Walk-around of the Safari Ltd. Wild Safari Wildlife (but also listed in the Safari Farm line) ostrich, Struthio camelus Linnaeus, 1758, originally released in 2010. Height is 88 mm but the figure is not standing fully upright and would be over 100 mm if it did. So the scale would be between approx.
Brand: Safari Ltd.
Pacific White-Sided Dolphin (Monterey Bay Aquarium Collection by Safari Ltd.)
While the more popular cetacean species exist in most parts of the world, there exist many that are confined to their own little corner of the ocean, such as the North Pacific white-sided dolphin (Sagmatias obliquidens). These dolphins exist across the entire span of the North Pacific.
Pangolin (Incredible Creatures by Safari Ltd.)
Review and images by Lanthanotus; edited by bmathison1972
In recent years, an uncommon and elusive animal reached quite a reputation, especially due to an increase of advertisement as “the most trafficked animal you didn`t know existed”. Although pangolins have existed in the form of toy animals at least since the early 80’s, and have quite impressive appearances in children’s animal books as by famous Rinaldo D.
Pilot Whale (Wild Safari Sealife by Safari Ltd.)
Pilot whales are members of the Delphinidae family that get their name from the unproven belief that a single member of the pod leads the rest and that they’ll follow that individual even if it means certain death, which is supposed to explain why pilot whales strand en mass. Indeed, pilot whales are among the most likely cetacean species to become stranded.
Piranha (Incredible Creatures by Safari Ltd.)
This is a walk-around of the 2014 Safari Ltd Incredible Creatures piranha, Pygocentrus sp. Total length (TL, i.e., including caudal fin) is 120 mm and standard length (SL, i.e., without caudal fin) is 107 mm. The figure shows characteristic traits of both the red piranha, Pygocentrus nattereri Kner, 1858 and San Francisco piranha, Pygocentrus piraya (Cuvier, 1819), e.g., the reddish eyes are more typical for P.
Polar Bear, 2009 (Wild Safari Sealife by Safari Ltd.)
Prairie Dogs (Incredible Creatures by Safari Ltd.)
The prairie dog of western North America is not only an icon of the American west but a keystone species as well. Prairie dogs are burrowers, and their extensive network of tunnels, chambers, and mounds known as “prairie dog towns” serve as important habitat for a host of species, including burrowing owls and the black-footed ferret that not only lives in prairie dog burrows but also preys on them.
Primates TOOB (Safari Ltd.)
Review of the 2019 Primates TOOB by Safari Ltd. I had bought this set early on when I started my Synoptic Collection, mainly for the marmoset and tamarins. I have since retained the bonobo and sifaka too, pending eventual release of standard-sized figures of these species. This TOOB is another example of Safari Ltd recently upping the game in their TOOB sets, with others being Whales (2018), Dolphins (2019), Great Lakes (2020), African Savannah (2020), and Pelagic Fishes (2019).
Pronghorn, buck (Wild Safari North American Wildlife by Safari Ltd.)
Parallel evolution has produced some interesting creatures. Antelopes in the “Old World” mix speed and antlers in order to keep themselves safe, and this combination can be seen in the pronghorns (Antilocapra americana). An impressive set of antlers is matched with an even more incredible land speed, keeping them safe from predators, ancient and modern.
Pygmy Hippopotamus (Wild Safari Wildlife by Safari Ltd.)
I wasn’t originally going to post a review this week but there was one last figure I wanted to cover before October began and creepy critters would dominate the blog. It’s the Safari Ltd. pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis) and the reason I wanted to cover it sooner than later is thanks to a certain baby pygmy hippo that has taken the internet by storm.
Rainbow Lorikeet (Wings of the World by Safari Ltd.)
Here is a walk-around of the small Safari Ltd Wings of the World 2016 rainbow lorikeet, Trichoglossus moluccanus (Gmelin, 1788); item No. 150229. Total length is approx. 74 mm (if the head and neck would be fully stretched out) so the scale is approx. 1:4. This popular parrot species from eastern Australia has a specialised tongue with elongated papillae (Trichoglossus means “hairy tongue”) which are needed for their mostly liquid or pulpous diet (fruit pulp, nectar, and pollen).
Razorback Sucker (Marsh Education by Safari Ltd.)
It is my great pleasure today to introduce my readers to one of my holy grail collectibles, the razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) by Safari Ltd. This figure is one of a set of 6 produced by Safari Ltd. for the Marsh & Associates Native Fish Lab, all of which represent endangered fishes native to Arizona, USA.