Classification: Rabbits, Hares & Pika

Rabbit Figurines Playset (Toymany)

5 (4 votes)

Before I start this review, I must once again thank @Toymany-kenc and all our friends at Toymany for the donation of these review samples for the Blog. I had a keen interest in purchasing this set, so I was very happy to be able to get one for review!

The domestic rabbit is descended from the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus).

Rabbit, 2017 (Farm World by Schleich)

4.2 (9 votes)

Hoppy Easter, everybody!

No animal better symbolizes Easter than the domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus) which was domesticated from the European rabbit (O. cuniculus) at least as early as 1 B.C. The origin of the rabbit in Easter mythology is not completely understood, but it is believed to have started with Germanic Lutherans as a Santa Claus-like figure who judged children as good or disobedient during Eastertide, and rewarded the good ones with colored eggs and candy.

Cryptozoology Designer TOOB (Safari Ltd.)

4.8 (12 votes)

Review and images by Saarlooswolfhound; edited by bmathison1972

This article marks my first multiple model (Safari Ltd. TOOB) production! Presented here are 14 figures, 7 original pieces and 7 later re-released with updated paintwork. The Cryptozoology Designer TOOB by Safari Ltd. #677504 was originally released in 2013 with simplistic paintwork, then re-released a few years after retirement with much improved paint schemes for most of the figures.

Jackrabbit, pair (Noah’s Pals by Caboodle! Toys LLC)

4 (2 votes)

Easter is here, and whether you see it as a time of worship or to gorge on chocolate, it is a great time of year, celebrating birth and rebirth. This time of year is often associated with fertility, hence the eggs and, of course, rabbits that are seen around this time on shop shelves.

Japanese Animals (Colorata)

4 (4 votes)

Well, here we are. I’ve reached a big milestone, my 50th review! I want to thank everyone who read, rated and commented on my reviews to this point. I also want to thank bmathison1972 for editing my work. For this milestone, I wanted to cover something well made and on the more expensive side, so I chose the Japanese Animals set by Colorata.

Arctic Hare (Wild Safari North American Wildlife by Safari Ltd.)

5 (6 votes)

Normally I wouldn’t do back-to-back posts, but we had our first real snow this weekend, so I took advantage of the situation to snap up some pics of a figure that in real life would be at home in such an environment: the Arctic hare, Lepus arcticus. This figure was produced by Safari Ltd.

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