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Clown triggerfish (Incredible Creatures - Safari Ltd)

Started by AnimalToyForum, August 02, 2014, 06:37:16 PM

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Walk-around of the clown triggerfish from the 'Incredible Creatures' line by Safari Ltd. It is 13cm long, a nice size for a bath toy :) This was one of the prizes provided by Safari Ltd (via Brontodocus) for the diorama contest in 2013. I took photos before I sent it off to the winner.

Available from Amazon.com here.


a lovely piece, goes nicely with the queen triggerfish and other similar scaled marine life from the Incredible Creatures line


My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


I am an entomologist, and never been big into Ichthyology, but there is something inherently beautiful about fish figurines!  :))



Great figure Dr Admin, thanks :) I'm guessing from your pictures it stands and balances by itself?



Great figure like most IC figures. 8) And not too big, too (I know some collectors have problems with the Incredible Creatures line because some figures are so huge).