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Animal figures to get

Started by Sim, September 20, 2023, 07:29:08 PM

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Quote from: NSD Bashe on September 21, 2023, 04:27:57 AMI have the Safari albino alligator, which is a pretty fun oddity

It's always neat to see how sculpt details look on a completely different color palette. The scutes on the back look very nice in white, I think.

Just a minor quibble - the Safari white alligator, with its blue eyes, is leucistic, not albino.

Fun fact - there are two versions of this figure. The original had pink cheek flaps, the same color as the inside of the mouth. The current version has white cheek flaps.


Thanks very much for the photos @Saarlooswolfhound! :)  I find crocodilians beautiful, it was very nice seeing all those figures of them.  I wasn't aware of the size of some of those figures, it's very interesting to see what it is!  Some were different to what I expected.  I would consider the Papo alligator if it wasn't green.  The papo crocodile also seems to lack spots and just be one colour, so that one's out too.  It's unfortunate as their sculpts are excellent.

It's interestng to know about the Safari saltwater crocodile having characteristics of the Nile crocodile, but the two animals are similar enough that I'm okay with using the Safari figure as what it was intended to be.

Thanks for the info @Shane! :)


Happy to help! I also have the Safari figure Shane mentioned, mine is also the old version thats a dull green with brown spots/stripes. It missed the photoshoot though.

Goodluck with your decision! I agree that the perfect model doesn't exist yet; most them get the color so so wrong.

*I also have the leucistic gator. Leucism and albinism are NOT the same thing! So thank you for mentioning that Shane. I have the old version with pink cheek membranes*

NSD Bashe

oop, my mistake.  Thanks for the explanation   ;D


Southlands Replicas was slated to release an awesome Saltie before they folded. Fingers crossed it's another model rescued by Mojo Fun...


Quote from: Saarlooswolfhound on September 21, 2023, 04:26:24 PMGoodluck with your decision!
Thanks!  I've ordered the first extant animal figures ever for me, since the only ones I've had were when I was little!  I've selected four species for now, I intend to get more later.  I'm very much looking forward to having them! :)

Quote from: bmathison1972 on September 21, 2023, 05:26:31 PMSouthlands Replicas was slated to release an awesome Saltie before they folded. Fingers crossed it's another model rescued by Mojo Fun...
I saw pictures of a crocodile prototype by them, I guessed it was a saltwater crocodile and it looked amazing.  Maybe messaging Minizoo (since it's owned by the same person who worked for SR if I'm remembering right) or Mojo might give an answer to whether it will be coming?


Quote from: Sim on September 21, 2023, 06:03:40 PM
Quote from: Saarlooswolfhound on September 21, 2023, 04:26:24 PMGoodluck with your decision!
Thanks!  I've ordered the first extant animal figures ever for me, since the only ones I've had were when I was little!  I've selected four species for now, I intend to get more later.  I'm very much looking forward to having them! :)

Quote from: bmathison1972 on September 21, 2023, 05:26:31 PMSouthlands Replicas was slated to release an awesome Saltie before they folded. Fingers crossed it's another model rescued by Mojo Fun...
I saw pictures of a crocodile prototype by them, I guessed it was a saltwater crocodile and it looked amazing.  Maybe messaging Minizoo (since it's owned by the same person who worked for SR if I'm remembering right) or Mojo might give an answer to whether it will be coming?

SR folded their figure production, and sold their models to Mojo.
I seem to recall people asking at the time, and I don't think Mojo was interested in the Croc. Maybe because it wasn't finished?


Thanks for the info sbell!

I have a few other animals I'd be interested in peoples' opinion on:

Komodo dragon
First of all, I'm not interested in REBOR's as it's too big for me.  The Safari 2008 version looks nice, the CollectA looks interesting and Mojo has two that seem to be the same sculpt in two different colourations?  Both of Mojo's look good to me although the scales on their head seem too big?  I'm not a fan of Schleich's.  And Papo's looks bizarre to me, is it me or is its colouration quite inaccurate?  Also the pose of its forelimb that's being put forward looks unnatural?

CollectA's doesn't appeal to me and Schleich's don't look accurate to me.  The Safari and Mojo anacondas look top-tier to me.  The Safari seems to have more accurate colouration and a charming pose, but I prefer the pose and size of the Mojo version.  I can't decide which to get!


