Brand: Yujin

Cherry Salmon, breeding phase special figure (Freshwater Fish Pictorial Book, Series 1, revised release by Yujin)

5 (5 votes)

This figure is represents a breeding colour Cherry Salmon (or Masu Salmon), Oncorhynchus masou masou . It is stamped with a number 5—meaning that while this figure may share the name of figure 03 (the ‘normal’ cherry salmon, written about here) it is a re-paint of the Chum Salmon figure (posted here).

Chum Salmon (Freshwater Fish Pictorial Book, Series 1, revised release by Yujin)

5 (4 votes)

This figure is the adult Chum Salmon, also known as Dog Salmon or Keta salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, number 05 from the first series. This trout is widespread throughout Pacific Asia and North America, ranging widely in the oceans and travelling far inland for breeding. The Chum salmon is a very deep bodied salmon species.

Chum Salmon, Alevin & Egg (Freshwater Fishes Book 2, second release by Yujin)

3.9 (7 votes)

This figure is the Chum Salmon egg and alevin (hatchling), Oncorhynchus keta, number 19 in Book 2, but the number 15 is stamped into it—and it’s another Special Secret (I am reposting these based on the model numbers)! The difference with this one is that the numbering would appear to place it in the Series 2 set—but the papers for series 2 start at model 16 (although they restart at 1 within each Book), so it’s a little unusual for the Secret to be ‘first’ in the series.

Corals in Colour (Yujin)

5 (3 votes)

Review of the complete set of the Corals in Colour produced by Yujin in 2005. The set consists of 16 small figures representing primarily stony corals; however it also includes two species hydrozoans that morphologically similar to hard corals. The figures are quite small, being on average 2.5 cm between their greatest points.

Dolly Varden (Freshwater Fish Pictorial Book, Series 1, revised release by Yujin)

5 (6 votes)

This figure is the Japanese Dolly Varden (also known as Miyabeiwana or Miyabe Char in Japan), Salvelinus malma miyabei, a Secret Figure from the first series revised release (so, the third release of series 1 for those keeping track). I believe it is numbered #17 in the set, although it is based on model #2.

Golden-ringed Dragonfly (The Insects of Japan Vols. 1 and 3 by Yujin)

5 (2 votes)

The Golden-ringed dragonfly (in Japanese Oniyanma) Anotogaster sieboldii is the biggest dragonfly in Japan. It is also known as jumbo dragonfly or Siebold’s dragonfly. It is the largest species of dragonfly in Eastern Asia (Japan, China and the Korean Peninsula). It can reach a lenght of 100 mm. The A. sieboldii nymph lives three to five years, moulting up to ten times and growing as long as five centimeters during the process. 

Female, male (flying) and nymph.

Goldfish, secret version (Freshwater Fishes Book 2, second release by Yujin)

3.7 (3 votes)

This figure is the Common Goldfish, Carassius auratus, model number 17, from the second series. There are a couple of different ‘wild’ versions in Book 2, but for whatever reason I don’t have either one of them. Instead, this is the Secret domestic version, which is listed as number 17 in the series.

Grass Puffer (Freshwater Fishes Book 2, first AND second release by Yujin)

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4.3 (6 votes)

This figure is the grass puffer (AKA Sunafugu, meaning sand puffer in Japanese), Takifugu niphobles, model 30 and number 15 from the second series. This is the only pufferfish in the whole series, a family of immediately recognizable fish well-known for taking in air or water to make themselves much larger, as a defense mechanism.

Huchen (Freshwater Fish Pictorial Book, Series 1, revised release by Yujin)

Name(s): , , , Brand: Classification: , Type: Range:

5 (7 votes)

This figure is the Japanese Huchen, also known as Sakhalin taimen, Parahucho perryi (apparently, renamed from Hucho), number 06 from the first series. This primitive member of the trout and salmon family is found in limited areas of the northwest Pacific—Hokkaido island in Japan, the Russian Sakhelin Island, and far-eastern portions of mainland Russia.

Japanese Eel (Freshwater Fishes Book 2, second release by Yujin)

4.2 (5 votes)

This figure is the Japanese eel (nihon unagi in Japan), Anguilla japonica, model sculpt 23 and number 8 from the second series. This is the only freshwater eel found in Japan, although it is found throughout Eastern Asia as far south as Vietnam. Like many other freshwater eels, the Japanese Eel is catadromous, spawning and hatching at sea but living much of their life in freshwater habitats and brackish estuaries.

Japanese Perch (Freshwater Fishes Book 2, first release by Yujin)

4.2 (5 votes)

This figure is the Japanese Perch (also known as Aucha perch or Oyanirami in Japan), Coreoperca kawamebari), model 19 and number 4 from the second series, second release. This is a small-sized predatory perch that lives rivers and streams. Often in the middle parts of the water column hunting for invertebrates and anything else.

Japanese Rice Fish (Freshwater Fish Pictorial Book 1, revised release, by Yujin)

5 (4 votes)

This figure is the Japanese Rice Fish (or Medaka or Japanese Killifish), Oryzias latipes, number 11 from the first series. This is the only beloniforme fish in the set; this order includes other surface-oriented fish like flying fish, needlefish and halfbeaks (but, not killifish—taxonomy can be weird). The Japanese Rice fish is found throughout Eastern Asia*, living in a wide range of shallow and slow-moving bodies of water like rice paddies, marshes, streams and tidal pools (it is a fresh- and brackish-water fish).

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