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Comparison of real animals and animal toys

Started by Kenc, May 31, 2024, 10:22:36 AM

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This thread I will post photos of our animal toys compared to real animals, with their names!
You can also post your favorite animals compared to the real ones :)  :) 


Antelope jackrabbit:

The antelope jackrabbit (Lepus alleni) is a species of North American hare found in southern Arizona and northwestern Mexico that occupies dry desert areas.The antelope jackrabbit is found in a variety of tropic and subtropic habitats. It can be found in grassy hills or plains,species is large, with long, pointed ears and distinctive fur coloration.


Giant panda:

The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), also known as the panda bear or simply panda, is a bear species endemic to China. It is characterised by its black-and-white coat and rotund body.The giant panda is found in only six mountainous regions in several provinces. It is also found at elevations up to 3,000 meters (9,800 feet) above sea level. Its diet consists almost entirely of bamboo, which makes the bear primarily herbivorous, despite being categorized as a carnivore.


White Bengal tigers:

The white tiger or bleached tiger is a leucistic pigmentation variant of the mainland Asian tiger.The white fur is caused by a lack of the pigment pheomelanin, which is found in Bengal tigers with orange color fur. When compared to Bengal tigers, the white Bengal tigers tend to grow faster and become heavier than the orange Bengal tiger.For a white Bengal tiger to be born, both parents must carry the unusual gene for white colouring, which only happens naturally about once in 10,000 births.lifeli10.jpg



The reindeer or caribou(Rangifer tarandus) is a species of deer with circumpolar distribution, native to Arctic, subarctic, tundra, boreal, and mountainous regions of Northern Europe, Siberia, and North America. It is the only representative of the genus Rangifer. Reindeer are the only successfully semi-domesticated deer on a large scale in the world.


These are interesting. I noticed you're attaching images but not inserting them into the posts, which is why they're appearing as small thumbnails to download. I have inserted the first image for you and took some screenshots of the process so you can follow the instructions and insert the rest of the images yourself by modifying the posts :)


What an interesting concept for a thread!

Here I leave some of my own photos of living species together with photos of some of my figurines, the result will be not as nice because my photos are not so good and not in the same posture than the figurines, but still I hope you enjoy!

Acherontia.jpgAcherontia atropos 2.jpg

Homemade death's head hawk moth

bairdii.jpgTapirus bairdii 2 (7-8-17 Zoo Wuppertal).jpg

CollectA's Baird's tapir with one at the Wuppertal zoo

Chrysolophus.jpgChrysolophus pictus 1.jpg

Homemade golden pheasant with one at Loro Park

Gulo.jpgGulo gulo 2.jpg

Schleich's wolverine with one at Tierpark Hellabrunn

Linckia.jpgLinckia laevigata (20-8-12 Tierpark Hellabrunn).JPG

Homemade Pacific blue starfish with alive one at Tierpark Hellabrunn

Some other day I will post more


I've been able to directly compare real animals to models in some of my blog reviews. They're all Safari Incredible Creatures, coincidently.

Blue crab

Atlantic horseshoe crab

Largemouth bass

Crested gecko

Chain kingsnake

American bullfrog


Incredible to be able to put the models together with the alive animals in the very same photo!!!!

antarctica.jpgPygoscelis antarctica 3 (24-3-15 Loro Parque).jpg

Safari LTD "Penguins TOOB" chinstrap penguin (customized), with a chinstrap penguin at Loro Park

zerda.jpgVulpes zerda 2 (31-7-21 Oasys Mini Hollywood).JPG

CollectA's fennec fox, and a fennec fox at the Oasys Mini Hollywood

Babyrousa.jpgBabyrousa babyrussa celebensis.jpg

CollectA's babirusa, with a babirusa at the Berlin zoo

Budorcas.jpgBudorcas taxicolor 2.jpg

CBIOV'S takin, and takin at the Berlin tierpark