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have you ever.

Started by Takama, May 03, 2013, 12:32:00 AM

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Long years ago I ate billtong (cured dry meat) from Great Kudu and ostrich.

Have you ever eaten wild plants? (knowing that they're edible species)


Yes,.... more or less on a regular basis (I spend a lot of time outside).
If I do not know the species I rule out the edibility by 1. an optical rule,... does it look edible?; 2. taste only the tiniest bit... if it tastes good, chances are it is edible,.... if it tastes bad, discard it; 3. wait some time (ideally one day) and observe if there`s anything strange happening.... numb feeling on the tongue, headache, pain... if nothing happens, taste a bigger portion. Calculated risk, but it helps if you have a general knowledge of plants - I do not do this with mushrooms!

But that leads naturally to the question.... have you ever been (unintentionally) been poisoned by eating a wild plant? 


Fortunately no.

Have you ever gone on safari?


Depends on how you define "safari".... if you mean a big game (photo) hunt in Africa, then no, but I`ve been on guided and self guided travels to spot wildlife of various size on sea and land.

Have you ever seen a comet?


Yes I have, I saw a meteor shower over my farm at around 10pm

Have you ever been attacked by a bird of prey?
Don't I take long uploading photos!


I cared for several bird of prey, and some of them hate humans. So yes. One harris's hawk that I was training attacked me from behind inside a free flight cage, and injured my neck with its claws. Others try often, but being in enclosures with me outside, or tied, they cannot hit me. I remember especially a couple of great horne owls, the male was not hostile but the female always tried to attack me every time I put the food in the feeder. Once she was able to give me a small scratch through the fence in the second that I was closer.

Have you ever drinked water directly from rivers/lakes?


Yes, quite often in fact. Only once had issues with it when I drank 1 or 2 litres off a German River during a very hot summer canoe tour.

Have you ever changed a tyre?



Have you ever rode on the back on an animal other than a horse?


A dromedary when child.

Have you ever grew carnivorous plants?


Yes, I kept a Venus flytrap on my kitchen windowsill for about 2 years.

Have you ever stolen something quite expensive?
Don't I take long uploading photos!


Never, and I woud never do. I considere this highly deprecative and I never would be a friend with somebody able to do. However years ago I've stolen a very cheap thing (a little cactus in a pot, in the garden center where I worked).

Have you ever felt that your life is empty?


Yes, I have. I suffer from depression and several other chronic health problems, but I'm in a better place now.

Have you ever seen a species in the wild that's classified as critically endangered?
Always looking for new species...


Technically yes, I have seen Scottish wildcats

Have you ever driven an expensive car?
Don't I take long uploading photos!


No, sadly not.

Have you ever been in a film?


There's youtube videos made by people I do not know where I can be seen (scenes from concerts) and I appear in one or two short news on public tv from the early 2000s accounting our work for independent youth centres, but I do not appear in any movie or feature film.

Have you ever had a motorized vehicle accident other than a car?


Quote from: Lanthanotus on July 28, 2020, 10:03:32 AM
There's youtube videos made by people I do not know where I can be seen (scenes from concerts) and I appear in one or two short news on public tv from the early 2000s accounting our work for independent youth centres, but I do not appear in any movie or feature film.

Have you ever had a motorized vehicle accident other than a car?

Yes, as a passanger on a motorcycle when I was a child.

Have you every published in the scientific literature?


Yes, though internationally only with an article on husbandry and bredding yet (my works on ecology and taxonomy are still work in progress) a whooping two citations or so :P

Have you ever planted a tree that still lives on?


100% yes I have grown over 100 trees over the course of my life to help battle the climate crisis, talking of trees I recently planted 7 cherry plums, 21 sycamores, 8 crimson king Norway maples, 2 Japanese maples, 1 rowan, 5 balsam poplars, 18 hazels and 6 ashes

Have you ever gone vegetarian, pescatarian or vegan?
Don't I take long uploading photos!


Quote from: Advicot on July 28, 2020, 05:40:50 PM
100% yes I have grown over 100 trees over the course of my life to help battle the climate crisis, talking of trees I recently planted 7 cherry plums, 21 sycamores, 8 crimson king Norway maples, 2 Japanese maples, 1 rowan, 5 balsam poplars, 18 hazels and 6 ashes

Have you ever gone vegetarian, pescatarian or vegan?

yes, vegetatarian usually for a month or so at a time. In fact, I am coming off 6 weeks of vegetarian. I usually do it early in the summer when my running ramps up. But then as my runs get longer, i feel I don't recover as well on a vegetarian diet so I incorporate meat again.

Speaking of running, have you ever run a marathon? I have run 7 (including 2 Ironman triathlons)


Woah....well, no...and I guess I never will.  Longest distance I ever ran was like 1.5 to 2 km.

Have you ever dived to the point of almost suffocating/drowning?