Author: Gwangi

My name is Arthur but I go by Gwangi on the blogs and forums, as homage to the old dinosaur and monster movies I love so much. In addition to writing about and collecting toy animals (extinct and extant) I also share my home with a variety of living animals, mostly reptiles but a little bit of everything. I have a lifelong interest in all things pertaining to nature and natural history and most of my hobbies can be linked to those things in some way. I currently live in Maryland with my wife and daughter. In addition to writing on here I also write magazine articles, typically about local wildlife and aquarium fishes.

All reviews by this author

Apache Trout (Marsh Education by Safari Ltd.)

4.7 (6 votes)

During the last Ice Age most of Canada and the northern United States would have been covered in a sheet of ice while the American southwest would have been lush, wet, and cool. A far cry from the comparatively hot, dry, and parched land of the modern southwest. It was the warming climate at the end of the Ice Age that would alter much of the southwest but small islands of temperate climates and rich biodiversity are still present in high elevation mountain ranges and wetlands.

Colorado Pikeminnow (Marsh Education by Safari Ltd.)

5 (6 votes)

To the layman, minnow is a catchall term for any small fish, including the baby fish of larger species. But scientifically, a minnow is a specific kind of fish belonging to the families Cyprinidae and Leucisidae (which until recently was lumped together with the Cyprinidae family) and the size of the fish is not at all a factor.

Turkey (Mojö Woodland by Mojö Fun)

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4.5 (8 votes)

Thanks to the American holiday of Thanksgiving*, the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) is the most reviewed bird on the ATB** with (counting this one) five reviews in total. This one is my 3rd contribution, but I fear it is my last. My previous reviews covered turkeys produced in plush and ceramic, but I’ve finally acquired a plastic representative for my own collection and have no aspirations to acquire any more.

Sow (Farm Life by CollectA)

5 (7 votes)

Today we’re looking at your classic pink pig (Sus scrofa domesticus), what must be one of the most common toy animals you can think of. But, and I hate to say it, this is some pig. And that’s the second Charlotte’s Web reference I’ve made in too short an amount of time.

Gray Wolf (Wild Animals by Papo)

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4.5 (6 votes)

Rounding out my spooky animal reviews for October it’s time to look at one of the many renditions of the gray wolf (Canis lupis), an animal whose history is intricately woven into our own like few other animals. For much of human history, the wolf would have been a competitor and potential predator of humans.

Barn Owl (Wildlife by CollectA)

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3.8 (11 votes)

The barn owl (Tyto alba) is one of the most widely distributed birds in the world, and the most widely distributed owl species, living on every continent except Antarctica. As such, it features prominently in many different myths and legends around the world. Going by ominous names such as ghost owl, death owl, and demon owl you can get an idea of how the barn owl typically figures into local beliefs, making it the perfect animal to review this Halloween season.

Barn Spider (North Coast Creations)

4.3 (3 votes)

Today’s review is significant in a couple of ways. For one, it’s October, which means it is now spooky season on the blog. A time to focus our reviews on the creepy critters usually associated with Halloween. It also just so happens to be my 100th review. Coming up with a sentimental or special figure to review, that also ties in with our seasonal theme, seemed like such an impossible task that I almost gave up on it.

Coyote (Wild Safari North American Wildlife by Safari Ltd)

4.7 (11 votes)

It was an early spring evening in 1999, in central New York. I was doing what I did most evenings back then, sitting quietly on the bank of an active beaver pond with a VHS camcorder in hand, waiting for whatever wildlife might stroll by. Off in the distance I could hear a pack of coyotes (Canis latrans), a chorus of high-pitched barks and yips.

European Hedgehog (Wildlife by CollectA)

4.8 (6 votes)

The European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) also known as the common hedgehog ranges across much of Europe, from Iberia and Italy, north into Scandinavia and northwest Russia, and west into the British Isles. It is a beloved animal throughout its range and a welcome visitor to backyard gardens where it feeds nocturnally on worms, slugs, snails, caterpillars, beetles, and other invertebrates.

Atlantic Spotted Dolphin (Wild Safari Sealife by Safari Ltd.)

4.4 (7 votes)

The Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) is a member of the family Delphinidae that can be found in temperate and tropical waters throughout the Atlantic. Calves are born unspotted, and spots don’t appear until 3-4 years of age, on average. More spots appear as the dolphin ages and physically mature dolphins have the heaviest spotting, although the amount of spotting can still vary between individuals.

Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin (Wild Safari Sealife by Safari Ltd.)

5 (6 votes)

With its distinctive, sharply contrasting mix of gray, black, blue, white, and yellow coloration, the Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus) is one of the ocean’s most attractive species of dolphin. And yet, it is not terribly popular with toy manufacturers which tend to focus on the far more popular but somewhat bland bottlenose dolphin.

Blacktip Reef Shark (Marine Life by Papo)

4.8 (4 votes)

The blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus) is one of the most recognizable sharks, a staple in aquariums that frequents shallow coral reefs in the wild, which makes it popular among tourists and SCUBA divers. The blacktip reef shark is a generally timid species with only 11 unprovoked attacks and 21 attacks total to its name, none of them fatal.

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