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Supposed Evidence of Goblin Shark in Mediterranean Turns Out to be Plastic Toy

Started by Shane, March 20, 2023, 12:48:48 PM

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Rarely does a bit of animal news cross over so perfectly with the toy community.

The supposed evidence of goblin sharks in the Mediterranean is almost certainly a plastic toy.



I do insect IDs on BugGuide and someone once posted a toy beetle in ID Request! It's even one I had at the time!

NSD Bashe

I think I have that rubber shark model somewhere, or a similar one


It does look to be a DeAgostini figure which are (I think) produced in Italy (at the very least marketed). I like the counter comments claiming it's an 'embryo'!  C:-)

NSD Bashe

The seam on its side seems like a dead giveaway...  I suppose it's possible someone stumbling onto it on the beach could theoretically think it was real but that would be a pretty tiny shark, and I feel like one would likely prod it just enough to easily realize it wasn't real.  But whether they posed it or it washed up by chance who knows...  at least it was on the amusing side as far as sharks in the news go


Quote from: NSD Bashe on March 20, 2023, 10:37:19 PMThe seam on its side seems like a dead giveaway...  I suppose it's possible someone stumbling onto it on the beach could theoretically think it was real but that would be a pretty tiny shark, and I feel like one would likely prod it just enough to easily realize it wasn't real.  But whether they posed it or it washed up by chance who knows...  at least it was on the amusing side as far as sharks in the news go

It's further complicated by the fact that the original publication claimed it was 80 cm long, but after the pushback, the authors then claimed that according to the "citizen scientist" who discovered it, it was 17 to 20 cm long. Which wouldn't even be long enough for it to be an "embryonic" goblin shark.


It is the DeAgostini Maxxi Edition. The distended jaw and the squared-off shape of the dorsal fin are diagnostic.
I like turtles.


Update: The original paper mentioning the goblin shark has been retracted.


However, while they issued a retraction, the authors still absurdly maintain that they believe the shark is authentic, they're just doing this because of the pressure.

Even though it is 100% a toy shark.

NSD Bashe

hmmm funny how a real dead goblin shark would happen to be so tiny and just happen to look exactly like one of a limited number of toys of the species, and even have a seam on its side

But nope, totally unreasonable to even question it, science never questions unusual claims at all does it...


Quote from: NSD Bashe on March 28, 2023, 06:41:21 PMhmmm funny how a real dead goblin shark would happen to be so tiny and just happen to look exactly like one of a limited number of toys of the species, and even have a seam on its side

But nope, totally unreasonable to even question it, science never questions unusual claims at all does it...

The way they're doubling down on the validity even despite their retraction seems like a surefire way to destroy their credibility.

I mean, you can tell that it's all one piece (including the mouth and teeth). You can tell the gills are not openings but are just sculpted on. And of course, the telltale seam.

It's a toy. Just say you made a mistake. They relied on a "citizen scientist" who only submitted apparently a single photograph, so I don't know why they're dying on this hill.