle' is Aphodius fimetarius.


I have a dozen or so much smaller versions of the translucent roach, they're probably around an inch long. Interesting to see the mold is still in use in some form so many years later.


Quote from: stargatedalek on November 02, 2017, 01:32:20 AM
I have a dozen or so much smaller versions of the translucent roach, they're probably around an inch long. Interesting to see the mold is still in use in some form so many years later.

Yes it is very much like the small figures, but this translucent roach is 100 mm :)