All Rostroraja Reviews

Backside of the Rays (Kitan Club)

3.8 (4 votes)

Review and images by JimoAi; edited by bmathison1972

Japan has produced many well made animal figures for both accurate and for comical situations, like animals at work or sleeping animals. In these scenarios, it’s usually land mammals that get these treatment, but occasionally reptiles, birds, and fish will join the roster.

Stingray (Animal Planet – Deep Sea Submarine Playset by Chap Mei)

4 (1 votes)
Amongst the many different species of batoids, attention will shift to the relatively obscure spotted ray (Raja montagui). The spotted ray, also known as the Homelyn ray, is a victim of a common name polyphyly as it’s actually a skate, which is a separate order from true rays.

Velez Skate (Animal Kaiser by Bandai)

5 (4 votes)

This post will be discussing an unusual figure from an unusual line–the line is the figures made by Bandai in conjunction with the game Animal Kaiser, and the animal is a Velez’ ray or Velez skate, Rostroraja velezi (Chirichigno, 1973). First off, ray or skate? Well, even Fishbase refers to it as a ‘ray’, but the genus Raja refers to the skates, which are a type of ray.

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