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There will soon be no more Pandas in U.S.A's Zoos

Started by Animal Lover, October 09, 2023, 12:16:17 PM

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Animal Lover

"The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man."
-Charles Darwin

Sable Antelope

This is so upsetting! At least I have the memories of seeing them in DC and San Diego. 😥🐼

Animal Lover

"The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man."
-Charles Darwin

Animal Lover

"The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man."
-Charles Darwin


Saw this in the news too. Very unfortunate. I live about two hours away from the National Zoo and still haven't visited it, so I guess I missed out. Hopefully the zoo sees pandas again in the near future. Seems cruel to move these pandas away from the only home they've ever known for the past 23 years.


I don't think China is overly concerned about the animals' comfort level. Moreso depriving nations that are becoming more politically hostile toward them of exclusively Chinese resources, and becoming more insular in general. As a former zookeeper myself it breaks my heart.
I like turtles.


I had seen from other sources that apparently, the yearly tax (to China) for keeping the pandas was somewhere in the millions. Hopefully, that money can be better utulilized for those zoos with the pandas gone.

Edit: I'm willing to bet the same will eventually happen with (if any) dinosaur fossils they have touring the US (or elsewhere). I seem to remember the Sam Noble Museum in Oklahoma at one time had a touring exhibit of feathered dinosaur fossils from China (the exhibit was called "Chinasaurs"). That probably won't be happening anymore.
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