Reticulated Giraffe, calf (Baby Wildlife by Toymany)

4.5 (2 votes)

Before I start this review I must once again thank @Kenc and our friends at Toymany for donating this review sample, the fourth in a series of six I will be reviewing!

The reticulated giraffe (Giraffa reticulata) breeds every 20-30 months. The gestation period is roughly 457 days.

African Bush Elephant, calf (Baby Wildlife by Toymany)

4.3 (3 votes)

Before I start this review I must once again thank @Kenc and our friends at Toymany for donating this review sample. The quality of Toymany’s figures, their relatively inexpensive price point, and their willingness to engage with, and take thoughts and comments by, the toy animal collector community shows why they are a quickly rising star in our hobby!

Hippopotamus, calf (Baby Wildlife by Toymany)

5 (5 votes)

Before I start this review, I would like to thank @Kenc and our friends at Toymany for providing this review sample for the Blog! It is very much appreciated!

The common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) usually mates during the wet season. Mating typically takes place in the water, with the female almost entirely submerged, only poking her head up on occasion to draw a breath of air.

White Rhinoceros, calf (Baby Wildlife by Toymany)

4.2 (6 votes)

Before I start this review, I would like to thank @Kenc and our friends at Toymany for providing this review sample for the Blog! It is very much appreciated!

White rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum) live in herds (commonly called ‘crashes’) of up to 14 animals. These crashes are composed primarily of females.

Pyjama Shark (Return to Isle of Jaws by Discovery Science)

3.8 (8 votes)

Hard to believe it’s already Shark Week again! And while I don’t usually follow the TV version, it’s always a good time to pull out something shark related from the collection and celebrate this awesome group of animals. For my contribution, I am going to look at a figure from a Discovery Science set called Return to Isle of Jaws that was made in conjunction with a Shark Week show of the same name.

Eurasian Spoonbill (Wild Animals by Papo)

4.5 (10 votes)

Some of my favorite birds are the spoonbills of the genus Platalea within the Threskiornithidae family. Spoonbills are wading birds found on every continent except Antarctica and characterized by the broad, flatted tip on their bills. Sweeping their bill back and forth underwater, spoonbills use their bill tip to gather up small invertebrates, amphibians, and fishes.

Warthog (Wild Safari Wildlife by Safari Ltd.)

4.9 (7 votes)

The common warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) is a species of pig (family Suidae) that occurs in sub-Saharan Africa. Aside from the wild boar it is the most familiar of the wild pig species. It is also common, with a large range that covers grasslands, savannas, and forests. Warthogs are the only pigs adapted to live as grazers in open habitats and the bulk of their diet is made up of grasses.

Saddled Bichir (Mini Ancient Fish Series 2 by Bandai) + bonus Elephant-snout fish

5 (4 votes)

More fish! And this time, another of my favorite type of fish! Yes, it’s another bichir, and another saddled bichir Polypterus endlicheri, a species that I discussed quite some time ago (the Colorata figure). Which I suppose means I won’t need to go into too many details about the species, so I’ll be able to discuss the figure more at length–and then discuss the surprise little extra with the figure (spoiled in the title I suppose).

Common Zebra (Wildlife by CollectA)

Name(s): , , Brand: Classification: , Type: Range:

4.8 (10 votes)

The common, or plains zebra (Equus quagga), is the most widespread and common of Africa’s three species of zebra. It occurs in south and east Africa, although its range is greatly fragmented. In addition to their native range in Africa the common zebra can also be found in a rather unlikely place, California!

Goliath Tigerfish (World Fishing Monster Fish by Takara Tomy A.R.T.S.)

5 (6 votes)

Recently, those of us that are big fans of unusual fish have been a little spoiled by Japanese sets. As is common, they are featuring some unique species that are visually or culturally striking. In this case, Takara Tomy brought us a set of fish that are notable for being scary looking, notorious, and somehow engaging for fishing (I think).

Cormorant (Marine Life by Papo)

4.7 (10 votes)

My recent review of the Safari blue-footed booby motivated me to review another Suliforme bird that I featured in a comparison photo in that review, the 2020 Papo cormorant, which is also my most recent acquisition.

Cormorants, along with shags, make up the Phalacrocoracidae family, made up of about 40 species.

Eurasian Otter (Wild Life Europe by Schleich)

5 (5 votes)

The Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) is the widest ranging of all otter species, with a distribution covering most of Europe, large portions of Asia, and even part of northern Africa. It is also the most commonly made otter species by toy companies, although the North American river otter and sea otter are well represented too.

White Rhinoceros, 2019 (Wildlife by CollectA)

5 (9 votes)

The white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) is the 4th heaviest species of terrestrial animal, just edging out the hippopotamus. Only the three extant elephant species are heavier. Males average about 5,070 lbs. (2,300 kg) while females average 3,750 lbs. (1,700 kg) and larger specimens have been reported. Two sub-species of white rhinoceros have been described, the southern (C.

Whitetip Reef Shark (Wild Safari Sealife by Safari Ltd.)

5 (5 votes)

Quite a few shark species go by the name “reef shark”. Blacktip, Caribbean, grey, and the subject of today’s review, the whitetip. But while all those sharks belong to the Carcharhinus genus, the whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon obesus) does not. But these sharks are not called reef sharks because they’re related.

Angelshark (Sealife by CollectA)

5 (16 votes)

It’s Shark Week again and can you believe it? This is the ATB’s fourth year of marking the occasion with toy shark reviews. This year CollectA has released two new and highly anticipated shark figures and it’s my pleasure to be sharing them both this week. To start things off we’re looking at a rather atypical shark, the angelshark, a much-needed addition to any shark collection.

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