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Animal Log of your native fauna

Started by Advicot, November 03, 2019, 01:42:30 PM

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Birded up City Creek Canyon yesterday and got another lifer, the ruffed grouse. It was only heard, not seen, but still new for me!


I haven't participated in this thread in a long time, although I do check it on occasion. But today I have to share my lifer tropical kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus), not in its breeding range of Central and South America but in the U.S. state of Maryland, 45 minutes from my home.


that's a great find, @Gwangi - I had to search to find any record of it near you. Alas, eBird has scattered records in the East, but if I saw it I don't know how I would separate it from the western kingbird (T. verticalis), which, while rare in the East, is more commonly recorded there!!  Meaning, if I saw a tropic kindbird, I'd probably unknowingly misidentify it :-D


Quote from: bmathison1972 on November 21, 2021, 11:02:39 PM
that's a great find, @Gwangi - I had to search to find any record of it near you. Alas, eBird has scattered records in the East, but if I saw it I don't know how I would separate it from the western kingbird (T. verticalis), which, while rare in the East, is more commonly recorded there!!  Meaning, if I saw a tropic kindbird, I'd probably unknowingly misidentify it :-D

Haha, it has been a local celebrity here for a couple weeks now. All I really had to do to find it was follow the paparazzi and look where their cameras were pointing. It helps that it's hanging out at a wildlife refuge too.

Congrats on your ruffed grouse. I used to see and hear them when I lived in NY but they don't live where I'm at now. I miss them.


Great day birding.

First, Decker Lake. This was kinda weak; the water level was really low and ice was forming in areas. Only got 10 species.

eBird list with species and numbers:

Next up, was the adjacent leg of the Jordan River Parkway. This was MUCH more producted; 34 species with TWO lifers (Barrow's goldeneye and northern pintail).

eBird list with species and numbers:


Possible new lifer today in a northern goshawk, and also saw a golden eagle, which may or may not be a lifer (someone once pointed one out back in Arizona, but this individual is not always a reliable source of information...)

eBird links:

Lower City Creek Canyon (Memory Grove Park):
Upper City Creek Canyon:


For anyone interested, here is the list of fauna observed by me in the wild during 2021, it recalls a total of 12 mammals (3 lifers), 88 birds (5 lifers), 8 reptiles (0 lifers), 1 amphibian (0 lifers), 5 fishes (2 lifers) and 794 invertebrates (177 lifers).

By comparison, 2020 has been much lower: 5 mammals (0 lifers), 81 birds (7 lifers), 5 reptiles (0 lifers), 1 amphibian (0 lifers), 5 fishes (1 lifer) and 290 invertebrates (18 lifers)

These very high numbers were due to two important major trips: one entomological various-days trip guided by a local expert that is friend of mine, and one touristic trip to Vienna with extension to Slovakia, not much field trips here but in urban parks and so I saw several species common in central Europe and rare in my arid submediterranean homeland.


1. Domestic cattle (Bos taurus) Puerto de la Ragua 28th July 21
2. Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica) (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
3. Red deer (Cervus elaphus) Štrbské Pleso 13th September 21 (only heard)
4. Domestic dog (Canis lupus) Juslibol 30th May 21 and 2 more observations in Alcazaba and Punta Entinas
5. Domestic cat (Felis catus) Zaragoza 7th January 21 and 45 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Parador de las Hortichuelas, El Trebolar and Barcelona
6. Greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis) (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th July 21
7. Common pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pìpistrellus) Zaragoza 11th March 21 and 17 more observations in Zaragoza
8. Lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 3 more observations in Alcazaba and Dalías
9. Common rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) Zaragoza 13th January 21 and 31 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Bujaraloz, El Trebolar, Dalías and Vícar
10. Domestic horse (Equus caballus) Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
11. House mouse (Mus musculus) Vienna 9th September 21
12. Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) Vienna 14th September 21


1. Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) Osera de Ebro 5th June 21
2. Common buzzard (Buteo buteo) Fondón 28th July 21 and 2 more observations in Sered' and Sevin
3. Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) Zaragoza 4th March 21
4. Common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) Zaragoza 8th January 21 and 10 more observations in Zaragoza, Bujaraloz, Punta Entinas, Neudorf and Pama
5. Eurasian griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) Zaragoza 20th May 21 and 2 more observations in Bujaraloz and Botorrita
6. Bonelli's eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus) (LIFER) El Trebolar 26th July 21
7. Black kite (Milvus migrans) Zaragoza 10th March 21 and 8 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol and Pina de Ebro
8. Red kite (Milvus milvus) Zaragoza 29th November 21
9. Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) Zaragoza 7th January 21 and 21 more observations in Zaragoza, Punta Entinas and Štrbské Pleso
10. Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) Zaragoza 9th May 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
11. Mute swan (Cygnus olor) Zaragoza 9th May 21
12. Common swift (Apus apus) Zaragoza 20th April 21 and 57 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Fuentes Claras, Parador de las Hortichuelas, El Trebolar, Alcazaba, Laujar de Andarax, Punta Entinas and Elche
13. Alpine swift (Apus melba) Punta Entinas 27th July 21
14. Eurasian thick-knee (Burhinus oedicnemus) Zaragoza 19th February 21 (only heard). (Note: thick-knees were present here year round and heard in many nights where I came out of work. Until this year. Now the badland where they thrived is a parking and thick-knees are gone forever L
15. Little ringed plover (Charadrius dubius) Zaragoza 18th July 21
16. Common pratincole (Glareola pratincola) Punta Entinas 27th July 21
17. Black-winged stilt (Himantopus himantopus) Punta Entinas 1st August 21
18. Audouin's gull (Larus audouinii) (LIFER) Punta Entinas 27th July 21 and 2 more observations in Cabo de Gata and Punta Entinas
19. Yellow-legged gull (Larus cachinnans) Zaragoza 5th January 21 and 24 more observations in Zaragoza, Alcazaba, Punta Entinas, Cabo de Gata and Barcelona
20. Black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) Zaragoza 2nd January 21 and 13 more observations in Zaragoza and Bratislava
21. Little tern (Sterna albifrons) (LIFER) Punta Entinas 1st August 21
22. Sandwich tern (Sterna sandwichensis) (LIFER) Punta Entinas 27th July 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
23. Green sandpiper (Tringa ochropus) Zaragoza 18th July 21
24. Great egret (Ardea alba) Zaragoza 25th June 21
25. Grey heron (Ardea cinerea) Zaragoza 30th May 21 and 3 more observations in Zaragoza and Sered'
26. Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) Zaragoza 2nd January 21 and 12 more observations in Zaragoza and Punta Entinas
27. White stork (Ciconia ciconia) Zaragoza 7th January 21 and 19 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Pina de Ebro and Espinardo
28. Little egret (Egretta garzetta) Zaragoza 4th January 21 and 16 more observations in Zaragoza and Punta Entinas
29. Black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Zaragoza 23th April 21 and 6 more observations in Zaragoza
30. Greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) Punta Entinas 1st August 21
31. Common pigeon (Columba livia) Zaragoza 2nd January 21 and 259 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, El Trebolar, Cabo de Gata, Lorca, Elche, Barcelona, Vienna, Bratislava and Levoča
32. Wood pigeon (Columba palumbus) Zaragoza 4th January 21 and 177 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Bujaraloz, Longares, Alcazaba, La Ragua, Los Gallardos, Barcelona, Bratislava and Vienna
33. Collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) Zaragoza 8th January 21 and 124 more observations in Zaragoza, Bujaraloz, Parador de las Hortichuelas, Aguadulce, Roquetas de Mar, Tabernas desert, Punta Entinas Lorca, Cabeza de Torres and Barcelona
34. European turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur) El Trebolar 26th July 21
35. Common bee-eater (Merops apiaster) Zaragoza 5th April 21 and 5 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, El Trebolar, Alcazaba and Fondón
36. Common hoopoe (Upupa epops) Aguadulce 25th July 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
37. Common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) Juslibol 30th May 21 (as always, only heard)
38. Red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) Alcazaba 38th July and 1 more observation in Vícar
39. Common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) Zaragoza 9th May 21
40. Common reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) Zaragoza 28th April 21 and 3 more observations in Zaragoza (all but one only sound records)
41. Long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus) El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Vienna
42. Linnet (Carduelis cannabina) Zaragoza 1st March 21
43. Eurasian goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) Zaragoza 19th March 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza
44. European greenfinch (Carduelis chloris) Zaragoza 12th April 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza and Cabo de Gata
45. Cetti's warbler (Cettia cetti) Zaragoza 12th March 21 and 9 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol and Fondón (all of them sound records only)
46. Zitting cisticola (Cisticola juncidis) Punta Entinas 29th July 21
47. Common raven (Corvus corax) Bujaraloz 5th June 21
48. Common crow (Corvus corone) Zaragoza 10th March 21 and 10 more observations in Zaragoza, Vienna, Neudorf and Bratislava
49. Rook (Corvus frugilegus) Pama 11th September 21
50. Eurasian jackdaw (Corvus monedula) Zaragoza 25th January 21 and 23 more observations in Zaragoza, Bujaraloz and Bratislava
51. Common house martin (Delichon urbica) Zaragoza 8th May 21 and 26 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Bujaraloz, Aguadulce, Alcazaba, Parador de las Hortichuelas, Punta Entinas and Bratislava
52. European robin (Erithacus rubecula) Zaragoza 13th January 21 and 23 more observations in Zaragoza, Puerto de La Ragua, Barcelona and Štrbské Pleso
53. European pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) Zaragoza 9th May 21 and 2 more observations in Juslibol and Zaragoza
54. Crested lark (Galerida cristata) Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 3 more observations in Aguadulce, Parador de las Hortichuelas and Punta Entinas
55. Thekla lark (Galerida theklae) El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 4 more observations in Cabo de Gata, Punta Entinas and Tabernas desert
56. Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius) La Ragua 28th July 21 and 1 more observation in Vienna
57. Red-rumped swallow (Hirundo daurica) (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 5 more observations in Aguadulce, Parador de las Hortichuelas and Vícar
58. Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) Zaragoza 12th April 21 and 20 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, El Trebolar, Cabo de Gata, Punta Entinas and Barcelona
59. Woodchat shrike (Lanius senator) Zaragoza 17th July 21 and 1 more observation in Tabernas desert
60. Common nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) Zaragoza 22th April 21 and 10 more observations in Zaragoza and Juslibol (most are sound records only)
61. Pied wagtail (Motacilla alba) Zaragoza 2nd January 21 and 54 more observations in Zaragoza, Bujaraloz, Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso and Levoča
62. Grey wagtail (Motacilla cinerea) Zaragoza 11th January 21
63. Black wheatear (Oenanthe leucura) Alcazaba 26th July 21
64. Eurasian golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus) Zaragoza 17th July 21 and 2 more observations in El Trebolar and Fondón (the two latter only sound records)
65. Blue tit (Parus caeruleus) Zaragoza 13th January 21 and 6 more observations in Zaragoza, Barcelona and Vienna
66. Crested tit (Parus cristatus) Barcelona 8th September 21
67. Great tit (Parus major) Zaragoza 18th February 21 and 14 more observations in Zaragoza, Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso and Vienna
68. House sparrow (Passer domesticus) Zaragoza 4th January 21 and 162 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Aguadulce, Parador de las Hortichuelas, El Trebolar, Puerto de La Ragua, Fondón, Punta Entinas, Tabernas desert, Barcelona and Vienna
69. Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus) Zaragoza 3th March 21 and 3 more observations in Zaragoza
70. Black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros) Zaragoza 5th January 21 and 8 more observations in Zaragoza, Puerto de La Ragua, Bratislava and Oravský Podzámok
71. Common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) Zaragoza 8th January 21
72. Common chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) Zaragoza 1th January 21
73. Common magpie (Pica pica) Zaragoza 2nd January 21 and 180 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Osera de Ebro, La Puebla de Valverde, Punta Entinas, Fondón, Barcelona, Neudorf, Štrba, Štrbské Pleso and Sevin
74. Red-billed chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) Bujaraloz 5th June 21
75. Common stonechat (Saxicola torquata) El Trebolar 26th July 21
76. European serin (Serinus serinus) Zaragoza 11th February 21 and 45 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol and Parador de las Hortichuelas
77. Eurasian nuthacht (Sitta europaea) Vienna 16th September 21
78. Spotless starling (Sturnus unicolor) Zaragoza 10th February 21 and 18 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol and Bujaraloz
79. Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) Zaragoza 11th February 21 and 7 more observations in Zaragoza
80. Orphean warbler (Sylvia hortensis) Bujaraloz 5th June 21
81. Sardinian warbler (Sylvia melanocephala) Juslibol 30th May 21 and 2 more observations in El Trebolar and Barcelona
82. Common blackbird (Turdus merula) Zaragoza 1st April 21 and 12 more observations in Zaragoza, Alcazaba, Aguadulce, Parador de las Hortichuelas, Bayarcal, Fondón, Cabo de Gata, Barcelona and Štrbské Pleso
83. Mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus) Zaragoza 8th January 21 and 26 more observations in Zaragoza
84. Great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Zaragoza 8th January 21 and 14 more observations in Zaragoza and Punta Entinas
85. Grey-breasted parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus) Barcelona 8th September 21
86. Ring-necked parakeet (Psittacula krameri) Zaragoza 12th August 21 and 1 more observation in Barcelona
87. Little owl (Athene noctua) Punta Entinas 1st August 21
88. Common scops owl (Otus scops) Zaragoza 21th April 21 and 10 more observations in Zaragoza and Dalías (all of them sound records)



