Brand: Yowies

Giant Clam (Yowies Series 4 by Cadbury)

5 (3 votes)

The genus Tridacna consists of large marine bivalves commonly known as giant clams. The largest, T. gigas, can be 120 cm across, weigh over 200 kg, and live for over 100 years. Today we will be looking at T. maxima, which is known as the maxima clam (although it also goes by the oxymoron ‘small giant clam’).

Giant Moa (Yowies Lost Kingdoms Series A by Cadbury)

3 (3 votes)

The largest bird today is the Ostrich, and this is owing to it’s flightlessness. The recent past, however, provided greater flightless giants. One such came from New Zealand, in the form of the South island Giant Moa, Diornis robustus, with females able to reach up to 11ft 10″ if they stretched up, being 6ft 6″ on a horizontal plane.

Giant River Otter (Wild Water Series by Yowie Group)

5 (5 votes)

Review and images by Sam; edited by bmathison1972

The giant river otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is the world’s largest otter species as well as the longest member of the Mustellidae family. It originates from South America, and is listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List, with only 5,000 giant otters remaining in the wild.

Golden Ghost Crab (Colors of the Animal Kingdom by Yowie Group)

5 (3 votes)

I was debating on whether or not to post before Christmas, but I got a cool new figure in the mail today, so I said, let’s do it! So today I am reviewing another Yowie figure for the Blog. This time it is the golden ghost crab, Ocypode convexa, from the recently-released series, Colors of the Animal Kingdom.

Gooty Sapphire Ornamental Tarantula (Animals with Superpowers by Yowie Group)

3 (1 votes)

Poecilotheria metallica is a beautiful theraphosid spider from the forests of Andhra Pradesh in India. It goes by several common names, including the Gooty sapphire ornamental tarantula, blue ornamental tarantula, and peacock tarantula, among others. It is an arboreal species, and like many tropical tarantulas, has a very limited geographic distribution, making it prone to population decline.

Green Christmas Beetle (Yowies Series 1, UK and Australian releases by Cadbury)

4 (1 votes)

This week Christmas is celebrated throughout much of the world. In trying to keep with holiday themes, I have decided to review a pair of green Christmas beetles (Anoplognathus punctulatus) by Cadbury that were released in both the Australian and UK Yowies collections in 1997. Members the genus Anoplognathus are commonly called ‘Christmas beetles’ as they tend to be abundant during Christmas time in Australia.

Grey Fantail (Yowies Series 2 by Cadbury)

3.5 (2 votes)

The pygostyle is an amazing evolutionary adaptation. The fusion of several vertebrae allows for some amazing tail fans, allowing birds to perform incredible displays in mating displays. One group that exemplifies this are fantails, named for their large tail feathers, allowing the males to display elegantly to females. One such example is the Grey fantail (Rhipidura albiscapa), a small insectivore from Australia, along with the Solomon islands, New Caledonia and Vanuatu.

Hawaiian ‘O’ o (Yowies Forgotten Friends Series A by Cadbury)

3 (1 votes)

As a volcanic island chain, Hawaii is not known for it’s ancient fossil fauna, but it has a selection of modern extinct species. The ‘O’ o (or Moho, based on the scientific name) were a group of birds that were native to Hawaii, now all extinct, the last being recent enough to have recordings of it’s mating call (worth hearing, though prepare to be moved to tears).

Kea (Yowies Series 3 by Cadbury)

3 (2 votes)

Parrots are an amazing group of birds. Whilst most think of them as brightly coloured tropical birds that repeat phrases, they are actually some of the most intelligent animals on the planet, ranking high among birds, along with corvids. And yes, while parrots like the macaws are brightly coloured, many are primarily green, matching their environment.

Magpie Goose (Yowies Series 4 by Cadbury)

3.5 (2 votes)

Some may read the title and think “what is that?! A freak of nature? Science creating some hideous hybrid?!!?!?” The answer is more interesting: the Magpie goose (Anseranas semipalmata) is the last of a family of waterfowl, the Anseranatidae, which is a living fossil from the KPg boundary.

Marsupial Mole (Yowies UK Series 1 by Cadbury)

4 (1 votes)

If there is one evolutionary process I love, it’s convergent evolution, where two completely different species evolve the same adaptations to deal with similar environments. Whether it’s the tenrecs of Madagascar looking like hedgehogs, or the similarities between fish, dolphins and ichthyosaurs, it’s impressive how evolution can take these similarities and apply it to different groups.

Masked Lapwing (Yowies Series 3 by Cadbury)

3.5 (2 votes)

The wetlands of the world are great places to witness a variety of life. Birds are common here, wading and collecting food among the silt and water. This review will look at one from the southern hemisphere, the Masked Lapwing (Vanellus miles), a common animal in New Zealand and Australia, adaptable and able to live in open fields, wetlands and even arid environments.

New Zealand Giant Eagle (Yowies Lost Kingdoms Series A by Cadbury)

2.5 (2 votes)

When a species goes extinct, you take out one piece of the food web, affecting everything above and below it. When the Moa went extinct, so too did it’s main predator, the largest eagle to ever have existed, Haast’s eagle, Hieraaetus. Once it flew through the forests of New Zealand, preying on the Moa, grabbing their pelvis and slashing their neck with their sharp talons, which gave them their initial (and cooler sounding) scientific name of Harpagornis.

New Zealand Grayling (Yowies Forgotten Friends Series A by Cadbury)

4 (1 votes)

Across the globe, fish populations are under threat as a result of human expansion, altering the environment to suit us. From the Yangtze to the Atlantic, aquatic populations are struggling. This has led to many extinctions, such as the subject of this review: the New Zealand Grayling (Prototroctes oxyrhynchus).

Paradise Parrot (Yowies Forgotten Friends Series A by Cadbury)

2.5 (2 votes)

Australia is home to numerous species of parrot, from the Gallah to the sulpur-crested Cockatoo. Many are now quite rare as a result of humanity, but most are now protected and hopefully will recover. Sadly, this isn’t the case for all of them, as one species no longer exists among them, the Paradise Parrot.

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