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Animal Log of your native fauna

Started by Advicot, November 03, 2019, 01:42:30 PM

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This is where we can keep a log what animals we have seen on a particular day, and share our discoveries with eachother.  :)

Today as I look out my window I can spy:
Domestic cat
Eurasian Jackdaws
Great tits
Homo Sapiens
Domestic dog
Common magpie
Collared dove
Carrion crow

Don't I take long uploading photos!

Héroe de Leyenda

No all today, but i have seen

mourning dove
common sparrow
mocking bird
domestic dove
blue jay
collar dove
unknown black bird
deer ( white tailed)
rattled snake
turtle dove
band-tailed pigeon


I've seen
Smooth otter
Unknown batfish
Clark's anemonefish
Estuarine crocodile
Malayan water monitor
Wild boar
Common snakehead
Long tail Macaque
Giant mudskipper

Introduced species
Red Eared slider
Common tilapia
Rock dove
Javan Mynah
Feral Cat
Feral dog
Common rat


Ask me any day since 2002. Most of them are empty but if a day contains a field trip then it will have a list. Field trips were almost every weekend from 2007 to 2018, except in winter. Since the start of pandemy I'm annotating exhaustively the wild animals seen everyday, which leads to many repetitions about the common ones (and I live in a city).


@Advicot Nice thread, I hope for lot of contributions :)

Here`s winter creeping in slowly, so naturally all goes to sleep, but I`ve seen a "last"
Podarcis muralis this week, aswell as a few Rana temporaria. Caught a
Mus musculus in the garage and three Rattus norvegicus in the garden, these all
were freed in the forest.
Today I`ve spotted some 55 Grus grus on their way to the South.

Quote from: JimoAi on November 05, 2020, 07:11:58 AM
I've seen
Smooth otter
Unknown batfish
Clark's anemonefish
Estuarine crocodile
Malayan water monitor
Wild boar
Common snakehead
Long tail Macaque
Giant mudskipper

Introduced species
Red Eared slider
Common tilapia
Rock dove
Javan Mynah
Feral Cat
Feral dog
Common rat

I sense someone`s living in Singapore or Indonesia.
Any chance of some flying lizards around your spot?
Unfortunately could not spot some last year...


I always forget about this thread. I assume this is intended to be what we see on a given day.

A couple days ago, November 3, while walking home from work, I saw a couple young mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) bucks and the ever-ubiquitous fox squirrel (Sciurus niger).

I'll try to be more diligent to add to this thread!


For me, 4 stick out

Cathartes aura

Actias luna

Sylvilagus floridanus

And some species of Opheodrys.


Today on my 9 mile run, I saw the aforementioned mule deer and fox squirrels again. But also, the black-billed magpie (Pica hudsonia), the most common (or at least conspicuous) anthropophilic bird in my area - @stargatedalek you'd like that :)


Quote from: Lanthanotus on November 05, 2020, 08:22:18 PM
@Advicot Nice thread, I hope for lot of contributions :)

Here`s winter creeping in slowly, so naturally all goes to sleep, but I`ve seen a "last"
Podarcis muralis this week, aswell as a few Rana temporaria. Caught a
Mus musculus in the garage and three Rattus norvegicus in the garden, these all
were freed in the forest.
Today I`ve spotted some 55 Grus grus on their way to the South.

Quote from: JimoAi on November 05, 2020, 07:11:58 AM
I've seen
Smooth otter
Unknown batfish
Clark's anemonefish
Estuarine crocodile
Malayan water monitor
Wild boar
Common snakehead
Long tail Macaque
Giant mudskipper

Introduced species
Red Eared slider
Common tilapia
Rock dove
Javan Mynah
Feral Cat
Feral dog
Common rat

I sense someone`s living in Singapore or Indonesia.
Any chance of some flying lizards around your spot?
Unfortunately could not spot some last year...
Yep from Singapore


Quote from: Lanthanotus on November 05, 2020, 08:22:18 PM
@Advicot Nice thread, I hope for lot of contributions :)

Here`s winter creeping in slowly, so naturally all goes to sleep, but I`ve seen a "last"
Podarcis muralis this week, aswell as a few Rana temporaria. Caught a
Mus musculus in the garage and three Rattus norvegicus in the garden, these all
were freed in the forest.
Today I`ve spotted some 55 Grus grus on their way to the South.