1. Spiny-footed lizard (Acanthodactylus erythrurus) Parador de las Hortichuelas 25th July 21 and 4 more observations in Punta Entinas, Cabo de Gata and Tabernas desert
2. Mediterranean chameleon (Chamaeleo chamaeleon) Aguadulce 25th July 21 and 1 more observation in Cabo de Gata
3. Ocellated lizard (Lacerta lepida) Tabernas desert 31th July 21
4. Viviparous lizard (Lacerta vivipara) Strbské Pleso 12th September 21
5. Viperine water snake (Natrix maura) Juslibol 30th May 21
6. Iberian wall lizard (Podarcis hispanica) Zaragoza 6th February 21 and 7 more observations in Zaragoza, Alcazaba, Bayarcal, Fondón and Barcelona
7. Large sand racer (Psammodromus algirus) Juslibol 30th May 21 and 4 more observations in Bujaraloz, Alcazaba, Bayarcal and Vícar
8. Commn wall gecko (Tarentola mauritanica) Zaragoza 30th March 21 and 35 more observations in Zaragoza, El Trebolar, Bayarcal and Vícar

1. Iberian green frog (Rana perezi) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 2 more observations in Punta Entinas and Bayarcal

1. Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) Zaragoza 17th July 21 (leaping out of water)
2. Roach (Rutilus rutilus) (LIFER) Strbské Pleso 12th September 21
3. Eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) Zaragoza 9th May 21 and 4 more observations in Juslibol, Zaragoza and Punta Entinas
4. European perch (Perca fluviatilis) Strbské Pleso 12th September 21 and 1 more observation in Strbské Pleso
5. Peacock blenny (Salaria pavo) (LIFER) Punta Entinas 1st August 21



