All Channa Reviews

Northern Snakehead (Freshwater Fishes Book 2, first and second release by Yujin)

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4.4 (8 votes)

This figure is the Northern Snakehead, Channa argus , model 24 and figure 9 from the second series. These large, strictly freshwater predators are naturally found in the Korean Peninsula, China and Russia. Given the northern range, it is not surprising that they are cold tolerant, and have since been introduced to several other places including the US, Japan and parts of Europe (so far Canada has kept them out, but they are heading to the Great Lakes, so we’ll see how that goes) edit–at least no established populations since this was written.

River Monster Collection (Toy Fish Factory)

4.3 (3 votes)

Thalassophobia is defined as the fear of deep and vast bodies of water, and the unseen creatures that lurk in them. Even if you don’t suffer from this phobia, I dare any person to look out upon the surface of any large body of water and not wonder about what strange and potentially dangerous creatures lurk unseen under its surface.

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