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KAIYODO 'Natural Monuments of Japan'

Started by postsaurischian, December 19, 2012, 10:23:09 PM

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Sorry for transferring and re-using a thread from DTF V.1, but I thought it would make sense here.
I admit: I am too lazy to take new pictures of all the figures (even though I know I could do better today) and prefer to copy & paste.
Sorry to the ones that have seen these before and get bored & Hello to the ones for whom this might be new and interesting.

A series of 50 different figures (+ 3 specials as far as I know) of species that are characteristic for Japan.

^-^  Natural Monuments of Japan - made by KAIYODO 2002 - 2003

These are small figurines, consisting of 1 - 5 parts that have to be put together, slightly larger than the average KAIYODO 'Animatales' figures.

Each figure came with a trading card and a book with lots of photos and information about the species.

Here are figures 1 - 10:

No.1  Felis (Prionailurus) iriomotensis - Iriomote Cat

No.2  Nipponia nippon - Japanese Crested Ibis

No.3  Pentalagus furnessi - Amami (Ryukyu) Rabbit

No.4  Ketupa blakistoni blakistoni - Blakiston's Fish-owl

No.5  Dugong dugon - Dugong

No.6  Lagopus mutus - Rock Ptarmigan

No.7  Capricornis crispus - Japanese Serow

No.8  Rhacophorus arboreus

No.9  Cheirotonus jambar - Yanbaru long-armed scarab beetle

No.10  Cambaroides japonicus - Zarigani


 :)  Figures 11 - 20:

No.11  Glirulus japonicus - Japanese Dormouse

No.12  Cistoclemmys flavomarginata - Chinese Box Turtle

No.13  Canis lupus familiaris - Domestic Dog 'Akita Inu'

No.14  Garrulus lidthi - Lidth's Jay

No.15  Cervus nippon - Sika Deer

No.16  Boninthemis insularis

No.17  Martes melampus tsuensis - Japanese Marten

No.18  Dryocopus martius - Black Woodpecker

No.19  Pteropus dasymallus - Ryukyu Flying Fox

No.20  Gallirallus okinawae - Okinawa Rail


 :)  Figures 21 - 30:

No.21  Macaca fuscata - Japanese Macaque

No.22  Ciconia boyciana - Oriental Stork

No.23  Equus caballus - Horse

No.24  Nyctereutes procyonoides - Raccoon Dog

No.25  Cygnus cygnus - Whooper Swan

No.26  Pagrus major - Red Sea Bream

No.27  Grus japonensis - Red-crowned Crane

No.28  Gallus gallus var. domesticus - Silver Phoenix Rooster

No.29  Aquila chrysaetos - Golden Eagle

No.30  Elaphe climacophora - Japanese Rat Snake


 ^-^  Figures 31 - 40:

No.31  Tanakia tanago - Tokyo Bitterling

No.32  Eumeces kishinouyei - Kishinoue's Giant Skink

No.33  Tokudaia osimensis - Ryukyu Spiny Rat

No.34  Tachypleus tridentatus - Asian Horseshoe Crab

No.35  Andrias japonicus - Japanese Giant Salamander     go here to see more pics

No.36  Grus monacha - Hooded Crane

No.37  Parnassius eversmanni - Eversmann's Parnassian

No.38  Caretta caretta - Loggerhead Sea Turtle

No.39  Diomedea albatrus - Short-tailed Albatross

No.40  Watasenia scintillans - Sparkling Enope Squid


 :D  and finally ... Figures 41 - 50:

No.41  Euterpnosia chibensis chibensis

No.42  Coenobita purpureus - Purple Land Hermit Crab

No.43  Shijimia moorei - Moore's Cupid

No.44  Apalopteron familiare - Bonin White-eye

No.45  Luciola cruciata - Japanese Aquatic Firefly

No.46  Haliaeetus pelagicus - Steller's Sea Eagle

No.47  Canis lupus familiaris - Domestic Dog 'Kai Inu'

No.48  Buergeria buergeri - Kajika Frog

No.49  Lutra lutra - Common Otter

No.50  Geoemyda japonica - Ryukyu Black-breasted Leaf Turtle


Ah, finally! :) I was hoping you'd bring this thread again over here. I remember how excited you were about getting the collection. It is an awesome set, the quality is generally better than the Animatales. Too bad I only have very few of them (hehe, most of them I've got from you). I believe a complete set is quite a rare sight out of Japan.


Amazing collection of figures. Kaiyodo is a wondeful company and they have done amazing figures of dinosaurs and animals, and this serie is incredible. Fishes have a lot details ane they are alive  ^-^.
My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


They are amazing! How lucky You are to have complete collection! :D I have few of these figures and absolutely adore them  ^-^


My girlfriend love the Steller sea eagle  ^-^.
My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


 :) Thanks for the comments.
                   Yes - I do consider me VERY lucky!


I love this series to bits, and I have a few of them myself too :3 Shame that you seem to be missing the honshu/hokkaido wolves...but they seem to be extremely rare anyway. I've only seen them...once in and they were rather expensive back then.
But still, the collection is impressive as it is. I'd die to get that eagle for myself...


Woah - thank you for putting this thread together: it's great seeing all the 'Natural Monuments of Japan' figures together.
And a very hearty congratulations for owning the whole collection! I am sure that there are many forum members who are envious of at least one of these models (myself included!  :-[ ).


 :) Thanks for the comment, Battatitan!

Quote from: Luupiha on January 03, 2013, 11:22:24 PM
Shame that you seem to be missing the honshu/hokkaido wolves...but they seem to be extremely rare anyway. I've only seen them...once in and they were rather expensive back then.

It only seemed so ;D, although I'm missing the third (white) colour scheme.
Here are the 2 other versions:

Canis lupus hodophilax - Honshū Wolf



Wow, that's probably one of the most beautiful wolf figures I've seen  8) And again, all this line by Kayiodo is absolutely AMAZING  :))


I agree Ana  :)) Very nice wolves. They also relly compliment each other, despite the similar poses. :D


Nice series and collection. I have a few, but it's great to see them all :)



Quote from: postsaurischian on January 04, 2013, 07:10:11 PM

:) Thanks for the comment, Battatitan!

Quote from: Luupiha on January 03, 2013, 11:22:24 PM
Shame that you seem to be missing the honshu/hokkaido wolves...but they seem to be extremely rare anyway. I've only seen them...once in and they were rather expensive back then.

It only seemed so ;D, although I'm missing the third (white) colour scheme.
Here are the 2 other versions:

Canis lupus hodophilax - Honshū Wolf


This wolf is my last wanted from this serie- congrats for you  :)


My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Incredible collection! I'm after the Raccoon Dog. Might anyone know of a source for them? I cannot find it in the US.