As strong winds swept across the steppe, vast herds of grazing animals can be seen dotting the landscape. It would be easy to mistake the scene as something out of Africa. After all, rhinos, elephants, big cats, and antelopes can be seen in the distance. But this is not Africa, the vast landscape stretching before us is the Eurasian steppe during the last ice age.
Brand: CollectA
Saola (Wildlife by CollectA)
Review and photos by OkapiBoy
Last time we explored the high Tibetan country and met one of its unique and charismatic inhabitant.Today, we travel down south of mainland Asia and head west towards the coast, leaving behind the harsh landscape.For my next review, I have decided to continue with the Asian theme and spotlight another animal from Asia.If you look at the map of mainland Asia, you will see a stretch of mountains that run north to south like a spine that divides the interior and the coast.
Sawfish (Sealife by CollectA)
Review and images by JimoAi; edited by bmathison1972
What rivals the great white shark in terms of length, lives in saltwater, brackish, and freshwater conditions tn tropical and subtropical regions, and is seriously endangered? If you said the sawfish (Pristidae), you are correct. There are 5 species alive today, ranging from the smallest, the dwarf sawfish (Pristis clavata) at 318 cm to the largest, the largetooth sawfish (Pristis pristis) at 720 cm maximum (although nowadays most are smaller) and the subject of this review.
Scalloped Hammerhead Shark (Sealife by CollectA)
Review and photos by Suspsy; edited by bmathison1972
Of the 350 or so extant species of shark, none are more distinctive and immediately recognizable than a hammerhead. But there are in fact nine recognized species of hammerhead, ranging from the adorable little bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo) to the massive great hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran).
Sea Lion (Sealife by CollectA)
Review and images by Sam; edited by bmathison1972
Sea lions are some of the most popular sea animals on the planet. Often confused with true seals (Phocidae), they are classified as eared seals (Otariidae). These playful creatures are known for their remarkable swimming behavior and their social behavior and loud vocalizations.
Secretary Bird (Wildlife by CollectA)
Review and images by MammothsProductions, edited by bmathison1972
Sagittarius serpentarius. To many, these words are an arbitrary phrase, without meaning or purpose. Yet, to avid birders and ornithologists, these two annunciations bring thoughts of regal wings gliding through the air, of the brilliant dance between the bird and the serpent.
Shoebill (Wildlife by CollectA)
Review and images by Lanthanotus; edited by bmathison1972
After the cassowary, I again want to introduce you to another bird figure, representing a most impressive animal, but nevertheless being mostly ignored by major toy brands. Toy Animal Wiki lists six different figures, five of them are made by Japanese brands and are probably produced from some brittle plastic and not designed to withstand a time as a toy.
Shortfin Mako Shark (Sealife by CollectA)
Review and images by JimoAi; edited by bmathison1972
In the world of lamniforms, the megalodon (Otodus megalodon) and the great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) are the ones people are the most familiar with, due to their large size and the public’s view on sharks as being ferocious predators.
Siberian Tiger, 2015 (Wildlife by CollectA)
Review and photographs by Suspsy; edited by bmathison1972
The tiger (Panthera tigris), with its magnificent orange coat and dark stripes, is the largest living cat, even larger the lion. And it is just as famous and revered in human society as its kingly relative, from its honoured status in Asian myth and art to memorable characters such as Shere Khan from The Jungle Book, Tigger from Winnie the Pooh, Hobbes from Calvin and Hobbes, Richard Parker from Life of Pi, and Tony the Tiger, mascot for Frosted Flakes cereal.
Small Tortoiseshell (Little Wonders by CollectA)
Having recently showcased CollectA’s small tortoiseshell butterfly (Aglais urticae) in my daily ‘Museum’ posts on the ATF, I thought it would be a good opportunity to review it for the Blog! I was contemplating just migrating over my forum walk-around, but I am not happy with those images, so I took new ones for a fresh review.
South African Penguin (Sealife by CollectA)
Alas, the South African Penguin (Spheniscus demersus), is unfortunately dubbed the ”Jackass Penguin” for its donkey-like sounds.
Southern Cassowary (Wildlife by CollectA)
Review and images by Lanthanotus; edited by bmathison1972
Only few species of the once varied and numerous group of ratites remain in our modern world. Amonge these, the cassowaries are a very impressive occurrence, they are the most colorful and the second heaviest. Three species are known, but the one shown here is basically the only known to people other than the most dedicated ornithologists, the southern cassowary, Casuarius casuarius.