The warthog, Phacochoerus africanus, or the common warthog to use its full vernacular name, is a wild member of the Suidae or pig family. There are four subspecies in the genus, each occupying a slightly different range within in central Africa. Schleich have made several figures of this animal, two boars (an early release and a later version), one sow, and a piglet, but I’m not looking at the whole family today – just the warthog piglet.
Type: Baby Animal
Reindeer, adult and calf (Wildlife by Mojö Fun)
Review and photos by Saarlooswolfhound; edited by bmathison1972
The Mojo Fun reindeer adult and calf, numbers #387186 and #387188 respectively, were released as new products in 2019. They are included in Mojo Fun’s Wildlife range of models. The adult measures at about L-13 W-7 H-13 cm and the calf is L-9 W-2 H-6 cm.
American Alligator, with babies (Incredible Creatures by Safari Ltd.)
This walk-around covers the Incredible Creatures (American) Alligator with Babies, Alligator mississippiensis (Daudin, 1802). A huge figure, stretched out it would be approx. 481 mm total length and 242 mm snout-vent length. Considering normal adult lengths between 2.5 and 4.4 m (although larger specimens are known) the scale would be between 1:5 and 1:9.
Life Cycle of a Mosquito (Safariology by Safari Ltd.)
Mosquitoes! They have been referred to as the most medically and economically destructive group of insects, due to their role in the transmission of disease-causing agents. They are responsible for the transmission of the agents of malaria, lymphatic filariasis, dirofilariasis, yellow fever, Chikingunya, dengue, West Nile, and many many others. Yet, they also play a very important role in freshwater ecosystems, as they are an important food source for freshwater invertebrates, fish, and birds.
Shark Ray (Wild Safari Sealife by Safari Ltd.)
It’s a shark! No, wait, it’s a ray! It’s a shark-ray! Although all ray in the front and all shark in the back the shark ray (Rhina ancylostoma) really is a species of ray, but in appearance it looks like some kind of transitional form, making it easy to see the close relationship between sharks and rays.