All Crotalus Reviews

Blue Rock Rattlesnake (Wild Republic by K&M International)

4.3 (4 votes)

Where plastic toys often fail in species diversity plush toys seem to shockingly excel. The Wild Republic line of plush animals is a major player in the plush animal game and responsible for much of this diversity. Although I don’t collect plush animals I do have a young daughter, as well as an eye for quality toys, so our house has a lot of these plush animals sitting around, including the 54” (137 cm) blue rock rattlesnake (Crotalus lepidus) we’ll be looking at today.

Rattlesnake (Fingerlings: Untamed Snakes by WowWee)

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3 (2 votes)

Review and images by stargatedalek; edited by bmathison1972

Quite the mouthful of a title this one has. Introducing “Toxin the Rattlesnake”, part of the Untamed Snakes set of the Fingerlings line by WowWee.

Full disclosure, this toy is awful and no one should ever buy it, I regret doing so heavily.

Rattlesnake (Wild Life by Schleich)

3.9 (7 votes)

Review and images by Lanthanotus; edited by bmathison1972

Amongst the suborder of Serpentes (Snakes) with their quite uniform body plan, rattlesnakes make a somewhat exotic difference. Few species of snakes have keeled or largely overlapping scales which give the rattlesnakes’ skin a rather coarse appearance, some species even have small horns above their eyes, and all have small ridges above their eyes which bestows them the sinister look of all vipers.

Rattlesnake (Wildlife by Mojö Fun)

4.3 (11 votes)

Review and images by Suspsy; edited by bmathison1972

Ranging from southern Canada all the way down to Argentina, rattlesnakes are a large group of pit vipers famous and feared for their venom and their rattling tails. Despite their negative reputation, they are in truth important predators of rodents, helping to balance ecosystems and prevent crop damage.

Timber Rattlesnake (Incredible Creatures by Safari Ltd.)

3.6 (9 votes)

Review and photos by Ikessauro; edited by bmathison1972

Editor’s comment: it gives me great pleasure to present the first Blog entry by forum member Ikessauro! Let’s hope this is the first of more to come!

I have been a prehistoric animal collector for the past 17 years now, and although I was always fascinated by toys of modern reptiles, I didn’t consider buying those, focusing my attention on prehistoric stuff.

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