1. Gammarus pulex Zaragoza 25th June 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
2. Artemia parthenogenetica Bujaraloz 5th June 21
3. Aculepeira armida Bujaraloz 5th June 21
4. Aculepeira ceropegia Puerto de la Ragua 28th July 21
5. Aelurillus aeruginosus Punta Entinas 1st August 21
6. Agalenatea redii Punta Entinas 1st August 21
7. Agelena labyrinthica El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Paterna del Río
8. Alopecosa cuneata Zaragoza 7th June 21
9. Anelosimus aulicus Aguadulce 25th July 21
10. Aphantaulax trifasciata Punta Entinas 1st August 21
11. Araneus diadematus Banksá Štiavnica 12th September 21 and 1 more observation in Vienna
12. Araniella cucurbitina Paterna del Río 28th July 21
13. Arctosa cinerea Punta Entinas 1st August 21
14. Argiope lobata Aguadulce 25th July 21 and 4 more observations in El Trebolar, Paterna del Río, Cabo de Gata and Punta Entinas
15. Argiope trifasciata El Trebolar 26th July 21
16. Cheiracanthium pelasgicum Zaragoza 21th April 21
17. Cyclosa insulana Punta Entinas 1st August 21
18. Dysdera crocata Zaragoza 10th March 21 and 1 more observation in Fondón
19. Euryopis episinoides Zaragoza 27th February 21 and 19 more observations in Zaragoza
20. Eusparassus levantinus (LIFER) Vícar 30th July 21
21. Evarcha arcuata Zaragoza 1st April 21 and 5 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol and Punta Entinas
22. Evarcha jucunda Zaragoza 6th June 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
23. Hersilia simonyi (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th June 21 and 2 more observations in Parador de las Hortichuelas and El Trebolar
24. Icius hamatus Zaragoza 1st April 21 and 6 more observations in Zaragoza, Alcazaba and Fondón
25. Larinia lineata El Trebolar 26th July 21
26. Larinioides suspicax Bujaraloz 5th June 21
27. Latrodectus lilianae Juslibol 30th May 21
28. Loxosceles rufescens Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 1 more observation in Vícar
29. Lycosa tarantula Aguadulce 25th July 21 and 1 more observation in Vícar
30. Lycosoides coarctata Zaragoza 15th August 21
31. Mangora acalypha Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 8 more observations in El Trebolar, Puerto de la Ragua and Zaragoza
32. Menemerus bivittatus El Trebolar 26th July 21
33. Menemerus semilimbatus Zaragoza 4th April 21 and 15 more observations in Zaragoza, El Trebolar, Vícar and Punta Entinas
34. Monaeses paradoxus (LIFER) Vícar 29th July 21
35. Nigma walckenaeri Alcazaba 26th July 21
36. Nomisia aussereri Juslibol 30th May 21
37. Oxyopes heterophthalmus Bujaraloz 5th June 21
38. Peucetia viridis (LIFER) El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 4 more observations in Alcazaba, Cabo de Gata and Punta Entinas
39. Pholcus phalangioides Zaragoza 5th February 21 and 1 more observation in Vienna
40. Pisaura mirabilis Juslibol 30th May 21 and 2 more observations in Bujaraloz and Banksá Štiavnica
41. Pterotricha simoni Vícar 30th July 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
42. Runcinia grammica Juslibol 30th May 21 and 1 more observation in Bujaraloz
43. Scytodes thoracica Zaragoza 12th October 21
44. Scytodes univittata (LIFER) Parador de las Hortichuelas 29th July 21
45. Scytodes velutina Zaragoza 18th November 21
46. Selamia reticulata Bujaraloz 5th June 21
47. Steatoda albomaculata Bujaraloz 5th June 21
48. Stegodyphus lineatus Aguadulce 25th July 21
49. Synema globosum Zaragoza 1st April 21 and 5 more observations in Zaragoza, Aguadulce, El Trebolar and Alcazaba
50. Tama edwardsi (LIFER) Alcazaba 26th July 21
51. Tetragnatha extensa Zaragoza 25th June 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
52. Thanatus formicinus Bujaraloz 5th June 21
53. Thomisus onustus Zaragoza 21th April 21 and 8 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Aguadulce, Parador de las Hortichuelas, Punta Entinas and Vícar
54. Thyene imperialis Aguadulce 25th July 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
55. Uloborus plumipes Alcazaba 26th July 21
56. Uloborus walckenaerius Paterna del Río 28th July 21
57. Zygiella x-notata Zaragoza 2nd March 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza and Alcazaba
58. Patella rustica Alcazaba 26th July 21
59. Lymnaea stagnalis Vienna 14th September 21
60. Physella acuta Zaragoza 25th June 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
61. Abax ovalis (LIFER) Vienna 18th September 21
62. Acinopus picipes Zaragoza 12th July 21
63. Acmaeodera bipunctata Bujaraloz 5th June 21
64. Acmaeodera crinita Juslibol 30th May 21
65. Acmaeodera pulchra Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 1 more observation at El Trebolar
66. Acmaeoderella moroderi El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Bayarcal
67. Adalia bipunctata Zaragoza 9th May 21 and 3 more observations in Zaragoza
68. Aderus sanguinolentus (LIFER) Alcazaba 26th July 21
69. Aethiessa floralis Puerto de la Ragua 28th July 21
70. Agapanthia cardui Zaragoza 8th June 21
71. Agriotes sordidus Juslibol 30th May 21
72. Akis genei Bujaraloz 5th June 21
73. Altica lythri (LIFER) Zaragoza 9th May 21
74. Anaspis fasciata Juslibol 30th May 21
75. Anelastidius feisthamelii (LIFER) Alcazaba 26th July 21
76. Anogcodes seladonius Zaragoza 28th May 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza
77. Anthaxia hypomelaena Juslibol 30th May 21 and 1 more observation in Bujaraloz
78. Anthaxia lucia Juslibol 30th May 21
79. Anthrenus pimpinellae Zaragoza 24th April 21 and 8 more observations in Zaragoza
80. Anthrenus verbasci Zaragoza 12th March 21 and 14 more observations in Zaragoza
81. Aphodius scrutator Puerto de la Ragua 28th July 21
82. Apion haematodes (LIFER) Zaragoza 18th July 21
83. Attagenus trifasciatus Zaragoza 24th April 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza and Juslibol
84. Attagenus unicolor Zaragoza 29th May 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
85. Blaps gigas Cabo de Gata 29th July 21
86. Calomicrus circumfusus Juslibol 30th May 21
87. Cephalota circumdata Bujaraloz 5th June 21
88. Cerocoma schaefferi Juslibol 30th May 21
89. Cetonia aurata Vienna 14th September 21
90. Chilocorus bipustulatus Aguadulce 25th July 21
91. Chitona suturalis Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 2 more observations in Parador de las Hortichuelas and Punta Entinas
92. Chrysolina americana Juslibol 30th May 21 and 1 more observation in Bujaraloz
93. Chrysolina bankii Zaragoza 1st April 21 and 3 more observations in Zaragoza
94. Chrysolina haemoptera Juslibol 30th May 21
95. Chrysomela populi Bratislava 11th September 21
96. Cicindela littoralis Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
97. Clytra espanoli Bayarcal 28th July 21
98. Coccinella septempunctata Zaragoza 9th May 21 and 9 more observations in Juslibol, Bujaraloz, Zaragoza, Puerto de la Ragua, Banksá Štiavnica and Vienna
99. Coniatus tamarisci Juslibol 30th May 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
100. Coptocephala scopolina Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 5 more observations in Alcazaba, Aguadulce, Cabo de Gata and Vícar
101. Corimalia tamarisci Zaragoza 17th July 21 and 1 more observation in Aguadulce
102. Crioceris paracenthesis Fondón 28th July 21
103. Crypticus gibbulus Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 2 more observations in El Trebolar and Vícar
104. Crypticus minutissimus (LIFER) Bujaraloz 5th June 21
105. Cryptocephalus celtibericus (LIFER) Fondón 28th July 21
106. Cryptocephalus fulvus Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
107. Cryptocephalus muellerianus (LIFER) Punta Entinas 27th July 21 and 2 more observations in Punta Entinas and Tabernas desert
108. Cryptocephalus octoguttatus Juslibol 30th May 21
109. Cryptocephalus pulchellus (LIFER) La Ragua 28th July 21
110. Cryptocephalus rugicollis Zaragoza 5th May 21 and 3 more observations in Zaragoza and Bujaraloz
111. Dasytes terminalis Juslibol 30th May 21
112. Delphastus catalinae (LIFER) El Trebolar 26th July 21 (Note: Possibly not a lifer but what I has been identifying until now as Stethorus punctillum?)
113. Dendarus zariquieyi (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th July 21
114. Dicheirotrichus obsoletus Zaragoza 5th October 21
115. Dignomus jacqueti (LIFER) Alcazaba 26th July 21
116. Dixus clypeatus Zaragoza 29th May 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
117. Donus zoilus Levoča 13th September 21
118. Drasterius bimaculatus Alcazaba 24th July 21
119. Dryops gracilis Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
120. Elenophorus collaris (LIFER) Alcazaba 26th July 21
121. Endomia tenuicollis Bujaraloz 5th June 21
122. Enicopus calcaratus Bujaraloz 5th June 21
123. Exosoma lusitanicum Bujaraloz 5th June 21
124. Galeruca angusta Juslibol 30th May 21
125. Galeruca artemisiae (LIFER) Bayarcal 28th July 21
126. Gastrophysa viridula (LIFER) Zaragoza 20th May 21
127. Gonocephalum granulatum Zaragoza 16th May 21 and 1 more observation in Bujaraloz
128. Harmonia axyridis Levoča 13th September 21 and 1 more observation in Oravský Podzámok
129. Hippodamia variegata Zaragoza 9th May 21 and 10 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Bujaraloz, El Trebolar, Puerto de la Ragua and Bratislava
130. Holotrichapion pisi Zaragoza 4th October 21
131. Hybosorus illigeri (LIFER) Alcazaba 26th July 21
132. Hycleus duodecimpunctatus Bujaraloz 5th June 21
133. Hycleus scutellatus (LIFER) Cabo de Gata 29th July 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
134. Hydaticus leander (LIFER) Dalías 27th July 21
135. Hypera variabilis Zaragoza 17th July 21
136. Isomira antennata Juslibol 30th May 21
137. Labidostomis lusitanica Bujaraloz 5th June 21
138. Lachnaia pubescens Zaragoza 9th May 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza and Juslibol
139. Lachnaia tristigma Zaragoza 29th May 21 and 2 more observations in Juslibol and Zaragoza
140. Lasioderma serricorne (LIFER) Punta Entinas 29th July 21
141. Leptomona erythrocephala Juslibol 30th May 21
142. Licinus punctatulus Aguadulce 25th July 21
143. Lixus pulverulentus Zaragoza 9th May 21 and 1 more observation in Parador de las Hortichuelas
144. Malvaevora timida Zaragoza 9th May 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
145. Megabruchidius tonkineus Zaragoza 16th July 21
146. Melyris oblonga Zaragoza 17th February 21 and 29 more observations in Zaragoza (all of them inside my house and almost all larvae)
147. Monoxia obesula (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th July 21
148. Mylabris nevadensis (LIFER) Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
149. Mylabris quadripunctata Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
150. Mylabris varians Bujaraloz 5th June 21
151. Myrrha octodecimguttata Dalías 27th July 21
152. Myzia oblongoguttata Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
153. Nephus kiesenwetteri (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th July 21
154. Novius cruentatus (LIFER) Dalías 28th July 21
155. Ocypus brunnipes (LIFER) Vienna 18th September 21
156. Oedemera barbara Zaragoza 20th May 21 and 4 more observations in Zaragoza and Juslibol
157. Oedemera flavipes Zaragoza 14th April 21 and 5 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol and Fondón
158. Oedemera nobilis Zaragoza 7th June 21
159. Oedemera simplex Zaragoza 29th May 21 and 1 more observation in Juslibol
160. Oenopia conglobata Bayarcal 28th July 21
161. Oenopia doublieri Zaragoza 5th June 21
162. Opatrum baeticum (LIFER) El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
163. Opilo domesticus (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 1 more observation in El Trebolar
164. Orthomus barbarus Juslibol 30th May 21
165. Oryctes nasicornis Zaragoza 9th July 21 and 1 more observation in Fondón
166. Oxythyrea funesta Zaragoza 27th March 21 and 15 more observations in Zaragoza, Puerto de La Ragua, Fondón and Barcelona
167. Percus patruelis Juslibol 30th May 21
168. Philorhizus crucifer El Trebolar 26th July 21
169. Phloeotribus scarabaeoides (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
170. Phoracantha semipunctata (LIFER) Zaragoza 7th September 21
171. Pimelia rotundata (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th July 21
172. Pimelia variolosa (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th July 21
173. Podagrica fuscicornis Zaragoza 6th May 21 and 5 more observations in Zaragoza and Juslibol
174. Probosca unicolor (LIFER) Punta Entinas 27th July 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
175. Protaetia cuprea Vienna 14th September 21
176. Protaetia morio Zaragoza 17th July 21
177. Psilothrix viridicoerulea Zaragoza 16th May 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza and Bujaraloz
178. Rhagonycha fulva Juslibol 30th May 21 and 3 more observations in Zaragoza and Bayarcal
179. Rhantus punctatus Zaragoza 7th July 21
180. Rhyzobius lophanthae Zaragoza 10th June 21
181. Rodolia cardinalis Zaragoza 5th August 21
182. Scaurus punctatus Zaragoza 16th May 21 and 5 more observations in Zaragoza and Juslibol
183. Scaurus rugulosus Zaragoza 10th March 21 and 1 more observation in Vícar
184. Scobicia chevrieri (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
185. Scymnus frontalis Juslibol 30th May 21
186. Scymnus interruptus Juslibol 30th May 21
187. Sitona hispidulus Banksá Štiavnica 12th September 21
188. Spermophagus sericeus Bujaraloz 5th June 21
189. Stegobium paniceum Zaragoza 30th September 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
190. Stenopterus ater Paterna del Río 28th July 21
191. Stenurella melanura Bayarcal 28th July 21
192. Stethorus punctillum Zaragoza 14th July 21
193. Stictoleptura fontenayi Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
194. Stylosomus tamarisci Zaragoza 17th July 21 and 2 more observations in Aguadulce and El Trebolar
195. Tachys scutellatus (LIFER) Punta Entinas 1th August 21
196. Tarsostenus univittatus (LIFER) Alcazaba 26th July 21
197. Tentyria elongata (LIFER) Punta Entinas 27th July 21 and 3 more observations in Cabo de Gata and Punta Entinas
198. Tentyria incerta (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th July 21 and 6 more observations in El Trebolar, Alcazaba, Dalías, Cabo de Gata, Vícar and Punta Entinas
199. Tentyria peirolei Juslibol 30th May 21 and 1 more observation in Bujaraloz
200. Thea vigintiduopunctata Zaragoza 17th July 21
201. Tituboea biguttata Juslibol 30th May 21
202. Trichodes leucopsideus Zaragoza 29th May 21 and 3 more observations in Juslibol, Paterna del Río and Puerto de La Ragua
203. Trichodes octopunctatus Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 1 more observation in Puerto de La Ragua
204. Valgus hemipterus Juslibol 30th May 21
205. Xanthogaleruca luteola Zaragoza 16th May 21 and 3 more observations in Zaragoza and Fondón



