All largehead hairtail Reviews

Marbled Flounder, Greater Amberjack, Splendid Alfonsino, Alaskan Pollock & Largehead Hairtail (Primary Saltwater Fish by Takara Tomy A.R.T.S.)

5 (2 votes)

Review and images by JimoAi; edited by bmathison1972

Over the last few years, various companies have given us a whole slew of fish figures: Yujin with their accurate depictions of the Finding Nemo characters, along with some obscure species like the pineapple fish in their first Saltwater Fish in Colour set; Kaiyodo pumping out obscure fish species like the dorado, Kidako moray, and the Clark’s anemone fish for their Aquatales lines; Colorata with their various fish sets: the Fossil Fish and Deep Sea Fish sets are two examples; Safari Ltd.

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