Although there are roughly 440 species of shark it’s the great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) that has most captured the human imagination and it makes sense, it’s one of a very small handful of sharks that preys upon large mammalian prey, our own species included, albeit rarely.
Type: Figurine
Green Iguana (Wild Safari Wildlife by Safari Ltd.)
Eurasian Eagle-owl (Wings of the World by Safari Ltd.)
Review and images by Suspsy; edited by bmathison1972
The Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo), or simply eagle owl, is one of the two biggest owl species (the other being Blakiston’s fish owl, B. blakistoni). A female, which like all owls, grows larger than the male, can achieve a wingspan of more than six feet and weigh 4.6 kg(10 lbs), close to the size of a golden eagle.
American Bald Eagle (Incredible Creatures by Safari Ltd.)
Another Incredible Creatures walk-around! This time it’s the huge IC American bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Linnaeus, 1766). One of the more rigid IC figures. Its total length is about 21.0 cm, making the scale approx. 1:4 – 1:5. I was very happy to get this one as part of the prize for a photo contest by Safari Ltd.
Japanese Firefly (Natural Monuments of Japan by Kaiyodo)
This is a modified version of the walk-around I did for the Animal Toy Forum.
Walk-around of what is probably my favorite figure, the Japanese firefly (also known as genji-botaru), Luciola cruciata Motschulsky, 1854 by Kaiyodo, No. 45 in the Natural Monuments of Japan line. The species has been made a couple times, including previously by Kaiyodo for their Choco Q Animatales line.
Japanese Giant Salamander (Natural Monuments of Japan by Kaiyodo)
Review and images by Lanthanothus; edited by bmathison1972
Through their long history, the group we accept as amphibians was, and still is, very diverse. Among the many fossils a great number of species grew to sizes that are hardly imaginable for us today. The extinct Prionosuchus grew up to 9 metres, longer than any know specimens of the recent crocodiles.
Kermode Bear (Wild Safari North American Wildlife by Safari Ltd.)
Review and images by Suspsy; edited by bmathison1972
In the lush coastal rainforests of British Columbia, Canada, lives the extremely rare Kermode, spirit, or ghost bear (Ursus americanus kermodei). It is a subspecies of the American black bear in which some individuals are born with creamy white fur due to a recessive gene.
Merino Ram (Farm Life by Papo)
So, today is my birthday. I was thinking of doing something special for my B-day, but I could not could not come up with anything creative. I started looking at the numerical date (4-2-1972) and applying it to my collection database (for example, the fourth tab, second clade, line 1972), but I could not find a logistical way to do it.
Tsuchinoko (Sofubi Toybox by Kaiyodo)
Review and images by stargatedalek; edited by bmathison1972
Editor’s Comment: We are posting this in appreciation of April Fool’s Day. However, please note that fantasy creatures in general will not be accepted for potential Blog reviews, except for fun occasions such as this or after Admin/Editor approval.
The Tsuchinoko is a small pit viper native to southern Japan.
Alpine Salamander (
Review and photos by Lanthanotus; edited by bmathison1972
Being new to the blog I decided to go with something very European… [editor’s note: Lanthanotus may be new to the Animal Toy Blog, but he is a regular reviewer for the Dinosaur Toy Blog]
The Alpine Salamander (Salamandra atra) is a livebearing, totally terrestrial species restricted to the Middle-European Alps and parts of the Dinarides.
Wild Boar (Wild Life by Schleich)
Review and images by Suspsy; edited by bmathison1972
The pugnacious wild boar (Sus scrofa) is the most widespread and numerous of the wild pigs, with a natural range spanning most of Europe and Asia. It’s also a destructive invasive species in the Americas and Australia, unfortunately. And just as the grey wolf gave rise to the domestic dog, the wild boar gave rise to the domestic pig, thus making it one of the more significant beasts in human history.
Snowy Owl (Wild Life by Schleich)
A couple days ago we had a random Spring snow storm, so I took advantage and snapped a few pics of a species that would normally be home in such a climate, the snowy owl, Bubo scandiacus. What is interesting, I posted the first review on the blog and that figure was Schleich’s tawny owl.