All Latimeria chalumnae Reviews

Coelacanth (Wild Safari Prehistoric World, by Safari Ltd)

4.9 (8 votes)

The coelacanth, Latimeria, is an iconic species of ‘living fossil’ and a text-book example of evolutionary stasis – an organism that has changed very little over millions of years. This is presumably why Safari Ltd picked this distinctive prehistoric-looking fish for their Wild Safari Prehistorics line, which is normally dedicated to prehistoric critters.

Cryptozoology Designer TOOB (Safari Ltd.)

4.8 (12 votes)

Review and images by Saarlooswolfhound; edited by bmathison1972

This article marks my first multiple model (Safari Ltd. TOOB) production! Presented here are 14 figures, 7 original pieces and 7 later re-released with updated paintwork. The Cryptozoology Designer TOOB by Safari Ltd. #677504 was originally released in 2013 with simplistic paintwork, then re-released a few years after retirement with much improved paint schemes for most of the figures.

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