Brand: Fujimi Mokei

Chinese Mantis (Living Things Series by Fujimi Mokei)

5 (2 votes)

Review and images by Isurus; edited by bmathison1972

This figure today is “Living Thing Series No. 23 Chinese Mantis” from Fujimi Mokei. This figure is marketed as the Japanese giant mantis, Tenodera aridifolia, but was painted as the Chinese mantis, T. sinensis, since the species occurs here in Korea.

Red Swamp Crayfish (Living Things Series by Fujimi Mokei)

4.7 (3 votes)

Today I am reviewing a model kit by Fujimi Mokei in their Living Things Series collection. The subject of the review is the red swamp crayfish (also called the Louisiana crayfish), Procambrus clarkii, which is No. 24 in the series. The kit was released earlier this year. Forum member Isurus reviewed another model kit in this series, the Chinese mantis, although that review featured a walkaround of the final, painted product whereas mine will take the reader on a step-by-step assembly process!

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