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Hey all

Started by Battatitan, December 16, 2012, 11:45:15 AM

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Hello everyone, once again
You probably know me from both DTF v1 and 2, but if you don't: I'm Battatitan, a collector of the extant and extinct and a keen diorama enthusiast.   ^-^
After lurking around for a week or so I couldn't resist to join the ATF any longer. I think it's a brilliant idea, and I can't wait to indulge in the discussions and posts.
I also have some extant dioramas that have been waiting to be uploaded for a while now, so I'll try and share them shortly. I can't wait for the ATF Diorama Contest and it's thrilling to know Safari Ltd have sponsored it  :D
I look forward to participating in yet another branch of the flourishing tree that is the collection of creature replicas.  :D


Welcome to ATF Battatitan! I wonder - did Battat ever produce any extant animal figures?


Hello again Battatitan and welcome friend  :).
My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Thank you everybody for such nice words  :D

Quote from: animaltoyforum on December 16, 2012, 12:00:56 PM
Welcome to ATF Battatitan! I wonder - did Battat ever produce any extant animal figures?

What an interesting thought.... Maybe? Perhaps we should persuade them to give it a try  :D


Welcome over here, Battatitan! :)
Oh, how dearly I'd like to have the ultra rare Battat Titan Beetle! :)) Unfortunately, it's so rare that it doesn't even exist :'( ;D


Quote from: brontodocus on December 17, 2012, 11:14:33 AM
Welcome over here, Battatitan! :)
Oh, how dearly I'd like to have the ultra rare Battat Titan Beetle! :)) Unfortunately, it's so rare that it doesn't even exist :'( ;D

Thank you  :)

Ahahahahaa now that sounds like a beetle and a half!  If, in an extraordinary twist of events, I ever discover one...... we'll all know who named it  ;D  ;)


You wouldn't even have to discover and describe one yourself, there's also BIOPAT - so for a donation of at least â,¬2600 you could have an entomologist describe a new species with a species epithet of your choice - e.g. battatitani! ;D



Quote from: brontodocus on December 17, 2012, 08:05:30 PM
You wouldn't even have to discover and describe one yourself, there's also BIOPAT - so for a donation of at least â,¬2600 you could have an entomologist describe a new species with a species epithet of your choice - e.g. battatitani! ;D

Hahaha wow, that's a really cool! Maybe I'll just go for it and splash out on a beetle named after myself.  ;)

And hey Himmapaan, great to see you over here!