Author: OkapiBoy

All reviews by this author

Ganges River Dolphin (Sealife by CollectA)

5 (5 votes)

Review and photos by OkapiBoy

Before we leave Mainland Asia, I wanted to make one last detour and check out some of the largest and mightiest rivers in India and Asia.The Ganges, Indus, Yangtze, and Mekong are just some of the largest river systems that flows and crisscross the continent.Here, one would encounter one of the unlikeliest animal swimming around: dolphins.

Gaur Bull (Wildlife by Mojö Fun)

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5 (6 votes)

Review and photos by OkapiBoy

On our last review, we explored the deep and mysterious highland forest of the Annamites mountain range where we met one of its rarest inhabitant.Today, we will head down to the lowlands and forest edges to meet another bovine, this time a large one.Tropical rainforest are one of the most threatened ecosystem in the world, and animals that depends on them and call it home are also some of the most endangered.The rainforest of Southeast Asia in particular are hard hit by deforestation and booming human populations that continues to push what remains into smaller and fragmented patches.

Saola (Wildlife by CollectA)

5 (8 votes)

Review and photos by OkapiBoy

Last time we explored the high Tibetan country and met one of its unique and charismatic inhabitant.Today, we travel down south of mainland Asia and head west towards the coast, leaving behind the harsh landscape.For my next review, I have decided to continue with the Asian theme and spotlight another animal from Asia.If you look at the map of mainland Asia, you will see a stretch of mountains that run north to south like a spine that divides the interior and the coast.

Chiru (Wildlife by CollectA)

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5 (6 votes)

Review and Photos by OkapiBoy

Choosing a figure for my very first review for the blog proved to be difficult. For my first review, I wanted a figure that was both unique,  obscure, and reflect my interest. After much deliberation, I decided on this figure, CollectA’s chiru or more commonly knows as the Tibetan antelope (Pantholops hodgsoni).

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