Today’s review concerns a toy that is very near and dear to me because it has been with me for nearly 30 years, and it is one of only a few childhood toys that I kept into adulthood. As such, the specimen in these accompanying pictures has a few city miles on it but that just shows the years of joy it has provided me.
Life Cycle of a Praying Mantis (Insect Lore)
Insect Lore is a company that primarily makes products for the observation and study of living insects (nets, rearing containers, magnifying glasses, ant farms, etc.). In the 2000s, they made life cycle sets of select insects. These were really nice sets that featured original sculpts, including a couple rarely-made species (mealworm beetle, American painted lady).
Komodo Dragon (Wild Animals by Papo)
Dragons! Huge, powerful reptiles, with mighty claws and a flaming breath! They are known throughout the world….. as fictional creatures. Nonetheless, the repute of these mythical monsters have been passed to a few giant reptiles of the real world, those whose power, size and ferocity earn it the reputation. The most famous, of course, is the Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis), a relictual species of monitor from a time when the world had many bigger monitors prowling around.
Komodo Dragon (Amphibians by Bullyland)
Review and images by Lanthanotus; edited by bmathison1972
Despite that the class of reptiles holds a much greater number of species than mammals (even if you do not count in the birds), the number of species represented in toy form is quite low comparatively, especially within the major toy brands. Lizards especially are not well represented, maybe due to their usually small size which makes figures vastly out of scale with other toy figures.
Japanese Giant Salamander (Sofubi Toy Box by Kaiyodo)
Eternal Lost Breeds, Extinct animal (Takara Tomy A.R.T.S.)
Despite the progress we have made as a species, there is one fact we cannot change: extinction is forever. As a result of our hubris, many spectacular species have been wiped from the face of the earth. Takara have created quite an exquisite set, showing a selection of the species that have been lost of the centuries, each with a stand stating scientific names and year of extinction.
Eurasian Eagle-owl (Wings of the World by Safari Ltd.)
Review and images by Suspsy; edited by bmathison1972
The Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo), or simply eagle owl, is one of the two biggest owl species (the other being Blakiston’s fish owl, B. blakistoni). A female, which like all owls, grows larger than the male, can achieve a wingspan of more than six feet and weigh 4.6 kg(10 lbs), close to the size of a golden eagle.
Japanese Firefly (Natural Monuments of Japan by Kaiyodo)
This is a modified version of the walk-around I did for the Animal Toy Forum.
Walk-around of what is probably my favorite figure, the Japanese firefly (also known as genji-botaru), Luciola cruciata Motschulsky, 1854 by Kaiyodo, No. 45 in the Natural Monuments of Japan line. The species has been made a couple times, including previously by Kaiyodo for their Choco Q Animatales line.
Japanese Giant Salamander (Natural Monuments of Japan by Kaiyodo)
Review and images by Lanthanothus; edited by bmathison1972
Through their long history, the group we accept as amphibians was, and still is, very diverse. Among the many fossils a great number of species grew to sizes that are hardly imaginable for us today. The extinct Prionosuchus grew up to 9 metres, longer than any know specimens of the recent crocodiles.
Tsuchinoko (Sofubi Toybox by Kaiyodo)
Review and images by stargatedalek; edited by bmathison1972
Editor’s Comment: We are posting this in appreciation of April Fool’s Day. However, please note that fantasy creatures in general will not be accepted for potential Blog reviews, except for fun occasions such as this or after Admin/Editor approval.
The Tsuchinoko is a small pit viper native to southern Japan.
Wild Boar (Wild Life by Schleich)
Review and images by Suspsy; edited by bmathison1972
The pugnacious wild boar (Sus scrofa) is the most widespread and numerous of the wild pigs, with a natural range spanning most of Europe and Asia. It’s also a destructive invasive species in the Americas and Australia, unfortunately. And just as the grey wolf gave rise to the domestic dog, the wild boar gave rise to the domestic pig, thus making it one of the more significant beasts in human history.
Snowy Owl (Wild Life by Schleich)
A couple days ago we had a random Spring snow storm, so I took advantage and snapped a few pics of a species that would normally be home in such a climate, the snowy owl, Bubo scandiacus. What is interesting, I posted the first review on the blog and that figure was Schleich’s tawny owl.