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have you ever.

Started by Takama, May 03, 2013, 12:32:00 AM

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No, I have not, I have never been diving

Have you ever rescued an animal from slaughter, or a shelter?
Don't I take long uploading photos!


No, not from slaugther. But I nurtured and raised several bird chicks, hedgehogs and other injured wildlife, but I also put several fatally injured ones to a fast death. We once got an Afrcian Hedgehog from a shelter, I guess it had a good life with us, at least it had lot of space to run and fed like a harvester :D

Have you ever photographed a potentially man-eating animal in the wild?


Yes, I have, I have photographed Grizzly Bears and Grey Wolves in Yellowstone, American Alligators in Texas, and Orcas off the coast of California.

Have you ever flown across an ocean?
Always looking for new species...


Quote from: endogenylove on August 07, 2020, 03:48:10 PM
Yes, I have, I have photographed Grizzly Bears and Grey Wolves in Yellowstone, American Alligators in Texas, and Orcas off the coast of California.

Have you ever flown across an ocean?

Yes! I have been to Europe, South America, and Africa (but I have only flown over the Atlantic Ocean)

Have you ever swam in the ocean?


Yes, Atlantic, Pacific and Indian, but only off the beaches, not pelagic.

Have you ever had a dream in which you were an animal?


Yes, I was a scarlet macaw which loved to ride on motorcycles

Have you ever climbed a tree higher than 50ft?
Don't I take long uploading photos!



Have you ever released an animal into the wild?


I remember to have caught certain species of assasin bug in my garden. It's an interesting species and I caught it for a friend specialized in heteropterans. Casually it was a gravid female and pit eggs inside the vial. I saved the eggs and some weeks later the nymphs hatched. I've released the nymphs in my garden.
I suppose that I did some other similar cases with insects, but I can't remember.

Have you ever regret for not catch an opportunity that you let pass in love-relationship?


Used to, but in a relationship, so happy now.

Have you ever had a hug from a non domesticated animal?


No, I don't think I have

Have you ever seen a tiger in the wild?
Don't I take long uploading photos!


Not, unless you count a tiger orbweaver spider :P I never have been into the area of distribution of tigers.

Have you ever handled or touched a tiger cub?



Have you ever made a cheetah purr?


Indirectly, kind of, but yes! I was in charge of enrichment for a litter of cheetah Cubs for a short while and I can say with certainty that they purred!

Have you ever touched or handled a sea turtle? (I have!)
Always looking for new species...


Sadly no. Not had much wildlife handling.

Have you ever been attacked by a deer?


Have you ever kept a difficult to keep species in your hobby, I'm talking about live animals. I kept a pair of Moorish idols that only last 12 hours for both


Quote from: JimoAi on March 28, 2021, 06:13:03 PM
Have you ever kept a difficult to keep species in your hobby, I'm talking about live animals. I kept a pair of Moorish idols that only last 12 hours for both

Yeah, chuckwallas (wild-caught). Let them go because I didn't have a large enough enclosure and they wouldn't eat.

Have you ever had a parasitic infection? (I'm a parasitologist, I had to ask lol)


Thankfully no.

Have you ever used acid to remove fossils from rocks?