206. Athyaephyra desmaresti Zaragoza 17th July 21
207. Forficula auricularia Zaragoza 12th April 21 and 12 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Bujaraloz, El Trebolar, Puerto de La Ragua and Bratislava
208. Labia minor Dalías 27th July 21
209. Labidura riparia Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
210. Ameles picteti (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th July 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
211. Ameles spallanzania Zaragoza 23th June 21
212. Blatta orientalis Zaragoza 19th July 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
213. Ectobius pallidus Dalías 27th July 21 and 2 more observations in Bratislava and Vienna
214. Empusa pennata Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
215. Iris oratoria Alcazaba 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Dalías
216. Kalotermes flavicollis Zaragoza 4th September 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
217. Loboptera canariensis Juslibol 30th May 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
218. Mantis religiosa Aguadulce 25th July 21 and 4 more observations in Zaragoza
219. Perlamantis alliberti Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 3 more observations in Alcazaba and Dalías
220. Reticulitermes lucifugus Zaragoza 2nd June 21 and 1 more observation in El Trebolar
221. Aciura coryli Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 2 more observations in Alcazaba
222. Amphisbetetus favillaceus (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
223. Anthrax anthrax Zaragoza 17th July 21 and 1 more observation in Puerto de La Ragua
224. Anthrax trifasciatus Alcazaba 29th July 21 and 1 more observation in Vícar
225. Anthrax virgo (LIFER) Alcazaba 26th July 21
226. Calliphora vicina Zaragoza 11th February 21 and 19 more observations in Zaragoza, Vienna and Bratislava
227. Calliphora vomitoria Štrbské Pleso 13th September 21
228. Capparimyia savastanii (LIFER) El Trebolar 26th July 21
229. Cephalodromia nitens (LIFER) Bayarcal 28th July 21
230. Chloromyia formosa Zaragoza 9th May 21
231. Chrysotoxum intermedium Zaragoza 24th March 21
232. Clogmia albipunctata Zaragoza 27th February 21 and 38 more observations in Zaragoza and Bratislava
233. Dasiops latifrons (LIFER) Zaragoza 9th May 21
234. Dasysyrphus albostriatus Bayarcal 28th July 21
235. Dinera carinifrons Fondón 28th July 21
236. Dioctria gagates Bujaraloz 5th June 21
237. Epistrophe eligans Zaragoza 29th May 21 and 2 more observations in Juslibol and Zaragoza
238. Episyrphus balteatus Zaragoza 1st April 21 and 10 more observations in Zaragoza and Juslibol
239. Eriopogon laniger (LIFER) Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
240. Eristalinus aeneus Punta Entinas 29th July 21 and 2 more observations in Tabernas desert and Punta Entinas
241. Eristalis arbustorum Bayarcal 28th July 21 and 1 more observation in Fondón
242. Eristalis tenax Zaragoza 10th March 21 and 11 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Bujaraloz, Bayarcal and Vienna
243. Eupeodes corollae Zaragoza 1st April 21 and 5 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol and Puerto de La Ragua
244. Eustalomyia hilaris (LIFER) Fondón 28th July 21
245. Euthycera cribata Zaragoza 29th May 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
246. Exhyalanthrax afer Juslibol 30th May 21 and 3 more observations in El Trebolar, Puerto de La Ragua and Vícar
247. Exoprosopa jacchus Juslibol 30th May 21 and 4 more observations in Bujaraloz, Alcazaba and Punta Entinas
248. Geomyza tripunctata Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
249. Graphomya maculata Vienna 14th September 21
250. Haematopota ocelligera Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
251. Helophilus trivittatus Barcelona 8th September 21 and 2 more observations in Vienna
252. Hemipenthes morio Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
253. Hemipenthes velutina Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
254. Hemipenthes vockerothi Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
255. Heteralonia rivularis (LIFER) Paterna del Río 28th July 21 and 1 more observation in Vícar
256. Hyperaea femoralis Bujaraloz 5th June 21
257. Lucilia caesar Zaragoza 7th July 21
258. Meiosimyza decempunctata Bayarcal 28th July 21
259. Micomitra stupida Paterna del Río 28th July 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
260. Musca domestica Zaragoza 29th June 21 and 12 more observations in Zaragoza, Aguadulce, El Trebolar, Alcazaba, Punta Entinas, Cabo de Gata and Vícar
261. Muscina stabulans Zaragoza 25th April 21
262. Myathropa florea Zaragoza 18th March 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza and Vienna
263. Neomochtherus ochriventris (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th July 21
264. Nephrotoma guestfalica (LIFER) Zaragoza 9th May 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
265. Oplodontha viridula Punta Entinas 27th July 21
266. Palloptera ustulata (LIFER) Bayarcal 28th July 21
267. Petrorossia letho (LIFER) El Trebolar 26th July 21
268. Physiphora alceae Zaragoza 2nd October 21
269. Physocephala nigripes (LIFER) Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
270. Rhadinus laurae (LIFER) Punta Entinas 29th July 21 and 2 more observations in Tabernas desert and Punta Entinas
271. Rhagoletis meigenii (LIFER) Bayarcal 28th July 21
272. Sargus bipunctatus (LIFER) Banksá Štiavnica 12th September 21
273. Saropogon leucocephalus Bujaraloz 5th June 21
274. Scathophaga stercoraria Zaragoza 7th April 21 and 1 more observation in Štrba
275. Scenopinus fenestralis (LIFER) Zaragoza 8th May 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza
276. Sphaeniscus filiolus (LIFER) Alcazaba 26th July 21
277. Sphaerophoria scripta Zaragoza 29th May 21 and 6 more observations in Juslibol, Zaragoza, Puerto de La Ragua, Fondón and Sevin
278. Stomorrhina lunata Bayarcal 28th July 21 and 2 more observations in Fondón and Zaragoza
279. Stratiomys longicornis Punta Entinas 27th July 21
280. Suillia variegata Zaragoza 17th February 21 and 3 more observations in Zaragoza and Štrbské Pleso
281. Syllegomydas bueni (LIFER) Punta Entinas 27th July 21 and 3 more observations in Cabo de Gata and Punta Entinas
282. Syritta pipiens Zaragoza 1st April 21 and 18 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Bujaraloz, El Trebolar, Punta Entinas, Cabo de Gata and Vienna
283. Tachina fera Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 2 more observations in Bayarcal and Vienna
284. Thaumatomyia notata Bujaraloz 5th June 21
285. Therobia leonidei (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 2 more observations in Alcazaba
286. Tipula maxima Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
287. Tipula paludosa Zaragoza 1st April 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
288. Toxophora fasciculata El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Paterna del Río
289. Trigonospila transvittata (LIFER) El Trebolar 26th July 21
290. Urophora pauperata (LIFER) Zaragoza 9th May 21
291. Wohlfahrtia bella Paterna del Río 28th July 21
292. Ecdyonurus venosus Zaragoza 30th March 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
293. Pachymerium ferrugineum Juslibol 30th May 21
294. Acrosternum heegeri Alcazaba 24th July 21
295. Acrosternum millierei Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 3 more observations in Alcazaba and Dalías
296. Adelphocoris falukei (LIFER) Punta Entinas 1st August 21
297. Adelphocoris lineolatus Zaragoza 7th September 21 and 1 more observation in Bratislava
298. Aelia acuminata Zaragoza 10th July 21
299. Aelia cognata Bujaraloz 5th June 21
300. Agalmatium flavescens Zaragoza 17th July 21
301. Ancyrosoma leucogrammes Zaragoza 18th July 21 and 1 more observation in El Trebolar
302. Anthocoris nemoralis Alcazaba 24th July 21
303. Aphanus rolandri Zaragoza 16th July 21
304. Aphis nerii Zaragoza 9th May 21 and 3 more observations in Zaragoza, Vícar and Vienna
305. Auchenocrepis minutissima (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th July 21
306. Brachynema purpureomarginatum Aguadulce 25th July 21
307. Byrsinus pilosulus (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
308. Caenocoris nerii Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 1 more observation in Aguadulce
309. Callaphis juglandis Bayarcal 28th July 21
310. Camptocera glaberrima (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
311. Camptopus lateralis Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 3 more observations in Paterna del Río, Bayarcal and Punta Entinas
312. Camptozygum aequale Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
313. Campyloneura virgula Bayarcal 28th July 21
314. Capsus ater Zaragoza 9th May 21
315. Carpocoris fuscispinus Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 5 more observations in Alcazaba, El Trebolar, Paterna del Río and Bayarcal
316. Centrocoris spiniger Alcazaba 26th July 21
317. Ceraleptus gracilicornis Juslibol 30th May 21
318. Cercopis intermedia Juslibol 30th May 21
319. Ceroplastes rusci (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th July 21
320. Chaitophorus populeti Zaragoza 9th May 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza and Fondón
321. Charagochilus gyllenhalii (LIFER) Zaragoza 18th July 21
322. Cicada barbara Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 6 more observations in El Trebolar, Alcazaba, Punta Entins, Cabo de Gata and Vícar
323. Codophila varia Parador de las Hortichuelas 25th July 21 and 2 more observations in Alcazaba and Punta Entinas
324. Copium teucrii (LIFER) Punta Entinas 1st August 21
325. Coreus marginatus Zaragoza 17th July 21
326. Corizus hyoscyami Juslibol 30th May 21
327. Deraeocoris cordiger Zaragoza 7th June 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza and Puerto de La Ragua
328. Deraeocoris punctum Juslibol 30th May 21
329. Deraeocoris ribauti Zaragoza 16th May 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza
330. Deraeocoris ruber Zaragoza 29th May 21
331. Deraeocoris serenus (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
332. Dicranocephalus medius Alcazaba 24th July 21
333. Dictyophara europaea Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 1 more observation in Fondón
334. Dictyophara multireticulata (LIFER) Alcazaba 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
335. Dolycoris baccarum El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 2 more observations in Fondón and Bratislava
336. Duilius seticulosus Zaragoza 17th July 21
337. Dysaphis tulipae Zaragoza 4th March 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza
338. Emblethis denticollis Bujaraloz 5th June 21
339. Engistus boops (LIFER) Punta Entinas 1st August 21
340. Eremocoris fenestratus Alcazaba 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Dalías
341. Euphyllura olivina (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th July 21
342. Eupteryx andalusica (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
343. Eurydema ornata Zaragoza 29th May 21 and 3 more observations in Juslibol, Bujaraloz and Punta Entinas
344. Eurydema ventralis Aguadulce 25th July 21 and 1 more observation in Dalías
345. Eurygaster maura Banksá Štiavnica 12th September 21
346. Eysarcoris ventralis Aguadulce 25th July 21 and 2 more observations in Tabernas desert and Zaragoza
347. Geocoris lineola Zaragoza 31th October 21
348. Geocoris phaeopterus (LIFER) Alcazaba 30th July 21
349. Globiceps sphaegiformis Zaragoza 12th June 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
350. Glycaspis brimblecombei El Trebolar 26th July 21
351. Graphosoma lineatum Juslibol 30th May 21 and 8 more observations in Zaragoza, Parador de las Hortichuelas, El Trebolar, Alcazaba, Punta Entinas, Fondón, Banksá Štiavnica and Vienna
352. Graphosoma semipunctatum Juslibol 30th May 21 and 10 more observations in Zaragoza, Alcazaba, Aguadulce, El Trebolar, Punta Entinas and Paterna del Río
353. Halyomorpha halys Vienna 9th September 21 and 1 more observation in Bratislava
354. Haploprocta sulcicornis Bayarcal 28th July 21
355. Hecalus glaucescens (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
356. Henestaris laticeps Punta Entinas 1st August 21
357. Heterocarpillus perpusillus Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
358. Heterogaster urticae Zaragoza 11th March 21
359. Himacerus mirmicoides Bayarcal 28th July 21
360. Holcogaster fibulata Bayarcal 28th July 21
361. Homotoma ficus Zaragoza 22th August 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
362. Hyalopterus pruni Zaragoza 16th May 21 and 1 more observation in Juslibol
363. Hydrometra stagnorum Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 3 more observations in Aguadulce, Vícar and Barcelona
364. Iberanum dlabolai (LIFER) Punta Entinas 1st August 21
365. Icerya purchasi Zaragoza 1st April 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
366. Lamprodema maura (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
367. Leptoceraea femoralis (LIFER) Punta Entinas 1st August 21
368. Leptoglossus occidentalis Dalías 27th July 21
369. Liorhyssus hyalinus Zaragoza 26th June 21 and 3 more observations in Zaragoza and Paterna del Río
370. Lygaeosoma sardeum (LIFER) Punta Entinas 1st August 21
371. Lygaeus equestris Banksá Štiavnica 12th September 21
372. Macropsis megerlei (LIFER) Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
373. Macroscytus brunneus Zaragoza 2nd May 21 and 5 more observations in Zaragoza, Alcazaba and Dalías
374. Macrosiphum rosae Zaragoza 15th May 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza
375. Megalocoleus bolivari Juslibol 30th May 21
376. Melanaphis donacis Zaragoza 29th May 21
377. Melanocoryphus albomaculatus Banksá Štiavnica 12th September 21
378. Mesovelia vittigera Zaragoza 8th May 21 and 8 more observations in Zaragoza and Alcazaba
379. Monosteira unicostata El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Vícar
380. Nepa cinerea Alcazaba 24th July 21
381. Nezara viridula Punta Entinas 27th July 21 and 5 more observations in Vienna and Bratislava
382. Notonecta maculata Bayarcal 28th July 21
383. Opsius stactogalus Zaragoza 17th July 21 and 3 more observations in Alcazaba and Aguadulce
384. Orthops kalmii Zaragoza 7th June 21
385. Osbornellus horvathi (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 3 more observations in Alcazaba and Tabernas desert
386. Oxycarenus lavaterae Zaragoza 9th May 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza
387. Paromius gracilis Alcazaba 30th July 21
388. Pentatoma rufipes Banksá Štiavnica 12th September 21 and 1 more observation in Vienna
389. Peirates stridulus Zaragoza 7th June 21
390. Phlepsius intricatus Alcazaba 26th July 21
391. Phyllomorpha laciniata Paterna del Río 28th July 21
392. Phytocoris minor Dalías 27th July 21
393. Piezodorus lituratus Juslibol 30th May 21 and 2 more observations in El Trebolar and Alcazaba
394. Proderus suberythropus (LIFER) Bujaraloz 5th June 21
395. Pseudocephalelus bleusei (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
396. Pterochloroides persicae Vienna 18th September 21
397. Pyrrhocoris apterus Zaragoza 9th May 21 and 14 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Parador de las Hortichuelas, El Trebolar, Alcazaba, Bratislava, Banksá Štiavnica and Vienna
398. Remaudiereana annulipes (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
399. Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae Vienna 14th September 21
400. Rhynocoris erythropus El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
401. Rhyparochromus vulgaris (LIFER) Banksá Štiavnica 12th September 21
402. Saissetia oleae Parador de las Hortichuelas 25th July 21 and 1 more observation in El Trebolar
403. Scolopostethus pictus Zaragoza 10th March 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza
404. Selenocephalus conspersus Dalías 28th July 21
405. Spilostethus furcula El Trebolar 26th July 21
406. Spilostethus pandurus Zaragoza 9th May 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
407. Spilostethus saxatilis Banksá Štiavnica 12th September 21
408. Staria lunata Aguadulce 25th July 21
409. Stictocephalus bisonia Zaragoza 17th July 21 and 1 more observation in Vienna
410. Tettigometra virescens Bayarcal 28th July 21
411. Trabutina mannipara (LIFER) Tabernas desert 31th July 21
412. Tuponia brevirostris Zaragoza 17th July 21
413. Xanthochilus quadratus (LIFER) Zaragoza 9th May 21
414. Zelus renardii Zaragoza 7th April 21



