Walkaround of the Alaskan king crab, also known as the red king crab or Kamchatka crab, Paralithodes camtschaticus (Tilesius, 1815), by CollectA Sealife Collection, released in 2019. This figure is one of a couple firsts. It is the FIRST crustacean by CollectA. It is the FIRST arthropod by a Western company’s ‘Sealife’ line (not counting Incredible Creatures crustaceans by Safari LTD).
All Paralithodes camtschaticus Reviews
Crabs (Habitat Earth by Play Visions)
4 (4 votes)
Today is a review of the complete set of Crabs by Play Visions, Habitat Earth series (1996). Another in the taxonomically-diverse sets of animals released by Play Visions in the mid-late 1990s. I have made some taxonomic changes to a couple figures in this set since I first presented it on the ATF back in 2016, so it seems like a good time to introduce it to the Blog!