Two-toed Sloth (Wild Safari Wildlife by Safari Ltd.)

4 (6 votes)

Review and photographs by Suspsy; edited by bmathison1972

The word “sloth” means slowness, laziness, indolence, or a habitual disinclination to exertion, and looking at the arboreal South American mammals called sloths, one might think that they fit their name to a tee. But while sloths are indeed slow-moving, they are not at all lazy.

Northern Angler Collection (Toy Fish Factory)

4.3 (4 votes)

Recently I discussed the new Gulf Coast Collection from the Toy Fish Factory released. Now I’m taking the opportunity to discuss the other new set, the Northern Angler Collection.

The good news is that you can click that link and get all of the background you need on Toy Fish Factory.

Jaguar (Wild Life by Schleich)

Name(s): , , Brand: Classification: , , Type: Range: ,

4.3 (8 votes)

Review and photographs by Suspsy; edited by bmathison1972

In Africa, the top land predator is the iconic lion. In Asia, it is the royal tiger. And in Central and South America, the tenacious jaguar (Panthera onca) reigns supreme at the top of the food chain.

Schleich’s most recent take on the jaguar came out in 2017.

Arctic Hare (Wild Safari North American Wildlife by Safari Ltd.)

5 (6 votes)

Normally I wouldn’t do back-to-back posts, but we had our first real snow this weekend, so I took advantage of the situation to snap up some pics of a figure that in real life would be at home in such an environment: the Arctic hare, Lepus arcticus. This figure was produced by Safari Ltd.

Turkey (Farm Time by CollectA)

Name(s): , , Brand: , Classification: , Type: Range:

4.6 (5 votes)

Today here in the United States it is Thanksgiving (it is celebrated on other days in other parts of the World)! And what better way to celebrate the holiday than a review of the turkey, Meleagris gallopavo. This figure was produced by CollectA in 2016 but is also distributed by Breyer in North America (as my figure was, hence both companies in the Categories).

American Bison, 2018 (Wild Safari North American Wildlife by Safari Ltd.)

3.7 (12 votes)

Review and photos by Suspsy; edited by bmathison1972

At one time, the American bison (Bison bison) might well have been the most numerous large land animal on the entire planet, with an estimated 60 million roaming the grasslands of North America. But thanks to a combination of overhunting, bovine disease contracted from cattle, and sheer slaughter as part of the US government’s campaign to subjugate the Plains Indians, only 541 bison remained by 1889.

Australian Shepherd (Farm Life by Schleich)

5 (4 votes)

Review and photos by pipsxlch; edited by bmathison1972

Today I’m reviewing the Schleich Australian Shepherd registered by Schleich in 2012 (retired in 2016). I believe this figure is meant to depict a female.

The Australian Shepherd is, despite the name, a herding breed of US origins. It is a conglomeration of various herding breeds/types found in the US and Canada in the early to mid 1900s, especially in the western half of the country.

Gulf Coast Collection (Toy Fish Factory)

5 (4 votes)

So, after a long hiatus (sorry about that) I have finally gotten myself writing again–and of course it’s fish! Recently the company Toy Fish Factory released two new sets, a Gulf Coast fishes and a Northern Angler set. 2 sets were released previously, the American Angler and River Monsters.

For those who are unaware, I will give a bit of background, and then I’ll discuss each figure in detail–they are all small, and generally wouldn’t warrant a full write up each.

Gray Whale (Monterey Bay Aquarium Collection by Safari Ltd.)

4.3 (3 votes)

The gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) is a baleen whale that’s the sole extant member of its genus and the family Eschrichtiidae. Two populations currently live in the north Pacific, one small Asian population and a much larger population along the western coast of North America. Gray whales are near shore species and are frequently sighted along California and the Baja Peninsula.

Black Wolf (Wild Safari North American Wildlife by Safari Ltd.)

4.3 (6 votes)

Review and photos by Suspsy; edited by bmathison1972

Melanism is a condition that causes an increased presence of dark pigmentation, such as when leopards and jaguars are born black or nearly black in colour. At some undetermined point in time after humans had bred the domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) into existence, some of those dogs ended up breeding with their ancestors, grey wolves (wild-type C.

Red-tailed Hawk (Wings of the World by Safari Ltd.)

4.9 (7 votes)

Review and photos by Suspsy; edited by bmathison1972

Some years ago, back when I was living in a condominium smack dab in the middle of downtown Ottawa, Ontario, I was walking home from the gym when I decided to take a shortcut through a parking garage. Lo and behold, I came across a large red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) in the midst of devouring a common rock pigeon!

Horned Lizard (Wild Animals by Papo)

4.3 (3 votes)

Review of the Texas horned lizard, Phrynosoma cornutum, by Papo, new for 2019 (just got it in the mail just today!). The figure is not marketed at the species level but is a good representation of P. cornutum (more on the morphology below). I was hesitant to buy this figure, mainly because I thought it would be too big compared to other small lizards in my Synoptic Collection.

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