All humphead wrasse Reviews

Humphead Wrasse (Blue Groper) (Sealife by Mojö Fun)

3.9 (13 votes)

Since getting into the animal toy hobby, I’ve seen this enigmatic toy fish discussed more than a few times, due to its ambiguous identity. Originally marketed as a blue groper (yes, that’s the actual name, genus Achoerodus) it appears to now be marketed as a blue grouper. A search on Fishbase indicates that the only fish for which that common name applies is the comet grouper (Epinephelus morrhua).

Saltwater Fish in Colour Part 1, Part 3: The Secrets (Yujin)

4.3 (6 votes)

Review and images by JimoAi; edited by bmathison1972

To close off my Yujin Saltwater Fish in Colour Part 1 reviews (see the first parts here and here), I am hereby reviewing the last 3 of the fish; they’re all the secret and chase pieces. Instead of going by numerical numbers, I’ll start from the weakest to the best (in my opinion).

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