Angelshark (Sealife by CollectA)

5 (16 votes)

It’s Shark Week again and can you believe it? This is the ATB’s fourth year of marking the occasion with toy shark reviews. This year CollectA has released two new and highly anticipated shark figures and it’s my pleasure to be sharing them both this week. To start things off we’re looking at a rather atypical shark, the angelshark, a much-needed addition to any shark collection.

European Mole (Garden Animals by Papo)

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5 (4 votes)

I like moles, so much so that their tunnels and molehills in my backyard don’t even bother me, it just makes me happy knowing that they’re there. But I’ve always preferred a biodiverse yard over a manicured one. Moles can actually be beneficial to lawns and gardens too, by aerating the soil and consuming garden pests like slugs.

Moose (Wild Life by Schleich)

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4.6 (14 votes)

The moose (Alces alces), also known as elk in Europe, is the world’s largest species of deer, and the second largest animal native to North America and Europe. It lives in temperate and subarctic climates around the Northern Hemisphere. Moose are popular as toys, and this makes selecting one for a synoptic collection somewhat of a challenge.

European Animals TOOB (Safari Ltd.)

4.3 (12 votes)

Europe is a continent consisting of the westernmost peninsulas of Eurasia. It is said to be separated from Asia by a variety of natural features including the Ural and Caucasus Mountains, Ural River, and the Caspian and Black seas, among others. Truthfully though, the boarders between Europe and Asia, geological or manmade, are arbitrary.

Great Grey Owl (Wings of the World by Safari Ltd.)

4 (34 votes)

The great grey owl (Strix nebulosa) is a symbol of the vast northern wilderness that it ranges across, where it inhabits coniferous forests of the taiga around the entire Northern Hemisphere. As such it has many provocative nicknames including Phantom of the North, Lapland owl, and spectral owl.

Red Squirrel (Wildlife by CollectA)

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4.8 (8 votes)

In keeping with the tradition that I started last year; I’ve decided to once again review an animal native to Ireland for St. Patrick’s Day. And I’ve had this one in mind for a while. It’s the CollectA 2011 red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) and I originally purchased it in August at my local county fair.

Galloway Cattle, Cow (Farm World by Schleich)

4.5 (12 votes)

Before we begin the review, I would like to extend my gratitude towards Happy Hen Toys for sending this figure along as a review sample. Happy Hen Toys is a U.S. distributor of figures by Safari Ltd, Papo, CollectA, Schleich, and other companies significant to our hobby. In the case of CollectA they’re often the only place that sells their products at a reasonable price within the United States.

Sow (Farm Life by CollectA)

5 (7 votes)

Today we’re looking at your classic pink pig (Sus scrofa domesticus), what must be one of the most common toy animals you can think of. But, and I hate to say it, this is some pig. And that’s the second Charlotte’s Web reference I’ve made in too short an amount of time.

Gray Wolf (Wild Animals by Papo)

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4.4 (5 votes)

Rounding out my spooky animal reviews for October it’s time to look at one of the many renditions of the gray wolf (Canis lupis), an animal whose history is intricately woven into our own like few other animals. For much of human history, the wolf would have been a competitor and potential predator of humans.

European Hedgehog (Wildlife by CollectA)

4.8 (5 votes)

The European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) also known as the common hedgehog ranges across much of Europe, from Iberia and Italy, north into Scandinavia and northwest Russia, and west into the British Isles. It is a beloved animal throughout its range and a welcome visitor to backyard gardens where it feeds nocturnally on worms, slugs, snails, caterpillars, beetles, and other invertebrates.

Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin (Wild Safari Sealife by Safari Ltd.)

5 (5 votes)

With its distinctive, sharply contrasting mix of gray, black, blue, white, and yellow coloration, the Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus) is one of the ocean’s most attractive species of dolphin. And yet, it is not terribly popular with toy manufacturers which tend to focus on the far more popular but somewhat bland bottlenose dolphin.

Hereford Cattle, Cow (Farm World by Schleich)

3.8 (8 votes)

The Hereford is a breed of cattle that originated in Herefordshire, England, in 1742. Originally used as a multi-purpose breed, Hereford cattle are now bred specifically for their meat. They can be easily identified by their mostly dark red body and white face. The Hereford is smaller than the similar Simmental cattle, and in general has less white spotting and tends to be darker red in color too.

Holstein Cattle, Cow (Farm World by Schleich)

4.8 (4 votes)

If you were told to close your eyes and picture a cow, chances are that the cow would be a Holstein. Holstein cattle are the classic black and white dairy cows, familiar the world over. Of the estimated 9 million dairy cattle in the United States alone, 90% of them are Holsteins or of Holstein decent.

Red Deer Stag (Wild Animals by Papo)

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4.2 (5 votes)

With today being St. Patrick’s Day, I thought it would be fun to look at an animal that hails from the Emerald Isle. I decided to go with the red deer (Cervus elaphus), Ireland’s only native deer and its largest native land mammal. The red deer ranges across much of Europe, into western Asia, and Northern Africa where it has the distinction of being Africa’s only deer species.

Fleckvieh Cattle, Bull (Farm World by Schleich)

3.5 (4 votes)

Growing up on a cattle farm there was one piece of advice I always heeded and never questioned, beware of the bull. While the cows were typically approachable and docile the bull was the polar opposite of that. A hulking, testosterone infused beast, the mere presence of the bull was intimidating enough to keep you at bay, no cautionary advice needed.

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