415. Amblyteles armatorius Zaragoza 9th May 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
416. Amegilla quadrifasciata Punta Entinas 27th July 21 and 2 more observations in Vícar and Barcelona
417. Andrena thoracica Barcelona 8th September 21
418. Antepipona cabrerai (LIFER) Juslibol 30th May 21
419. Anthidium cingulatum (LIFER) Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
420. Anthidium florentinum Zaragoza 5th June 21 and 3 more observations in Zaragoza
421. Aphaenogaster senilis Zaragoza 25th February 21 and 66 more observations in Zaragoza, El Trebolar, Bayarcal, Vícar and Barcelona
422. Apis mellifera Zaragoza 19th March 21 and 21 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, El Trebolar, Bayarcal, Vícar, Tabernas desert, Vienna, Bratislava, Banksá Štiavnica, Sevin and Oravský Podzámok
423. Arge ochropus Zaragoza 22th July 21
424. Batozonellus lacerticida Punta Entinas 27th July 21
425. Bembix oculata Punta Entinas 27th July 21 and 1 more observation in Cabo de Gata
426. Bembix olivacea (LIFER) Punta Entinas 27th July 21
427. Bembix tarsata Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
428. Bombus pascuorum Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
429. Bombus ruderatus Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21 and 1 more observation in Fondón
430. Bombus terrestris Zaragoza 1st April 21 and 6 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Puerto de la Ragua and Banksá Štiavnica
431. Callipteroma sexguttata (LIFER) Alcazaba 29th July 21
432. Camponotus cruentatus Barcelona 8th September 21
433. Camponotus vagus Banksá Štiavnica 12th September 21
434. Campsomeriella thoracica (LIFER) Cabo de Gata 29th July 21
435. Cataglyphis iberica Zaragoza 16th May 21 and 4 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Alcazaba and Punta Entinas
436. Chalybion flebile (LIFER) El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
437. Colpa quinquecincta Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 3 more observations in Bayarcal, Cabo de Gata ansd Vícar
438. Crematogaster auberti Zaragoza 16th May 21 and 4 more observations in Bujaraloz, Aguadulce, El Trebolar and Punta Entinas
439. Crematogaster scutellaris Zaragoza 24th March 21 and 33 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Parador de las Hortichuelas, El Trebolar and Vícar
440. Ctenochares bicolorus Fondón 28th July 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
441. Dasylabris atrata Punta Entinas 29th July 21
442. Dolerus germanicus Fondón 28th July 21
443. Eumenes mediterraneus Punta Entinas 1st August 21
444. Evania appendigaster Zaragoza 11th August 21
445. Formica subrufa Juslibol 30th May 21
446. Halictus scabiosae Zaragoza 21th June 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
447. Hylaeus variegatus Juslibol 30th May 21
448. Icteranthidium ferrugineum (LIFER) Parador de las Hortichuelas 25th July 21 and 4 more observations in Punta Entinas and Cabo de Gata
449. Iphiaulax impostor (LIFER) El Trebolar 26th July 21
450. Isodontia mexicana Vienna 14th September 21
451. Katamenes arbustorum El Trebolar 26th July 21
452. Leucospis brevicauda (LIFER) El Trebolar 26th July 21
453. Leucospis gigas Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
454. Lindenius ceballosi (LIFER) Bujaraloz 5th June 21
455. Megachile centuncularis Zaragoza 26th May 21 and 4 more observations in Zaragoza
456. Meria tripunctata Bayarcal 28th July 21
457. Messor barbarus Zaragoza 31th March 21 and 3 more observations in Zaragoza
458. Monomorium subopacum Punta Entinas 1st August 21
459. Nomioides minutissimus Juslibol 30th May 21 and 1 more observation in Bujaraloz
460. Osmia rufa Zaragoza 17th March 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza
461. Panurgus dentipes Juslibol 30th May 21
462. Parnopes grandior (LIFER) Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
463. Pheidole pallidula Zaragoza 26th June 21 and 1 more observation in Parador de las Hortichuelas
464. Philanthus triangulum El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 3 more observations in Bayarcal, Tabernas desert and Barcelona
465. Plagiolepis pygmaea Zaragoza 21th April 21 and 9 more observations in Zaragoza
466. Podalonia hirsuta Juslibol 30th May 21
467. Polistes biglumis Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
468. Polistes dominula Zaragoza 6th February 21 and 22 more observations in Zaragoza, Alcazaba, Aguadulce, Parador de las Hortichuelas, El Trebolar, Cabo de Gata, Punta Entinas, Vícar and Tabernas desert
469. Pompilus cinereus Punta Entinas 27th July 21
470. Rhodanthidium sticticum Zaragoza 16th May 21
471. Sceliphron caementarium Barcelona 8th September 21 and 1 more observation in Vienna
472. Sceliphron curvatum Zaragoza 15th October 21 and 6 more observations in Zaragoza and Puerto de La Ragua
473. Sceliphron destillatorium Juslibol 30th May 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza and Alcazaba
474. Sceliphron madraspatanum Tabernas desert 31th July 21
475. Sceliphron spirifex Tabernas desert 31th July 21 and 1 more observation in Barcelona
476. Scolia erythrocephala Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
477. Scolia hirta Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21 and 1 more observation in Vienna
478. Scolia hortorum Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
479. Sphecodes olivieri (LIFER) Cabo de Gata 29th July 21
480. Sterictiphora furcata Zaragoza 7th June 21
481. Tachysphex incertus Alcazaba 30th July 21
482. Tapinoma nigerrimum Zaragoza 10th February 21 and 55 more observations in Zaragoza
483. Tenthredo vespa Zaragoza 8th May 21
484. Tropidotilla littoralis Juslibol 30th May 21
485. Vespa crabro Vienna 14th September 21 ans 1 more observation in Vienna
486. Vespa velutina Barcelona 8th September 21
487. Vespula germanica Zaragoza 1st April 21 and 16 more observations in Zaragoza, El Trebolar, Tabernas desert, Barcelona, Vienna and Bratislava
488. Xylocopa violacea Zaragoza 11th February 21 and 32 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, El Trebolar, Puerto de La Ragua, Vícar, Barcelona and Banksá Štiavnica
489. Armadillidium vulgare Zaragoza 13th February 21 and 35 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Alcazaba and Vícar
490. Armadillo officinalis Juslibol 30th May 21 and 1 more observation in Bujaraloz
491. Halophiloscia hirsuta (LIFER) Punta Entinas 1st August 21
492. Porcellio hoffmannseggi (LIFER) Alcazaba 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Dalías
493. Porcellio ornatus El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 2 more observations in Vícar and Punta Entinas
494. Porcellio scaber Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 1 more observation in Puerto de La Ragua
495. Porcellionides pruinosus Zaragoza 10th February 21 and 19 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol and El Trebolar
496. Rhipicephalus sanguineus (LIFER) Zaragoza 12th April 21
497. Ommatoiulus ilicis (LIFER) Bayarcal 28th July 21
498. Ommatoiulus rutilans Zaragoza 15th February 21 and 41 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol and Bujaraloz
499. Acanthovalva inconspicuaria (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 3 more observations in Alcazaba and Dalías
500. Acontia lucida Zaragoza 29th May 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza
501. Aegle vespertinalis Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
502. Agriphila geniculea Zaragoza 31th August 21 and 7 more observations in Zaragoza
503. Alsophila aescularia (LIFER) Zaragoza 18th February 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
504. Alucita hexadactyla (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th July 21 and 1 more observation in Dalías
505. Ancylis sparulana (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
506. Aporodes floralis Parador de las Hortichuelas 25th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
507. Argynnis aglaja Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
508. Argynnis pandora Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
509. Argynnis paphia Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21 and 2 more observations in Banksá Štiavnica and Vienna
510. Aricia agestis Vienna 14th September 21
511. Aricia cramera Juslibol 30th May 21 and 1 more observation in Paterna del Río
512. Aspitates ochrearia Zaragoza 25th September 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
513. Athetis hospes Alcazaba 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Dalías
514. Autographa gamma Zaragoza 1st April 21 and 7 more observations in Juslibol and Zaragoza
515. Bostra obsoletalis (LIFER) Alcazaba 29th July 21
516. Brachodes nanetta Zaragoza 16th July 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
517. Brintesia circe Bayarcal 28th July 21 and 1 more observation in Banksá Štiavnica
518. Cacoecimorpha pronubana Zaragoza 27th April 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
519. Cacyreus marshalli Zaragoza 10th June 21 and 29 more observations in Zaragoza and El Trebolar
520. Camptogramma bilineata Fondón 28th July 21 and 3 more observations in Vienna, Banksá Štiavnica and Štrbské Pleso
521. Carcharodus alceae El Trebolar 26th July 21
522. Carcharodus lavatherae Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
523. Cardepia sociabilis (LIFER) Dalías 27th July 21
524. Casilda consecraria Cabo de Gata 29th July 21 and 2 more observations in Punta Entinas and Tabernas desert
525. Catocala nymphaea (LIFER) La Ragua 28th July 21
526. Celastrina argiolus Bayarcal 28th July 21 and 1 more observation in Fondón
527. Choreutis nemorana Zaragoza 6th June 21 and 7 more observations in Zaragoza and Bratislava
528. Chrysodeixis chalcites Zaragoza 24th March 21
