Pinta Island Tortoise (Lonesome George, Grab-N-Go by REBOR)

5 (5 votes)

My gratitude goes to Happy Hen Toys for providing this review sample, as well as for their patience in my completing this review. Be sure to check out their website after reading to fetch some prize models of your own.

On June 24th, 2012, a treasured celebrity left the world – not an actor or artist, and not exactly a political figure, but an icon of conservation and national wildlife awareness. His name was Lonesome George, and he was the very last of his kind: a giant tortoise from Pinta Island. George was one of a subspecies of the Galapagos tortoises, classified as Chelonoidis niger, which are some of the largest reptiles on the planet today – and one of the most vulnerable. Native to seven of the Galapagos islands – of which the tortoises are actually the namesake – a total of 15 unique subspecies are known to science. Sadly, 13 of these are at risk of extinction, and for the remaining two subspecies, it’s already too late.

The Pinta Island subspecies, C. niger abingdoni, was first described by herpetologist Albert Günther in 1877. Their shells featured a raised “saddleback” appearance, as opposed to more domed shapes seen in other subspecies unique to different islands. Since their first discovery, the Galapagos tortoises struggled with environmental pressures from humans, including slaughter by sailors for meat during voyages, and competition for their own food with feral goats introduced to the islands. Only a few decades after their description, the Pinta Island subspecies in particular was considered all but extinct – until a single living specimen was found roaming the island in 1971. Named after the TV comedian George Gobel, Lonesome George was moved to a special research facility in Santa Cruz, where he could be studied and cared for in full safety for the rest of his life. Despite efforts to breed George with females of related tortoises, George never produced any successful offspring; after an estimated 100 years of life, Lonesome George died in his sleep, and the scientific community mourned his passing – a symbol of the fight for environmental conservation, and a warning of the threat facing all organisms if we don’t protect our precious world.

In November of 2018, the company REBOR announced a replica of Lonesome George for release under the brand’s Grab-N-Go line, which was dedicated to high-quality hollow figurines, as opposed to the heavier and more solid mainline models. Following a komodo dragon and several T. rex repaints, George was released in late 2023 as no. 06 in the line. Apart from protective plastic wrap, no special packaging comes with George, and as far as I can tell there’s no engraved company logo or copyright material on the figurine either. Only a circular tag tied to the neck (which is easily removed without any scissors) identifies the item by name, species, or brand.

Although Grab-N-Go figures are meant to be smaller and cheaper than standard REBOR models, this figure of Lonesome George is by no means “little”; I was actually a little taken aback by its size! Marketed at 1:6 scale, the Grab-N-Go tortoise measures about 28 cm (11 in) long from nose to shell, and 17.5 cm (16.5 in) tall from head to toe. It’s a figure with substantial presence wherever it’s placed for display, although thanks to its hollow nature the figure is extremely lightweight. While it’s marketed as an adult collectible, the figure is made of durable synthetic resin which I suspect can hold up to a lot of abuse if it needs to – not that I’m encouraging anyone to rough up this elegant model. Be nice to George, please!

Comparison with a more “standard”-sized Pinta Island Tortoise, by Collecta

REBOR’s reconstruction of Lonesome George appears closely modeled after the official taxidermy mount of the specimen, itself sculpted to replicate George’s stature stretched out to full height as he was often seen doing, for feeding or just curiously observing his world. Just as the taxidermy was carefully prepared to perfectly capture George’s likeness in life, the Grab-N-Go carefully reflects as much detail from the mount as possible. George’s legs lift his body high off the ground, feet almost symmetrical with each other. The neck is stretched at an angle of roughly 45 degrees, which looks a little less steep than the taxidermy. Distinctive wrinkles and stretch marks define the neck and shoulder region, expertly replicating George’s aged appearance. George’s skull featured a larger, sloped cranium than some species or other individuals; this trait is replicated visibly on the model, covered with large scales and cracked skin. George’s keratinized beak is also replicated with great attention to the grooved texture and irregular edges (the exact shape of his beak varies between references and likely was prone to changes based on growth and lifestyle).

The lower front limbs are thoroughly armored with rows of large scales and irregular overlapping scutes, like prehistoric pillars holding up a monument to ancient life. The hind limbs feature more skin than scales, but capture the semi-symmetrical grid pattern of folds and cracks which reflect George’s great age and growth. The feet are marked with five large toenails in front and four in back, swept inward and subtly varying in size and shape. Underneath one can find more scales armoring the soles of the feet, and bunched-up rolls of skin on the upper limbs in front of the shell. George’s little tail can be found gently curled to the right, cautiously protected underneath the ventral end of the carapace even as George raises his head in curiosity.

Looking over the shell, both the plastron and the carapace on the figure display the growth rings on each shell segment, which would have worn away with age on the real tortoise but are given a little extra attention on the model to emphasize presentation and convey the age of the original specimen. Ne can clearly see the saddle-shaped curve in the front of the shell, allowing great flexibility for George’s neck and forelimbs. The ventral end of the carapace, meanwhile, gently curves downward in a more protective manner. The front of the plastron also juts out slightly between the legs, almost like a tiny platform underneath George’s colossal form.

Galapagos tortoises don’t tend to be very colorful animals; George is depicted here mostly in faded washes of grey and brown. However, REBOR was careful to apply paint layers with nuance, giving George’s neck and shoulder region a subdued ruddy orange, with a faint yellow tint to his beak. The eyes are a simple glossy black, giving George a hint of brightness to his demeanor, with a more saturated grey highlighting his eyelids. The toenails are a similar grey hue, and each individual large scute on his forelimbs is neatly painted in a gradient outwards, emphasizing the sculpt work with grace. Finally, a dusty tan wash is applied to the shell and most of the body, bringing out every nuance of texture in the tortoise’s skin and growth rings. George isn’t a model that will exactly pop with color in display, but more patient admiration of the figure will prove rewarding.

Lonesome George is gone forever, like so many other remarkable creatures whose species were treated carelessly by humankind. His image remains, however, and helps to remind the public of wonders of wildlife, and the conservation efforts being made to protect them. REBOR has primarily built their brand on far older extinct reptiles, with a tendency towards pop-culture likenesses; yet the Grab-N-Go Pinta Island Tortoise, in its carefully-researched and majestic reconstruction, is in my opinion one of their greatest products to date. If you’re looking for a unique centerpiece item representing the delicate balance of life here and gone, Lonesome George will not disappoint. I give this model my highest recommendation.

My thanks goes out again to Happy Hen Toys for their generosity towards myself and other fellow reviewers here on the Toy Blogs. As of this writing, Lonesome George is still in stock on their website, so head on over there and go-’n-grab one of your own!

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Comments 1

  • Impressive. I knew it was big but it really dwarfs the CollectA model (although, I feel the CollectA model is a bit small, especially compared with other ‘standard-sized’ Galapagos tortoises).

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