Sawfish (Sealife by CollectA)

5 (6 votes)

Review and images by JimoAi; edited by bmathison1972

What rivals the great white shark in terms of length, lives in saltwater, brackish, and freshwater conditions tn tropical and subtropical regions, and is seriously endangered? If you said the sawfish (Pristidae), you are correct. There are 5 species alive today, ranging from the smallest, the dwarf sawfish (Pristis clavata) at 318 cm to the largest, the largetooth sawfish (Pristis pristis) at 720 cm maximum (although nowadays most are smaller) and the subject of this review.

Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Marine Life by Papo)

5 (4 votes)

Review and images by JimoAi; edited by bmathison1972

Sea turtles are majestic animals. They have been on this planet since the Jurassic period and are still swimming our seas today. When other marine reptiles like the ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, and mosasaurs went extinct by the KT mass extinction, the oceans were left with just snakes, turtles, the marine iguana, and saltwater crocodiles.

Green Sea Turtle, 1996 (Wild Safari Sealife by Safari Ltd.)

1.5 (4 votes)
With the loss of the great Mesozoic marine reptiles such as ichthyosaurs, mosasaurs, and plesiosaurs, turtles remain the most popular reptilian taxa that are recognized for roaming the Earth’s oceans. Seven species currently exist, and among the most popular and longest-studied is the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas).

Great White Shark, 2018 (Sea Life by Schleich)

5 (9 votes)

Review and images by JimoAi; edited by bmathison1972

In the waters of New Zealand, Mia scans her surroundings. She sees a colony of New Zealand fur seals. She is the largest predatory shark, and although the tigers, bluntnose sixgills, great hammerheads, and sleeper sharks can reach similar lengths, they are outweighed by the great white (Carcharodon carcharias).

Ocean Sunfish (ANIA by Takara Tomy A.R.T.S.)

3.8 (4 votes)

Review and images by JimoAi; edited by bmathison1972

Evolution has created a lot of weird organisms and there is no place stranger to find them than in the oceans and seas: the five-eyed Opabinia, the recently described eagle shark Aquilolamna, the various deep sea life like the goblin shark and the telescope fish.

Bull Shark (Marine Life by Papo)

5 (6 votes)

Counted among “The Big 3”, the bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas) is considered one of the most dangerous sharks in the world, right alongside the great white and tiger shark. The frequency in which this species encounters humans is due to its preference for habitat that humans also enjoy, shallow warm coastal waters, estuaries, and bays.

Sand Tiger Shark (Wild Safari Sealife by Safari Ltd.)

4.5 (6 votes)

Review and images by JimoAi; edited by bmathison1972

Animals with misleading names are baffling and humorous at the same time. There is the great white shark, which is about 80% gray, the bearcat, which is neither a bear nor a cat, A red panda isn’t a panda, a horny toad isn’t a toad, the list goes on.

Killer Whale (AAA)

2.3 (3 votes)

The oceans are full of wonderous, graceful but also dangerous animals, though many of these reactions depend on what species you are. This review will look at one that, to us, is graceful, beautiful and intelligence, but to many fish and whales is a dangerous predator, the killer whale (Orcinus orca), or the orca.

Atlantic Wolffish (Wild Water Series by Yowie Group)

4 (2 votes)

Review and images by Lanthanotus; edited by bmathison1972

Today I want you to introduce to a really nasty looking fish, the Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus) or seawolf. Few people know this fish, although a lot have probably eaten it as part of those fish dishes that do not specify a certain species of fish, as the famous “fish and chips” on the British Islands for example.

Reef Squid (Incredible Creatures by Safari Ltd.)

4.8 (5 votes)

The reef squid, also known as the Caribbean reef squid (Sepioteuthis sepioidea) is a small member of the Loliginidae (pencil squid) family. At first, it might seem like a somewhat random addition to Safari’s Incredible Creatures line, just one out of over 300 squid species and with nothing particularly remarkable about it.

Whale Shark (Marine Life by Papo)

5 (10 votes)

Review and images by JimoAi; edited by bmathison1972

The carpet sharks (Orectolobiformes) includes some of the more interesting shark species in all shapes and sizes: cute bamboos, blinds, collared carpets, zebra sharks, the so called ‘walking shark’ (epualette shark), the sluggish nurse shark, the unpredictable and aggressive wobbegong, and the enormous whale shark (Rhincodon typus).

Killer Whale, adult and calf (ANIA by Takara Tomy A.R.T.S.)

4 (7 votes)

Review and images by JimoAi; edited by bmathison1972

Contrary to their common name, killer whales (Orcinus orca), also known as orcas, are a species of oceanic dolphin, although they can be considered whales as all dolphins are considered whales but not all whales are dolphins. They are the largest of all dolphins, reaching lengths of 500 cm to 960 cm with males getting to greater lengths than females and also sporting larger pectoral and dorsal fins, with some getting higher than 180 cm (that’s taller than I am!).

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