529. Cinglis andalusiaria Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 2 more observations in Alcazaba
530. Colias crocea Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 3 more observations in Bayarcal, Fondón and Banksá Štiavnica
531. Colotis evagore (LIFER) El Trebolar 26th July 21
532. Compsoptera jourdanaria Zaragoza 8th October 21
533. Coscinia striata Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
534. Cyclophora puppillaria Zaragoza 27th October 21
535. Cydalima perspectalis (LIFER) Vienna 14th September 21
536. Cymbalophora pudica Vícar 30th July 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas (both larvae)
537. Dichomeris lamprostoma (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
538. Dolichartrhia bruguieralis (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
539. Dyscia penulataria Alcazaba 26th July 21
540. Dysgonia algira Alcazaba 26th July 21
541. Eilema caniola Zaragoza 8th June 21 and 4 more observations in Zaragoza and Alcazaba
542. Eilema uniola Juslibol 30th May 31
543. Emmelia trabealis Juslibol 30th May 21
544. Enolmis userai Zaragoza 29th May 21 and 3 more observations in Juslibol, Bujaraloz and Zaragoza
545. Epinotia thapsiana Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 2 more observations in Alcazaba
546. Esperia oliviella (LIFER) Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
547. Esperia sulphurella Zaragoza 1st June 21
548. Etheobalea dohrnii (LIFER) Alcazaba 26th July 21
549. Etmia bipunctella Dalías 27th July 21
550. Etiella zinckenella Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 2 more observations in Alcazaba
551. Eublemma ostrina Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 2 more observations in Alcazaba and Bayarcal
552. Eublemma parva Alcazaba 24th July 21
553. Eucrostes indigenata (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
554. Eudonia angustea Zaragoza 8th August 21
555. Eupithecia centaureata Zaragoza 13th April 21
556. Eupithecia ultimaria (LIFER) Zaragoza 20th April 21
557. Evergestis frumentalis Zaragoza 16th May 21
558. Fumea casta Zaragoza 27th April 21 (larva)
559. Gegenes nostrodamus Juslibol 30th May 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
560. Gonepteryx cleopatra Bayarcal 28th July 21
561. Gonepteryx rhamni Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
562. Grammodes stolida Zaragoza 2nd July 21
563. Gymnoscelis rufifasciata Zaragoza 19th May 21 and 4 more observations in Zaragoza and Alcazaba
564. Helicoverpa armigera Punta Entinas 1st August 21 and 4 more observations in Zaragoza and Banksá Štiavnica
565. Hellula undalis Punta Entinas 1st August 21
566. Hesperia comma Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
567. Hipparchia fidia El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Paterna del Río
568. Hipparchia semele Juslibol 30th May 21 and 1 more observation in Bujaraloz
569. Hipparchia statilinus Paterna del Río 28th July 21
570. Hydriris ornatalis Zaragoza 17th July 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
571. Hyles euphorbiae Zaragoza 1st October 21
572. Hypena lividalis Zaragoza 13th November 21
573. Hyponephele lycaon Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
574. Hypotia massilialis Bujaraloz 5th June 21
575. Idaea carvalhoi (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
576. Idaea incalcarata (LIFER) Alcazaba 26th July 21
577. Idaea infirmaria (LIFER) Alcazaba 30th July 21
578. Idaea ochrata Juslibol 30th May 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
579. Idaea sericeata Juslibol 30th May 21 and 2 more observations in Bujaraloz and Puerto de La Ragua
580. Inachis io Banksá Štiavnica 12th September 21
581. Iphiclides feisthamelii El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Tabernas desert
582. Iphiclides podalirius (LIFER) Banksá Štiavnica 12th September 21
583. Issoria lathonia Bayarcal 28th July 21
584. Itame vincularia Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 3 more observations in Alcazaba and Dalías
585. Kuchleria insignata Alcazaba 24th July 21
586. Lasiommata megera Zaragoza 26th June 21
587. Leptotes pirithous Bayarcal 28th July 21
588. Loxostege comptalis Bujaraloz 5th June 21
589. Loxostege sticticalis Zaragoza 30th August 21
590. Lycaena alciphron Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
591. Lycaena phlaeas El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 3 more observations in Paterna del Río, Puerto de La Ragua and Barcelona
592. Lymantria atlantica (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
593. Macdunnoughia confusa Zaragoza 10th July 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
594. Macroglossum stellatarum Zaragoza 7th April 21 and 10 more observations in Zaragoza, El Trebolar, Puerto de La Ragua, Bratislava and Banksá Štiavnica
595. Maniola jurtina El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 2 more observations in Puerto de La Ragua and Fondón
596. Melanargia lachesis Bayarcal 28th July 21
597. Mesoligia literosa (LIFER) Alcazba 26th July 21
598. Monopis crocipella (LIFER) Zaragoza 18th February 21
599. Mythimna prominens (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
600. Mythimna unipuncta Zaragoza 2nd October 21
601. Mythimna vitellina Zaragoza 6th June 21
602. Narraga nelvae Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 2 more observations in Alcazaba
603. Nemophora minimella Zaragoza 7th June 21
604. Noctua comes Zaragoza 2nd August 21
605. Noctua pronuba Zaragoza 7th June 21 and 1 more observation in Banksá Štiavnica
606. Nomophila noctuella Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
607. Odice jucunda (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 3 more observations in Aguadulce, Alcazaba and Dalías
608. Oegoconia deauratella Zaragoza 10th June 21
609. Oxybia transversella (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
610. Palpita vitrealis Alcazaba 24th July 21
611. Palumbina guerini (LIFER) Alcazaba 26th July 21
612. Papilio machaon Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 2 more observations in Alcazaba and Banksá Štiavnica
613. Paranthrene tabaniformis (LIFER) Fondon 28th July 21
614. Pararge aegeria Zaragoza 18th February 21 and 17 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Alcazana, Paterna del Río and Fondón
615. Parnassius apollo Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
616. Pempelia malacella (LIFER) Alcazaba 26th July 21
617. Peridroma saucia (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
618. Phaiogramma faustinata (LIFER) Alcazaba 26th July 21
619. Pieris brassicae Zaragoza 18th June 21 and 2 more observations in Puerto de La Ragua and Vienna
620. Pieris rapae Zaragoza 19th March 21 and 14 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol, Bujaraloz, El Trebolar, Puerto de La Ragua, Fondón, Vícar, Banksá Štiavnica and Vienna
621. Placodoma ragonoti (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 3 more observations in Alcazaba and Dalías
622. Platynota sultana (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
623. Plodia interpunctella Zaraoza 5th May 21 and 31 more observations in Zaragoza and Vienna
624. Plutella xylostella Zaragoza 1st April 21
625. Polygonia c-album Bayarcal 28th July 21 and 1 more observation in Fondón
626. Polyommatus icarus El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 4 more observations in Bayarcal, Fondón, Bratislava and Vienna
627. Pontia daplidice Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 4 more observations in Zaragoza, Puerto de La Ragua, Cabo de Gata and Tabernas desert
628. Pseudozarba bipartita (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 3 more observations in Alcazaba and Dalías
629. Pyralis farinalis Zaragoza 8th July 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
630. Pyrausta sanguinalis Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
631. Pyrgus carthami Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
632. Pyronia bathseba Juslibol 30th May 21
633. Pyronia cecilia Juslibol 30th May 21 and 4 more observations in Zaragoza and El Trebolar
634. Pyronia tithonus Bayarcal 28th July 21
635. Raparna conicephala Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
636. Rhodometra sacraria Alcazaba 26th July 21 and 6 more observations in Punta Entinas and Zaragoza
637. Rhoptria asperaria Alcazaba 24th July 21
638. Rhyacionia buoliana (LIFER) Bujaraloz 5th June 21
639. Satyrus actaea Bayarcal 28th July 21
640. Scopula imitaria Zaragoza 21th July 21
641. Scopula rufomixtaria (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
642. Scopula submutata (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
643. Scotopteryx chenopodiata Zaraoza 19th November 21
644. Spialia sertorius Bayarcal 28th July 21
645. Spodoptera exigua Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 2 more observations in Alcazaba
646. Spoladea recurvalis Parador de las Hortichuelas 25th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
647. Tarucus theophrastus (LIFER) Cabo de Gata 29th July 21
648. Tephrina murinaria Zaragoza 26th August 21
649. Tethidia plusiaria Alcazaba 26th July 21
650. Thaumetopoea pityocampa Alcazaba 26th July 21
651. Thymelicus acteon Zaragoza 16th May 21 and 3 more observations in Zaragoza and Juslibol
652. Tuta absoluta Dalías 27th July 21
653. Tyria jacobaeae Puerto de La Ragua 28th May 21 (larvae)
654. Tyta luctuosa Zaragoza 16th May 21
655. Udea ferrugalis Zaragoza 8th October 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza
656. Vanessa atalanta Zaragoza 27th March 21 and 7 more observations in Zaragoza, Neudorf and Vienna
657. Vanessa cardui Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
658. Zebeeba falsalis (LIFER) Alcazaba 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
659. Zygaena trifolii Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21



