This figure is the adult Chum Salmon, also known as Dog Salmon or Keta salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, number 05 from the first series. This trout is widespread throughout Pacific Asia and North America, ranging widely in the oceans and travelling far inland for breeding. The Chum salmon is a very deep bodied salmon species.
Author: sbell
All reviews by this author
Rainbow Trout (Freshwater Fish Pictorial Book, Series 1, revised by Yujin)
This figure is the Rainbow Trout, probably one of the most familiar North American game fish, Oncorhynchus mykiss, number 04 from the first series. This trout is widespread throughout North America, and parts of the Kamchatka peninsula; they are also introduced into many other places including, of course, Japan.
Cherry Salmon (Freshwater Fish Pictorial Book, Series 1, original release AND revised release by Yujin)
This figure is the Cherry Salmon (sakura masu in Japan, meaning cherry troug; the landlocked form is known as Yamame), Oncorhynchus masou masou, number 03 from the first series. This salmon is a widespread, anadromous subspecies found along the Pacific Coast in Japan and Korea. Not surprisingly, Cherry Salmon are fished commercially and as game fish.
Dolly Varden (Freshwater Fish Pictorial Book, Series 1, revised release by Yujin)
This figure is the Japanese Dolly Varden (also known as Miyabeiwana or Miyabe Char in Japan), Salvelinus malma miyabei, a Secret Figure from the first series revised release (so, the third release of series 1 for those keeping track). I believe it is numbered #17 in the set, although it is based on model #2.
White-spotted Char (Freshwater Fish Pictorial Book, Series 1, revised by Yujin)
This figure is the White-spotted Char (also known as iwana in Japan), Salvelinus leucomaensis, number 02 from the first series. This salmon and trout relative is a fish found in East Asia, and can be landlocked or ocean-running. As with many Japanese fish models (though not all) it is widely fished for.
Ayu (Freshwater Fish Pictorial Book, Series 1, revised by Yujin)
Author’s note: Back in 2015 I wrote a series of walkarounds depicting and describing the breadth of the Yujin Freshwater Series, AKA Yujin Primary Freshwater Fish Pictorial Book. At that time, each species was described in brief, each figure was described in brief, and a number of photos were included. Some were updated with variants as I found them in my hunts—or updated when I learned more about them!
Giant Freshwater Whipray (Freshwater Monsters Mini by Hellbender Museum)
It’s Flat Shark Friday! It’s Shark Week! It’s now Flat Shark Shark Week Friday! Okay, that’s as absurd as the model that I’m looking at today–and make no mistake, despite the size of the figure (and this being a ‘Toy’ blog…) this one is not for playing. Although I won’t judge, because it’s so great to handle.
Swellshark (Shark Bulk set by K&M International)
Okapi, 2022 (Wild Safari Wildlife by Safari Ltd.)
I was inspired by a recent purchase to look at a newer figure from Safari, probably the second most popular species of giraffe in toy form. I am of course speaking of Okapia johnstoni (Sclater, 1901). The information about this species has been covered in fantastic detail on previous reviews of figures of this animal, so doing so again would be unnecessary (for those details see the in depth review by OkapiBoy, I seriously have no way of adding on!)
I have been fortunate to see live okapis not once, but twice, in zoos.
ASSASSIN FANG Venomous Snakes (Takara Tomy A.R.T.S.)
I’m a little late to the Hallowe’en party this year…but better late than never. And in that spirit, here’s a set of animals that, if you mess with them, ‘late’ could be your proper adjective. Animals that as a group tend to create a visceral if generally unnecessary fear and loathing, even though most are harmless.
Cloudy Catshark (Aqua World Sharks 1 by For Corporation)
Back with another less familiar sharks for Animal Toy Blog Shark Week 2022! Well, a few days ago I introduced an odd little figure that went to the dog(shark)s so today lets balance it it out with a cat(shark). This one is a less familiar figure from a less familiar Japanese company…of a less familiar shark!
Lantern Shark (Wild Republic Rubber Balls by K&M International)
So, it’s Shark Week again and once more I rise up from my own thing to bring in a couple of unusual shark models. Because I can never just bring up a more familiar figure because that’s too easy! So I’m going to look at a tiny little figure that just happens to represent a pretty tiny shark!