All Globicephala macrorhynchus Reviews

Pilot Whale (Sealife by CollectA)

5 (4 votes)

Review and images by callmejoe3; edited by bmathison1972

When it comes to cetaceans, I generally find all mysticetes equally interesting, but I have strong preferences between different odontocetes. Outside of sperm whales and orcas, my next favorites are the members of the Globicephalinae subfamily of oceanic dolphins. This taxon contains all the species of dolphins referred to as ‘’blackfish’’, other than the killer whale.

Pilot Whale (Wild Safari Sealife by Safari Ltd.)

4.3 (12 votes)

Pilot whales are members of the Delphinidae family that get their name from the unproven belief that a single member of the pod leads the rest and that they’ll follow that individual even if it means certain death, which is supposed to explain why pilot whales strand en mass. Indeed, pilot whales are among the most likely cetacean species to become stranded.

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