660. Echinolittorina punctata Alcazaba 26th July 21
661. Melanopsis lorcana (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 2 more observations in Alcazaba and Vícar
662. Potamopyrgus antipodarum Zaragoza 25th June 21
663. Theodoxus fluviatilis Zaragoza 25th June 21
664. Berotha glaserella (LIFER) Alcazaba 29th July 21
665. Bubopsis agrionoides (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
666. Chrysopa formosa Zaragoza 28th May 21
667. Chrysoperla carnea Juslibol 30th May 21 and 2 more observations in Alcazaba and El Trebolar
668. Creoleon lugdunensis Juslibol 30th May 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
669. Italochrysa stigmatica (LIFER) Vícar 30th July 21
670. Josandreva sazi (LIFER) Alcazaba 29th July 21
671. Lertha sofiae (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
672. Libelloides ictericus Bujaraloz 5th June 21
673. Libelloides longicornis Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
674. Macronemurus appendiculatus Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 6 more observations in El Trebolar, Alcazaba, Paterna del Río, Punta Entinas and Vícar
675. Mantispa styriaca El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Dalías
676. Megalomus pyraloides Alcazaba 24th July 21
677. Myrmeleon hyalinus Punta Entinas 27th July 21
678. Necrophylus arenarius (LIFER) Dalías 27th July 21
679. Pseudomallada genei (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 3 more observations in El Trebolar and Alcazaba
680. Pseudomallada subcubitalis Dalías 27th July 21
681. Pseudomallada venosa Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 2 more observations in Alcazaba
682. Suarius walsinghami (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 1 more observation in Dalías
683. Anax imperator Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 3 more observations in Aguadulce, Parador de las Hortichuelas and Puerto de La Ragua
684. Anax parthenope Alcazaba 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
685. Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis Fondón 28th July 21
686. Ceriagrion tenellum Punta Entinas 29th July 21
687. Cordulegaster boltonii Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
688. Crocothemis erythraea Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
689. Enallagma cyathigerum Bujaraloz 5th June 21
690. Ischnura graellsii Juslibol 30th May 21 and 2 more observations in Parador de las Hortichuelas and Punta Entinas
691. Ischnura pumilio Zaragoza 17th July 21
692. Lestes viridis Barcelona 8th September 21
693. Onychogomphus forcipatus Zaragoza 8th June 21
694. Orthetrum cancellatum Bujaraloz 5th June 21
695. Orthetrum chrysostigma Vícar 30th July 21
696. Orthetrum coerulescens La Ragua 28th July 21
697. Orthetrum trinacria (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th July 21 and 4 more observations in Punta Entinas and Cabo de Gata
698. Platycnemis latipes Zaragoza 17th July 21
699. Selysiothemis nigra Aguadulce 25th July 21 and 3 more observations in Parador de las Hortichuelas, Vícar and Punta Entinas
700. Sympecma fusca Punta Entinas 27th July 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
701. Sympetrum fonscolombii Bujaraloz 5th June 21 and 6 more observations in Aguadulce, Parador de las Hortichuelas, Tabernas desert and Zaragoza
702. Sympetrum striolatum Vienna 14th September 21
703. Trithemis annulata Aguadulce 25th July 21
704. Trithemis kirbyi Tabernas desert 31th July 21
705. Cosmobunus granarius (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th July 21 and 2 more observations in Alcazaba
706. Leiobunum rupestre (LIFER) Banksá Štiavnica 12th September 21
707. Odiellus duriusculus (LIFER) Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
708. Acrida ungarica Zaragoza 17th July 21
709. Acrotylus insubricus Juslibol 30th May 21 and 6 more observations in El Trebolar, Alcazaba, Punta Entinas, Paterna del Río and Cabo de Gata
710. Aiolopus strepens Fondón 28th July 21
711. Anacridium aegyptium Zaragoza 28th February 21 and 6 more observations in Zaragoza, Alcazaba and Tabernas desert
712. Arachnocephalus vestitus (LIFER) El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 2 more observations in Alcazaba and Punta Entinas
713. Brachycrotaphus tryxalicerus (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th July 21
714. Calliptamus barbarus Zaragoza 18th July 21 and 7 more observations in Aguadulce, El Trebolar, Punta Entinas, Paterna del Río, Cabo de Gata and Vícar
715. Calliptamus italicus Vienna 14th September 21
716. Chorthippus apicalis Bujaraloz 5th June 21
717. Chorthippus brunneus Bratislava 11th September 21 and 1 more observation in Banksá Štiavnica
718. Chorthippus parallelus Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
719. Conocephalus discolor Vienna 14th September 21
720. Dericorys carthagonovae Tabernas desert 31th July 21
721. Dociostaurus genei Alcazaba 24th July 21
722. Euchorthippus declivus Štrba 12th September 21
723. Euchorthippus pulvinatus Zaragoza 7th June 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza and Dalías
724. Gryllomorpha longicauda (LIFER) La Ragua 28th July 21
725. Gryllomorpha uclensis (LIFER) Zaragoza 5th November 21
726. Gryllus bimaculatus Zaragoza 3rd September 21 and 2 more observations in Zaragoza
727. Heteracris littoralis Aguadulce 25th July 21 and 5 more observations in Parador de las Hortichuelas, Punta Entinas and Tabernas desert
728. Myrmecophilus acervorum Zaragoza 15th May 21
729. Natula averni (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21
730. Odontura aspericauda (LIFER) Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
731. Oecanthus pellucens Paterna del Río 28th July 21
732. Oedipoda caerulescens El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 3 more observations in Bayarcal, Banksá Štiavnica and Vienna
733. Oedipoda fuscocincta Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
734. Omocestus panteli Puerto de La Ragua 28th July 21
735. Omocestus raymondi Zaragoza 16th May 21
736. Paracinema tricolor Zaragoza 25th June 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
737. Paratettix meridionalis Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
738. Petaloptila barrancoi (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th July 21
739. Pezotettix giornai El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Paterna del Río
740. Phaneroptera nana Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 5 more observations in Aguadulce, Alcazaba, Paterna del Río, Fondón and Punta Entinas
741. Platycleis tessellata Paterna del Río 28th July 21
742. Pterolepis spoliata (LIFER) Punta Entinas 27th July 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
743. Pyrgomorpha conica Juslibol 30th May 21 and 3 more observations in Alcazaba, Cabo de Gata and Punta Entinas
744. Ramburiella hispanica Aguadulce 25th July 21
745. Sphingonotus almeriensis (LIFER) Punta Entinas 27th July 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
746. Sphingonotus coerulans Juslibol 30th May 21 and 8 more observations in Aguadulce, El Trebolar, Alcazaba, Dalías, Vícar and Tabernas desert
747. Sphingonotus morini (LIFER) Punta Entinas 27th July 21 and 2 more observations in Cabo de Gata and Punta Entinas
748. Steropleurus andalusius (LIFER) El Trebolar 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Paterna del Río
749. Tartarogryllus burdigalensis Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
750. Tettigonia viridissima Banksá Štiavnica 12th September 21
751. Trigonidium cicindeloides Aguadulce 25th July 21
752. Tropidopola cylindrica Zaragoza 29th May 21
753. Truxalis nasuta Aguadulce 25th July 21 and 5 more observations in Alcazaba, Punta Entinas, Cabo de Gata and Tabernas desert
754. Cypridopsis vidua Zaragoza 27th April 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
755. Polydesmus angustus Zaragoza 10th February 21 and 4 more observations in Zaragoza
756. Dactylochelifer latreillei (LIFER) Punta Entinas 1st August 21
757. Ectopsocus briggsi Juslibol 30th May 21
758. Graphopsocus cruciatus Bratislava 11th September 21
759. Myopsocus eatoni (LIFER) Alcazaba 26th July 21 and 1 more observation in Alcazaba
760. Scolopendra cingulata Zaragoza 28th May 21 and 3 more observations in Juslibol, Bujaraloz and Zaragoza
761. Scolopendra oraniensis Alcazaba 24th July 21
762. Buthus occitanus Punta Entinas 1st August 21
763. Xenos vesparum El Trebolar 26th July 21
764. Arion rufus Vienna 14th September 21
765. Bielzia coerulans (LIFER) Štrbské Pleso 12th September 21
766. Caracollina lenticula Parador de las Hortichuelas 25th July 21 and 2 more observations in Vícar and Punta Entinas
767. Cepaea nemoralis Oravský Podzámok 13th September 21
768. Cernuella virgata Fondón 28th July 21
769. Cochlicella barbara Zaragoza 4th April 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
770. Cochlicella conoidea (LIFER) Punta Entinas 1st August 21
771. Cornu aspersum Zaragoza 19th March 21 and 45 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol and Vienna
772. Eobania vermiculata Zaragoza 14th April 21 and 22 more observations in Zaragoza and Juslibol
773. Ferussacia folliculus Punta Entinas 27th July 21
774. Granopupa granum (LIFER) Zaragoza 16th May 21 and 1 more observation in Vícar
775. Helicella stiparum (LIFER) Punta Entinas 1st August 21
776. Iberus gualtierianus Aguadulce 25th July 21 and 1 more observation in Parador de las Hortichuelas
777. Lehmannia valentiana Zaragoza 25th February 21 and 6 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol and Vícar
778. Limax maximus Vienna 18th September 21
779. Milax gagates Zaragoza 13th March 21 and 1 more observation in Barcelona
780. Otala lactea Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 2 more observations in Aguadulce and El Trebolar
781. Otala punctata Zaragoza 11th March 21 and 3 more observations in Zaragoza
782. Oxyloma elegans Zaragoza 25th June 21
783. Rumina decollata Zaragoza 4th March 21 and 20 more observations in Zaragoza and Juslibol
784. Sphincterochila candidissima Aguadulce 25th July 21
785. Theba pisana Zaragoza 29th May 21 and 1 more observation in Zaragoza
786. Theba subdentata (LIFER) Cabo de Gata 29th July 21 and 1 more observation in Punta Entinas
787. Trochoidea elegans Juslibol 30th May 21
788. Xerosecta adolfii (LIFER) Aguadulce 25th July 21 and 1 more observation in Vícar
789. Xerotricha conspurcata Zaragoza 10th February 21 and 9 more observations in Zaragoza, Juslibol and El Trebolar
790. Setodes argentipunctellus (LIFER) Alcazaba 24th July 21 and 2 more observations in Alcazaba
791. Cerastoderma glaucum (LIFER) Punta Entinas 1st August 21
792. Allacrotelsa kraepelini (LIFER) Aguadulce 27th July 21
793. Lepisma saccharina Zaragoza 19th May 21 and 2 more observations in Parador de las Hortichuelas and Zaragoza
794. Proatelurina pseudolepisma Zaragoza 16th May 21


