The order Carnivora has had some interesting members over the millennia. From wolves to sabre-toothed cats, they have filled the world with variety, often being apex predators in their regions. They even lay claim to the oceans, becoming adept aquatic agents, capable of chasing and killing prey (hopefully without being caught by even more adapted predators, like sharks and whales). One of the largest of this latter group, the pinnipeds, is the walrus (Odobenus rosmarus), exceeded only by the elephant seals. These blubbery mammals are found in the icy regions of the worlds oceans, sucking up mollusks on the sea bed. They have been hunted for ivory, and have appeared in many parts of human culture (not always correctly, as the Horniman museum Walrus can attest). They have appeared in many toy lines, and here we see the example by AAA.
The pose is a calm one here, as if resting on a beach, looking out for danger. The figure measures 5″ long and 2.5″ high, making it a hefty lump, all things considered. Best not to let kids who have a habit of throwing things at siblings near this one.
The sculpting does bring out the natural wrinkles that walrus have, but it does fail in other areas, as the underneath is flat and unsculpted. The eyes are a tad odd too, bulging outwards in a bizarre manor. The tusks are quite short, which leads me to believe that this is a female, as they tend to have small tusks compared to the males. The connecting seam is also distractingly noticeable.
In the end, this is a nice, if flawed and outdated figure. I dare say there will be those who see a charm to it, but most collectors will probably overlook it for more modern, accurate and better made models. This is one for the toy box, and I dare say kids will love it.
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Seems like walrus reviews are becoming a December tradition around here.
well, it’s the season when a fat guy from the North Pole comes to town 😀
It is, which is what motivated me to review a walrus this time last year.
I should do a blog review of one of my Camponotus japonicus figures, so we’ll have a carpenter to compliment this walrus 😉