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Halloween Animal Skeleton Decorations

Started by Nyrorosaurus, September 20, 2024, 11:49:15 PM

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Do any of y'all collect Halloween animal skeleton decorations? I've been mildly obsessed with them for the past few years. Most of them are hilariously and intentionally wrong (bone ears added to mammals to make them recognizable, invertebrates being given endoskeletons, etc.). But every once in a while, you run into some that are comparatively good anatomically. A few standouts for me are below.

Crazy Bonez alligator skull

Hyde & EEK! Penguin



Seasons frog

Crazy Bonez monkey

Spirit Halloween babirusa skull (marketed as a "Boar Skull")



These have to be the best examples I've seen! I would possibly buy any of these but the only one of those I've seen is the monkey and frog. We have pink lawn flamingos out during the summer so I would totally buy those flamingo skeletons.

I have a bunch of terrible plastic animal skeletons but only because my mother-in-law knows we like animals and Halloween and buys them for us. I actually don't like most of them but my kid does so they come out every year. The only ones I've bought for myself were a piranha and Jack-a-lope which were both decently accurate. With the Jack-a-lope it's a rabbit skeleton with antlers but it's a decent rabbit skeleton.

NSD Bashe

I have a light up Halloween decoration of an anglerfish skeleton


These are actually really well done, I would definitely buy any of them.

I don't have any currently as I don't live in a place with much front yard to share them in and they'd likely get stolen. But I would be open to them when I do find a place to put them.

This is the latest atrocity I have come across. Of course its a Walmart item.


Quote from: Saarlooswolfhound on September 21, 2024, 01:37:04 AMThis is the latest atrocity I have come across. Of course its a Walmart item.

Haha, I was wondering when someone was going to do an elephant one of these. Love the bone trunks


I've considered reviewing these on the blog.  :P


Do all skeleton figures count or ones specifically marketed for Halloween?