All Muskellunge Reviews

Northern Angler Collection (Toy Fish Factory)

4.3 (4 votes)

Recently I discussed the new Gulf Coast Collection from the Toy Fish Factory released. Now I’m taking the opportunity to discuss the other new set, the Northern Angler Collection.

The good news is that you can click that link and get all of the background you need on Toy Fish Factory.

Northwoods Fish set Part 2: Northern Pike, Muskellunge, Tiger Muskie (Replica Toy Fish)

4.8 (4 votes)

I’m back with the second half of the Northwoods set from Replica Toy Fish. I looked at the other three species here, and now I’ll look at the other three, also three popular sport fish in more northern areas of North America (one of which is naturally found more broadly). The species today are all in the family Esocidae, the pikes: the muskellunge Esox masquinongy, the northern pike Esox lucius, and the tiger muskie Esox masquinongy x lucius (a hybrid of the northern pike and muskellunge).

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