Capybara, adult and babies (Wildlife by CollectA)

5 (7 votes)

When most think of rodents, they think of things like the infamous black rat and it’s fleas, the verminous plague bringers of the world. This is unfair on all fronts, including the idea of them being small, as some can get sizeable. The largest today is the capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), a relative of the Guinea pig and likewise found in South America, quite commonly too. They can reach 4 Ft 4″ long and 24″ high and are herbivores, eating grasses, reeds and other plants across multiple environments, as they are fast across ground and in the rivers of South America. These amazing animals have had a handful of figures over the years, and here we see CollectA’s additions to the species from 2012, with both an adult and babies. Let’s take a look!

Let’s start with the adult. As to be expected with CollectA, the sculpt and accuracy are excellent, perfectly capturing the look of the species, this one striding out in it’s pose, looking really good. It is a good size for a Capybara, not too large, but just big enough, measuring 3″ long and 1.5″ high. All round great.

Next to the little ones! A trio of babies, two standing and one sitting, all connected by a loose plastic base, a grassy plain. It’s not the thickest, so can be prone to warping and bending. As these are smaller figures, they aren’t as detailed as the adult and have some notable paint run from the bodies on to the base, but aren’t terrible. I’ve certainly seen worse. Naturally, it’s a small figure, each being 0.5″ high and the whole set measuring 2.5″ long, so easy to find space for.

I love Capybaras, and so I love these figures. CollectA did a phenomenal job with them. I would certainly put them high on the options for Capybara models, and certainly the cheapest and easiest to find, so a great choice from any angle. They are stocked by a lot of online sellers, and I find them very easy to recommend if you have an interest in the species. They will fill a happy spot in any collection or toy box.

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