Brand: AAA

Emperor Penguin, adult and chick (AAA)

4.2 (5 votes)

Welcome, once again, to my “Winter Wonderland” series! We started in the great white north, now we shall go to the frozen south of the world: Antarctica, responsible for such icy greats as the Ice Age. It is also an area where terrestrial mammals aren’t present, thus the major terrestrial animals are penguins, having adapted to the cold climate over millions of years.

Fallow Deer (AAA)

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3.3 (4 votes)

Standing in a glade, head held high, displaying its mighty antlers as he observes his domain. This is the image that comes to my mind when I think of stags, male deer that rut and battle for territory and mates. They are also more common to see in toy form, as their majestic antlers are more likely to grab the attention of kids than the females that lack them.

Flamingo (AAA)

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4 (4 votes)

Across the globe, there are many amazing bird species. One of the few groups of vertebrates to develop powered flight, they now fill the skies with song and colour. Some are more colourful than others, with this review’s subject being a great example, the flamingo, a bird seen in America, Africa, Asia and Europe.

Frog, Male (AAA)

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3.3 (3 votes)

As the first group to leave the waters to become, at least partially, terrestrial, amphibians have had a long and intriguing evolutionary history. Though no longer the mighty giants they were once, they still exist in a multitude across the globe, in spite of the many trials they face from disease and humanity.

Gazelle (AAA)

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3.7 (10 votes)

Well, here we are. Another “Savanah Summer” draws to a close. Nights are drawing in and temperatures slowly drop. But we have time for one last review from the African plains. And we look at one of the speedsters of the savannah: the Gazelle, curtesy of AAA.

As it is only referred to as a Gazelle, we need to discern species.

Giant Panda, right front paw up (AAA)

4.5 (2 votes)

When one thinks of animal conservation, the image of one rare animal will often pops into mind: the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). The symbol of the World Wildlife Federation, this magnificent bear nearly became extinct in the wild, but fortunately, it is in a better state than it was, now listed as venerable, so it can continue to live carefree, bamboo eating lives.

Gorilla, baby sitting with banana (AAA)

3.3 (6 votes)

Primates. The order of which humans and our closest related species belong to. One of the groups that we are also included in are the great apes, the largest being the gorilla (Gorilla gorilla). These magnificent African apes are critical endangered and need protecting. It has many, many figures of the species made.

Gray Wolf Howling (Large) and Brown Wolf Cub (AAA)

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3.5 (2 votes)

With Christmas over but winter still here, I wanted to highlight and celebrate this season, starting several reviews on a “Winter Wonderland” series! Each are animals adapted for the ice and snow of the world’s coldest environments, captured in the snow that has recently fallen for my area. We start with some large hunters of the snow, the gray wolf (Canis lupus).

Green Mamba (AAA)

4.3 (3 votes)

AAA is a toy company that produced a wide array of toy animals throughout the 80’s and 90’s. Some of their toys are among the very best of the species they represent but I must admit AAA is largely a mystery to me. When they began and when they ended, who sculpted their toys, I couldn’t answer those questions.

Green Sea Turtle, young (AAA)

3.5 (4 votes)

There are not many creatures that have such an uphill struggle at the start of life than sea turtles. From getting out of their egg and nest, to the mad dash to the sea, all the time being potentially picked off by predators of land and sky. When they reach the sea, it will take years to be big enough to be safe, having to evade water predators.

Green-winged Teal (Large Ducks by AAA)

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5 (4 votes)

The Green-winged Teal (Anas crecca) is a small dabbling duck that occurs throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere. Historically, the American populations were classified as either a subspecies of the Eurasian teal (A. crecca carolinensis) or as a valid species (A. carolinensis), but now the American and Eurasian populations are lumped into one widespread species.

Killer Whale (AAA)

2.3 (3 votes)

The oceans are full of wonderous, graceful but also dangerous animals, though many of these reactions depend on what species you are. This review will look at one that, to us, is graceful, beautiful and intelligence, but to many fish and whales is a dangerous predator, the killer whale (Orcinus orca), or the orca.

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