Last week I got a lifer in City Creek Canyon but forgot to mention it, the gray-crowned rosy-finch.

Complete list (11 species):

Today along the Jordan River Parkway I got two lifers: lesser yellowlegs and merlin.

Complete list (37 species):


Birding today at the Great Salt Lake revealed one lifer (northern harrier) and a possible second (American tree sparrow). Plus a great-horned owl!

I also saw my first wild American bison. There were also a couple coyotes!


Got another lifer today, Harris's sparrow, a midwestern bird with rare winter vagrancy here in Utah! One has been hanging out at the Natural History Museum which is very close to my job. I looked for it last week or the week before but missed it. Today a co-worker and I went and we got it!


Today I went to a jumble sale place and by the way I saw some interesting birds including:
-First grey heron of the year
-First white storks of the year
-First tree sparrows of the year
-First blue tit of the year
-First blackcap of the year (a female)
-And the most interesting: a cormorant fishing and engulfing a fish almost larger than itself, it could be a young carp. I never saw this iconic scene until now, I wish I had my camera with me!


Yesterday I saw the first butterfly of the year in my urban environment. A red admiral sunbathing and either very tame or very weak.


Forgot to post recent birdings

January 22, at Decker Lake, including one lifer (common merganser):

January 22 along the Jordan River Parkway, including one lifer (cackling goose):

Today, good birding with 33 species, although no lifers:


there's been a rare bird alert for Salt Lake County, a Williamson's sapsucker has been hanging out in Salt Lake Cemetery (which is in my neighborhood). Swung by there yesterday and saw it!!! Saw a great-horned owl, too!