All Eudorcas Reviews

Gazelle (AAA)

3.9 (8 votes)

Well, here we are. Another “Savanah Summer” draws to a close. Nights are drawing in and temperatures slowly drop. But we have time for one last review from the African plains. And we look at one of the speedsters of the savannah: the Gazelle, curtesy of AAA.

As it is only referred to as a Gazelle, we need to discern species.

Red Gazelle (Yowies Forgotten Friends Series A by Cadbury)

4 (2 votes)

Africa is an amazing continent, full of incredible species throughout the history of the world. Many are sadly no longer extant, lost to time, often as the result of human expansion. Such is the case with the Red Gazelle, found in Algeria, all that is now left of this species are a few specimens…..

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