Whitetip Reef Shark (Wild Safari Sealife by Safari Ltd.)

5 (5 votes)

Quite a few shark species go by the name “reef shark”. Blacktip, Caribbean, grey, and the subject of today’s review, the whitetip. But while all those sharks belong to the Carcharhinus genus, the whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon obesus) does not. But these sharks are not called reef sharks because they’re related.

Swellshark (Shark Bulk set by K&M International)

4.7 (10 votes)

It must be Shark Week, one of those times that is able to get my to write again! And as seems to be my way, I’ll be looking at a more obscure figure of a more obscure shark species from a more obscure series, the Swellshark made by K&M International for their bulk Shark set.

Humphead Wrasse (Blue Groper) (Sealife by Mojö Fun)

3.9 (12 votes)

Since getting into the animal toy hobby, I’ve seen this enigmatic toy fish discussed more than a few times, due to its ambiguous identity. Originally marketed as a blue groper (yes, that’s the actual name, genus Achoerodus) it appears to now be marketed as a blue grouper. A search on Fishbase indicates that the only fish for which that common name applies is the comet grouper (Epinephelus morrhua).

Frogfish (Incredible Creatures by Safari Ltd.)

5 (13 votes)

With its stout body, limb-like fins, large head, and perpetual frown, it is easy to see how the frogfish got its name. Frogfishes are members of the anglerfish family, Antennariidae. There are about 50 species of them, and they can be found in almost all tropical and subtropical waters around the world where they inhabit coral reefs and rocky habitats.

ASSASSIN FANG Venomous Snakes (Takara Tomy A.R.T.S.)

5 (2 votes)

I’m a little late to the Hallowe’en party this year…but better late than never. And in that spirit, here’s a set of animals that, if you mess with them, ‘late’ could be your proper adjective. Animals that as a group tend to create a visceral if generally unnecessary fear and loathing, even though most are harmless.

Blacktip Reef Shark (Marine Life by Papo)

4.8 (4 votes)

The blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus) is one of the most recognizable sharks, a staple in aquariums that frequents shallow coral reefs in the wild, which makes it popular among tourists and SCUBA divers. The blacktip reef shark is a generally timid species with only 11 unprovoked attacks and 21 attacks total to its name, none of them fatal.

Cloudy Catshark (Aqua World Sharks 1 by For Corporation)

3.7 (3 votes)

Back with another less familiar sharks for Animal Toy Blog Shark Week 2022! Well, a few days ago I introduced an odd little figure that went to the dog(shark)s so today lets balance it it out with a cat(shark). This one is a less familiar figure from a less familiar Japanese company…of a less familiar shark!

Lantern Shark (Wild Republic Rubber Balls by K&M International)

4.5 (2 votes)

So, it’s Shark Week again and once more I rise up from my own thing to bring in a couple of unusual shark models. Because I can never just bring up a more familiar figure because that’s too easy! So I’m going to look at a tiny little figure that just happens to represent a pretty tiny shark!

Salmon Shark (Wild Safari Sealife by Safari Ltd.)

5 (9 votes)

It’s Shark Week once again, the Discovery Channel’s weeklong marathon of shark documentaries that has been 34 years running. So popular is Shark Week that it’s practically a national holiday here in the United States. National Geographic has gotten in on the action too with their own Shark Fest which celebrates the cartilaginous fishes with an entire month of shark content this year.

Dark Ghostshark (Alien Sharks by Discovery Science)

3.4 (5 votes)

So the call went out among us bloggers which, admittedly, I don’t get to on here very often. But the suggestion was made for a ‘Hallowe’en’ theme–spooky, scary animals that might fit in with the season. I don’t generally have a lot of ‘traditional’ animals that might fit the bill (rats, bats, black cats, gnats…I got carried away, sorry).

Bamboo Shark (Wild Safari Sealife by Safari Ltd.)

5 (5 votes)

Bamboo sharks, also less glamorously known as longtail carpet sharks, belong to the family Hemiscylliidae within the order Orectolobiformes (carpet sharks). This makes them close kin to such familiar sharks as the whale, nurse, and zebra sharks. All of them are found in the tropical Indo-Pacific and the largest members of the family only reach about 4’ (1.2 meters).

Sunflower Sea Star (Animals with Superpowers by Yowie Group)

4.7 (3 votes)

Thanks once again to Yowie Group and their penchant for producing some truly obscure animal toys I am now able to double the number of reviews for echinoderms on the Animal Toy Blog. Yes, as of this writing there is only one other review for a group that contains over 7,000 species.

Blue Damselfish (Colors of the Animal Kingdom by Yowie Group)

4.5 (4 votes)

The blue damselfish (Chrysiptera cyanea) is a member of the Pomacentridae family (damselfishes and clownfishes) that inhabits reefs and lagoons within the Indian and western Pacific oceans. It is also included in Yowie Group’s Colors of the Animal Kingdom series. Yowie Group is a company that produces chocolate candy, molded around plastic eggs that contain toy animals.

Zebra Shark, juvenile (Wild Water Series by Yowie Group)

5 (3 votes)

Since joining the Animal Toy Forum, the Yowie Group company has quickly caught my attention. The chocolate wrapped eggs they produce offer a wide range of toy animals inside them, many species not readily produced by other companies. For whatever reason I didn’t think I could get these Yowie eggs myself, I thought they were unique to other countries overseas.

Bluntnose Sixgill Shark (NHK Deep Sea Sharks by Takara Tomy A.R.T.S)

5 (3 votes)

I’m actually back! It has been quite a while since I added to the blog here (amongst everything else, I’ve been busy with my own thing!) But a call went out that Shark Week was coming up, so we needed more sharks! I knew I needed in, but wanted to look at a figure, and species, that would be less familiar.

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