Brand: Safari Ltd.

Mandarin Duck (Wings of the World by Safari Ltd.)

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5 (4 votes)

Review and images by Takama; additional text by Jetoar and bmathison1972

Mandarin ducks (Aix galericulata) are my favorite ducks. So I am glad Safari Ltd. made one for their Wings of the World collection in 2008.

Mandarin ducks are native to East Asia and Japan, with feral populations established in Great Britain, Germany, and in North Carolina and California in the U.S.

Maned Wolf (Wild Safari Wildlife by Safari Ltd.)

5 (5 votes)

Review and images by Saarlooswolfhound; edited by bmathison1972

The Safari Ltd. maned wolf, listed as #100367, was released in 2021 and is currently in production. This model is included as part of the Wild Safari Wildlife Collection. The model itself measures to around 4 inches long and 3.5 inches tall (10.16 cm x 8.89 cm).

Manta Ray (Monterey Bay Aquarium Collection by Safari Ltd.)

4.7 (9 votes)

Review and images by JimoAi; edited by bmathison1972

Make no surprise there have already been multiple manta ray figures reviewed on this blog, with 3 from the big 4 already being tackled: CollectA, Papo, and Schleich. It is not surprising, as there is no shortage of manta ray figures, with a number of good and incredible figures in many different sizes: from tube-sized to standard-sized figures, across both the reef and oceanic mantas.

Marbled Salamander (Tennessee Aquarium Salamander Collection by Safari Ltd.)

5 (7 votes)

The next figure to discuss from the Safari Tennessee Aquarium is the marbled salamander, Ambystoma opacum, item number 210372. This is pretty much the smallest figure in the series, which is fitting as the marbled salamander is relatively small for it’s genus. Unlike the last few salamander figures we’ve looked at, this species is a member of the Ambystomatidae, the mole and giant salamanders; Ambystoma is the mole salamanders.

Matschie’s Tree-kangaroo (Wild Safari Wildlife by Safari Ltd.)

4.1 (11 votes)

Tree-kangaroos of the genus Dendrolagus are unique and fascinating animals in that they’re the only macropods adapted for an arboreal lifestyle. Indeed, while they move about awkwardly on land, they are quite agile in the trees. They possess a number of adaptations for living this lifestyle including broad hindfeet, long claws, dexterous hands, patches of rough skin on the hands and feet for gripping, and tails that are proportionally longer than those of their terrestrial counterparts, which allows for greater balance.

Megamouth Shark (Wild Safari Sealife by Safari Ltd.)

4.9 (10 votes)

Review and photos by Suspsy, edited by bmathison1972

Ichthyologists the world over were flabbergasted back in 1976 when a US warship hauled in its anchor only to discover a large and previously unknown species of shark entangled in the chain. Its enormous gaping mouth, lined only with tiny teeth, led it to be called the megamouth shark (Megachasma pelagios).

Minke Whale (Wild Safari Sealife by Safari Ltd.)

4.4 (5 votes)

The minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) belongs to the same genus as the world’s largest animal, the blue whale, but at 26-33’ (8-10.2 meters) is only a fraction of its giant cousin’s size. Indeed, the minke whale is the world’s smallest species of rorqual and the second smallest species of baleen whale (the pygmy right whale is the smallest).

Monarch Butterfly, caterpillar (Hidden Kingdom Smithsonian Insects by Safari Ltd.)

5 (4 votes)

In following the trends of Safari Ltd.’s Tennessee Aquarium Salamander, Monterey Bay Aquarium, and Marsh Education Fish collections, I am going to attempt to finish, or assist in finishing, Safari’s Hidden Kingdom Smithsonian Insects collection (the lubber grasshopper, black widow, and flea have already been reviewed). If I remember correctly, the figures were originally produced by Safari in the late 1990s alongside a traveling museum exhibit sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution that featured large animatronic insects.

Moon Bear (Wild Safari Wildlife by Safari Ltd.)

5 (9 votes)

The moon bear (Ursus thibetanus), also known as the Asian black bear, gets its name from the white or cream colored crescent shaped marking on its chest. They’re found in Asia, stretching in a narrow band from southeast Iran across central Asia, and into southeast Asia, including China, Taiwan, far east Russia, North and South Korea, and Japan.

Mountain Lion, 2023 (Wild Safari North American Wildlife by Safari Ltd.)

4.6 (16 votes)

Mountain lion, puma, cougar, panther, catamount. These are all names for the same animal, Puma concolor. But that’s not all of them. In total this cat has about 40 common names in the English language alone, with some more obscure ones including painter, wildcat, Mexican lion, deer lion, and ghost cat.

Narwhal (Monterey Bay Aquarium Collection by Safari Ltd.)

5 (3 votes)
For me, there are not many ”normal” whale species. Most either look normal until you learn more about them or openly advertise their weirdness like the narwhal (Monodon monoceros). The narwhal is the only extant member of its genus and its closest relative is the beluga (Delphinapterus leucas), both belonging to the Monodontidae family.

Nile Crocodile (Saltwater Crocodile) (Incredible Creatures by Safari Ltd.)

4.5 (16 votes)

One of the most powerful animals in the Animal Kingdom, having a bite force of over 3,000 psi and able to hold its breath underwater for over an hour, the crocodile is an impressive animal that is feared and yet even revered in some cultures, notably the Ancient Egyptians who worshipped them.

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