Komodos can actually be green but the Papo is perhaps a bit exaggerated. The CollectA has an odd posture that is deterring for some. I personally like Mojo's newest color version best. I can provide comparisons of these if you like.

I have the CollectA, Schleich, and Safari Anaconda (the IC?). I don't have the Mojo yet so I can't say there. Again, happy to provide comparisons if you like.


I think Mojo has the best sculpt for the size, even though the pose is a little 'static'. I also prefer the original paint.

Anaconda? No contest, Safari's recent IC version :)


Apparently I never got around to buying the newer Mojo paint komodo for myself... huh.

Anywho, this is what I do have of your newest inquiry. I hope they prove somewhat useful.

I did include the newer Bully just in case, though I know you didn't mention it. I have 2 Safaris; the darker one in the back is an OG paint scheme, the yellower one in front I *think* is the newer rerelease from recent years.

and a top view to show off color better (the natural light was poor this evening).

And 2 big ol snakes.

The IC especially draws admiration from anyone that has seen my figure of it.

Again, good luck in your selection. :D


What's interesting about the two anacondas there is that they have the same length of head, so even though Safari's is bulkier, one could argue they are the same scale!


The IC anaconda is another masterpiece from Safari and without compare. I wrote a review for it on the Animal Toy Blog. There are also a lot of Komodo dragon and alligator reviews on there, in case you didn't know.


Quote from: bmathison1972 on September 22, 2023, 11:46:44 AMWhat's interesting about the two anacondas there is that they have the same length of head, so even though Safari's is bulkier, one could argue they are the same scale!

One of them is clear well fed and the other is clearly not. ;) I love the IC and it thick coils.


Thanks everyone!  I was intending to only get one figure per species, but I think I'm going to get both the Safari and Mojo anaconda, they are both just so good!

The only realistic figure of this species that I've seen is the Papo?  But am I right in thinking it has one toe too many on each of its feet?

Boa constrictor
I thought the Safari version would be most suitable for me, but it seems to be a bit too big.  I'm drawn to Schleich's newer version, but it looks like the brown patterns are sculpted on and it doesn't look realistic due to sculpted differentiation?  It is quite small though so I wonder if it's not very noticeable in person?  Schleich also has an older version, but to me it looks like the front of the snout isn't accurate?


Gavial: yeah Papo is the only real option

Boa: I would suggest the Colorata model from the Reptiles box: https://toyanimalwiki.mywikis.wiki/wiki/Colorata_Boa_Constrictor. I am at work so I don't have it handy, but it's a good size


I never would have noticed the incorrect number of toes on the hind feet! But it is indeed the only real option for a gharial.

I agree with Blaine, there is not a really not a good boa candidate from a major brand currently. I would not suggest the Schleich as the dark pigmented patches are indeed recessed from the khaki areas. I can provide photos if you like but it seems that you are already aware of the issue.


Quote from: Saarlooswolfhound on September 22, 2023, 04:03:21 AMI have 2 Safaris; the darker one in the back is an OG paint scheme, the yellower one in front I *think* is the newer rerelease from recent years.

A word on Safari Komodos.

I believe the one in front with more yellow is the oldest version of this figure. The other one is the somewhat more recent version that was retired in 2018. It was replaced by a new SKU (same sculpt, different paint) 100263. It has a lighter muzzle, a darker base color, a light "ring" around the eyes, and a banded tail: https://toyanimalwiki.mywikis.wiki/wiki/Safari_100263_Komodo_Dragon

100263 is the one currently available from Safari: https://www.safariltd.com/products/komodo-dragon


Interesting. The one in back I know for sure is an original release model as I bought it something like 15+ years ago too. So the ome in front is also older, just MUCH more yellow than my childhood figure. Thank you Shane! I might have to get the rerelease now too as I didm't realize it was so different in paint. Thank you!


Thanks for the responses!

@Saarlooswolfhound also thank you for including the Bullyland Komodo dragon.  I hadn't been considering this brand, but now I can see they have good animal figures worth considering.  I would very much appreciate if you could provide a photo of the Schleich boa constrictor.  I'm finding it hard to resist it and it would be helpful to see what I'm considering more clearly.

@Shane, thanks for the info on the Safari Komodo dragon.  I just noticed it's a different sculpt to the Safari Incredible creatures Komodo dragon.