Quote from: JimoAi on November 05, 2020, 07:11:58 AM
I've seen
Smooth otter
Unknown batfish
Clark's anemonefish
Estuarine crocodile
Malayan water monitor
Wild boar
Common snakehead
Long tail Macaque
Giant mudskipper

Introduced species
Red Eared slider
Common tilapia
Rock dove
Javan Mynah
Feral Cat
Feral dog
Common rat

I sense someone`s living in Singapore or Indonesia.
Any chance of some flying lizards around your spot?
Unfortunately could not spot some last year...
No flying lizards. Don't have much time outside unfortunately but I did spot a very tiny skink outside my house like abt 4 or 5 cm long


I took a short walk into the woods near my house today. A brave or unobservant white-tailed buck with three-point antlers walked across my path almost close enough for me to touch. I also saw an eastern zigzag salamander, eastern gray squirrels, and the usual birds - American crows, northern cardinals, Carolina wrens, and lots of American robins (I'm far enough south that we have them year-round).

Not bad for the 'burbs!


I spent some time kayaking and fishing on Monday and Tuesday, I identified and observed...

Gray Squirrel
Pileated Woodpecker
Bald Eagle
Turkey Vulture
Wood Duck
Mallard Duck
Canada Goose
Great Blue Heron
Eastern Painted Turtle
Red-Bellied Turtle
Largemouth Bass
Chain Pickerel


Today I went to the Blackwater Wildlife Refuge and spotted the following...

Mole Cricket
Unidentified Grasshopper
Unidentified Killifish
Red-Backed Salamander
Great Blue Heron
Bald Eagle
Northern Harrier
Turkey Vulture
Double-Crested Cormorant
Canada Goose
Mallard Duck
Tundra Swan
Golden-Crowed Kinglet (a lifer for me)
Carolina Chickadee
Unidentified terns and gulls


@Gwangi - Jerusalem crickets don't live anywhere near you (unless they have been recently established). Do you mean a camel cricket?

P.S. nice bird list! I am slowly officially becoming a birder lol


Quote from: bmathison1972 on November 14, 2020, 11:48:02 PM
@Gwangi - Jerusalem crickets don't live anywhere near you (unless they have been recently established). Do you mean a camel cricket?

@bmathison1972 No, I didn't mean camel cricket. I actually meant mole cricket but for some reason thought Jerusalem cricket was another common name for them. I stand corrected! Thanks! We do have lots of the camel crickets around here too, especially on my back porch at night.


Quote from: Gwangi on November 14, 2020, 11:55:25 PM
Quote from: bmathison1972 on November 14, 2020, 11:48:02 PM
@Gwangi - Jerusalem crickets don't live anywhere near you (unless they have been recently established). Do you mean a camel cricket?

@bmathison1972 No, I didn't mean camel cricket. I actually meant mole cricket but for some reason thought Jerusalem cricket was another common name for them. I stand corrected! Thanks! We do have lots of the camel crickets around here too, especially on my back porch at night.

Ok, gotcha! Thanks. Could be a case of regional common names  ;D


Sitting on my couch watching the BBC America show about birds, Earthflight, I see mourning doves (Zenaida macroura) outside my window. Growing up in Phoenix, mourning doves were VERY common.

Heading to the gym soon and will be walking home; maybe I'll see something neat!


Walking home from the gym showed usual stuff:
California gull
Domestic pigeon
Black-billed magpie
Fox squirrel.


I was doing some work on an army base today. Lots of birds and not much else.

American Robin
Turkey Vulture
Red-tailed Hawk
Common Grackle
Mourning Dove
Blue Jay
Carolina Chickadee
American Crow
also pillbugs, various snails, ants, etc.

I also saw a beaver dam, but no beavers; rabbit fur, but no rabbits; coyote scat, but no coyotes; and an astonishing number of roadkill white-tailed deer on the way there and back.


Spotted a crow (Corvus corone) harassing a falcon (Falco tinnunculus)when I was out for buying some construction stuff,
also, spotted the first Eurasian Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) in my garden for this fall/winter. I hope it chooses one of
the nesting boxes in the garden.